It is rare for a visual novel to blend humor, characterization, plot, artwork, gameplay, and (obviously) sex, as flawlessly as Caribdis did in Once in a Lifetime. It is rarer still to do it TWICE: as of this writing, Eternum is being kept out of the top 3 games by weighted ranking on F95 by none other than Pale Carnations and Once in a Lifetime. Cari's own game won't let him enter the top 3. Through some indescribable-and-wholly-unbelievable means, Caribdis has somehow managed to improve upon every one of the above aspects in his follow-up game. Every dial has been pushed to 11; all the engines were ready to go, and now they're almost ready to blow. It is somehow an improvement at every fundamental level.
I'll start with the lowlight. In my opinion, the weakest aspect of OiaLT was the lewd element: a few of the girls looked similar, with common body types, and the sex scenes were kind of lackluster. That was it; that was the literal one flaw I had with the game. And now, Cari has somehow blown that door wide open: Annie, Penelope, Nancy, Luna, Idriel, Alex, Nova, and Dalia are instantly some of the best HS2 models in an AVN right now. The girls are superbly well-designed, both in how they look and how they speak. Caribdis's dialogue once again shines as one of his great talents as a developer. The girls are engaging, their backstories are intriguing, and their looks are staggering. The only note I'd give here is for Cari to consider adding more dirty talk as he works on these scenes; I think it would be the real cherry on top and cement the lewd aspect as an element that is as strong as Eternum's other qualities.
The characters of Eternum grab the player from the very beginning. Not only because of the aforementioned incredible aesthetic, but the writing: the guys and gals spur immediate emotions in the reader. The cute Annie, the bullied Luna, the abused Alex... the reader is forced to quickly identify with these characters due to the charm of Cari's writing. Of course, empathizing with the characters is easier to do when dialogue keeps you laughing throughout, and Cari's timely jokes and references ensure the reader is thoroughly entertained. There will never be a dull moment, yet the game manages to thread the needle such that the humor and winks and nudges are not excessive.
However, Cari doesn't really need to rely on distractions like that to keep the reader hooked: his plot does that on its own. Eternum's story is prime ground for theorizing. The world-building has been extensive, and there's been more care put into lore than one would expect. There are mysteries abound, and Cari is committed to revealing answers in a satisfying and compelling way. One of the ways he does this is through gameplay. There is interactivity forced upon the reader by the quiz game in 0.1 and the haunted house in 0.2, which causes the player to become an active participant in the story. This immersion is ridiculously difficult to do, and even more difficult to do well. It's one of the great things about AVNs and gaming in general, and I have the feeling that Cari has been having (and will have) an absurdly good time developing sections like the haunted house.
Eternum, in my opinion, will indisputably be Caribdis’s best work. Its spot in the rankings is well-deserved, if not insufficient. It has checked as many boxes as one could hope for in a lewd VN, and it’s only on 0.2. There’s so much potential and so much to consider; the game is an absolute treasure. I cannot wait to see where Cari goes next with the game, and I am willing to bet several Eternals that he can’t wait to reveal what’s up next either.