As of EA v1.28fix:
Okay, I made it to end of the quest that's available. Haven't done any quests yet since I wanted to give some impressions on the systems so far any other bugs I noticed.
Starting with bugs:
- Once you meet the witch and can exit, clicking on the castle icon, and maybe anywhere else, I dunno... haven't tried it since I wanted to return to the castle. Instead of going to the castle, you end up in the forest again and the day passes when you click on the castle again after leaving.
Seems like, like the damage values on your first turn being wonky and the hunter's name not displaying properly, along with their lack of stats it looks like, variables themselves seem to not be displaying like they should or are getting mixed up.
Sorry if I'm not explaining this well but this is simply what I've noticed.
None of these are game crashing, yet, but are things I've noticed all the same.
As for impressions.
I like the added lore context and seeing names of countries I've heard before being fleshed out along with seeing just how isolated Evalia really is, flying island or not. It's honestly hard imagining Lizette politicking but, I shouldn't be surprised since she is the head priestess of the church.
Beatrix, the witch I chose, had a pretty cool personality and I liked how she messed with the Hunter... who is kind of an ass.
As for how we chose who actually showed up...
I liked it.
Short, sweet, and not immersion breaking.
As for the battle system?
...I didn't even know it could be done and look like that.
The foundation is shaky but the premise itself is solid.
I think it's a good thing you only have one party member with all these little bugs around but as for what's there?
It's a pretty nice way to earn some more income, that's for sure! I like a good grind and would love to see this system fleshed out and expanded into other areas of the game, like during patrols or something.
If nothing else, I can really start to see where you wanna take the game and, bugs aside, I'm TOTALLY onboard.
As for suggestions for the future?
Y'know how we have the tavern and plaza? Maybe add a quest board there
Maybe where faction X, like the church or merchants can request supplies that need farming or bandits/monsters that need slaying to gain a little rep with said faction?
I think that'd be a neat alternative to raise faction rep alongside court events.
It's the start of a new dev cycle, so you're bound to have a few hiccups.
But, having said that, what's there is very much full of potential!
It was short and sweet for the quest and battles, but yeah... more updates, more polish, more of that potential cna be seen, so keep on cooking!
I'm gonna do a few more quests later to see what they offer up along with seeing if any other bugs pop up!
A little long, but there was a lot I wanted to say.... sorry about that.