(Sorry for my english its bad i know

How to Play this Game:
If you just want to fast fap by skipping everything then maybe youre wrong here.
This Click Novel Game is needed to be taken slow, read, understand, feel and move forward .
enjoy the journey .
And thats not wrong or right I think its perfect for today's fast living.
Here you can really go slow and steady and enjoy the Character development, Story, Tease, Love and more.
Quality instead of Quantity
(My Opinion)
This Game is a absolute Banger!
i played my life since i was 6 Games, read Books, and watched much TV.
Not even on any Visuel Novel Games, one of ALL Storys.
Thank you really for your Game. I loved every second of it even when i not fap on it, its so much connection going on.
It makes me Happy, Sad, makes me laugh, makes me want to be stronger and be better (yeah funny but i really mean all of it!)
Imporvement maybe:
Dont get me wrong i loved it but some facial expressions are missing and thats a little bit sad bc i think thats maybe a weakness and hard to make? I am not really a expert. but i love the tease and everytime i "click" i look at the text preferrably at the image first but not everytime but then I think
,,The facial expressions doesnt completly fit what's been said"
,,There is not much body movement going on (Gestures) that's perfect for the text"
but thats just my perfectionism thats unreachable i think.
Thank you for your hard work, for your time and your perfectionism & that you share this Story with us!
Thank you with my Heart <3 have a blessed life!
I wanted to Rate this Game with 5 Stars because you derserved it.
(some) Spoiler:
I really could imagine of parallel universes but maybe not so specific but still with magic elves etc.
I love all Characters they are so different but still realistic and just perfect.