Artwork is fantastic, not just model and prop quality, but all the lighting and post-processing is fantastic. It is extremely good.
Holy exposition! I know you have to cram in quite a bit as it is a sci-fi horror, but there has to be a better way than really awkward dialogue.
Thinking is traditionally shown by having the text body in brackets, people barely glance at the speaker's name on the text box. In this case, the convention aids the reader's comprehension, so please don't experiment with it.
Nox look like they're wearing latex, or a really tight bin(trash)bag.
Sex scene sucked. No animation, no visible creampie.
I know a lot about the world already, but nothing about the characters beyond the family relationship (I hope you plan incest or non-protagonist sex; because the sister's model is *french kiss* beautiful). This might just be a personal thing, but I prefer to know something about the characters before I get a lore dump because it gives me more opportunity to care.
Artwork is fantastic, not just model and prop quality, but all the lighting and post-processing is fantastic. It is extremely good.
Holy exposition! I know you have to cram in quite a bit as it is a sci-fi horror, but there has to be a better way than really awkward dialogue.
Thinking is traditionally shown by having the text body in brackets, people barely glance at the speaker's name on the text box. In this case, the convention aids the reader's comprehension, so please don't experiment with it.
Nox look like they're wearing latex, or a really tight bin(trash)bag.
Sex scene sucked. No animation, no visible creampie.
I know a lot about the world already, but nothing about the characters beyond the family relationship (I hope you plan incest or non-protagonist sex; because the sister's model is *french kiss* beautiful). This might just be a personal thing, but I prefer to know something about the characters before I get a lore dump because it gives me more opportunity to care.