VN - Others - Completed - Evenicle 2 [v1.00] [AliceSoft]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    This game is a solid choice for those who do not view RPGM games as inherently boring or subpar. It offers a traditional RPGM experience while still providing unique elements that set it apart.

    The gameplay is reminiscent of classic RPGM. You spend much of your time exploring vast maps and engaging in countless encounters that can sometimes become monotonous. Although the rewards—such as more powerful spells—offer incentives, the repetitive grind might tempt some players to use cheat engines to skip past it.

    The narrative stands out as above average. Both the villains’ motivations and the main character’s involvement are well crafted, drawing you deeply into the story. The relationships between the lead characters evolve beautifully, and the game skillfully weaves their individual arcs into the overall plot. One potential downside is its heavy reliance on conventional content in scenes and character relationships.

    Visually, the game is very appealing. While anime-style graphics may not be to everyone’s taste, they consistently deliver an engaging experience, effectively visualizing both the environment and the unfolding situations. The sex scenes, although not animated or rendered in a variety of styles, remain enjoyable and well executed.

    Overall, I recommend this game to fans of the first game or its alternative versions. Moreover, it is a must-play for RPGM enthusiasts and anyone who appreciates a well-crafted story.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    Evenicle 2 = upgrade and downgrade.

    If you've played Evenicle 1 and you like it, you might don't feel the same as Evenicle 2, yet. you still can enjoy it.

    Story - 3/5 (Acceptable but not as good as Evenicle 1)

    The story is kinda... meh. Not memorable, Cliché, boring, but still funny and not much rape scene like Evenicle 1, so you still can enjoy it.
    The analogist is kinda... well, bad guy... that's all. Nothing interesting.

    Gameplay - 3/5 (More grind, More annoying)

    same as Evenicle 1 but they add some new mechanic like Hero Syndrome, and MP. You can heal others without using BP but when you finished the battle, your Hero syndrome will increase, which will give a disorder to the party except MC. Hero syndrome are funny to discover from start, but later it will become an annoying mechanic. UI is improve, but still look messy for me.

    The Harem - 4/5 (Improve Waifu, but also downgrade some)

    I'll reviews only main wives in party. Let's start with MC

    Alex = A pervert same as Aster. but more chill, have common sense and not an idiot. I like Alex, He's a pervert but not always thinking about sex like Aster do. he won't make a move if the girl don't play with him. But if you like Aster, you won't like him. why? cuz he's a normal dude with sex drive.

    Yuragi = Ramius but more manners. She's a tank like Ramius, but more kind, Humble, and funny. it's nice to have her around, but if you missed Ramius in Evenicle 1, well... sorry. this one still not her.

    Kano = A Normal Tsundere. She's stubborn, but sometimes she'll honest her feeling, and like to cuddle to Alex. You might like her, or feel indifferent. but at least I don't hate her as I did to Katherine in Evenicle 1.

    Patina = A Normal Loli. Not bad, but not as good as Gurigura. She's a loli with 8 years old personality, and her H-scene is kinda... too kinky.
    but if you don't like her, that's fine. you still can have her m o m.

    Charlotte = Sexy Nerd/Tomboy? If you like her personality at the first time. you might disappointed later. I won't spoiled it.

    She's chill, independent, and like to tease. her chemistry to the others in party is well done. She's my waifu in this game. and I which to have a girl like this in next game.

    Overall 3/5

    This game is still acceptable if you don't mind about the story.
    I understand this game focus on normie audience, some part is upgrade, some part is not. you might don't like this game if you love Evenicle 1.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    Evenicle 2 is such a letdown from the first one. Wheter its characters, bad guys or story, its all such a disappointment.Characters, Same characters repeated we get the noble, big boobs and the loli but somehow worse this time. Story, convoluted and annoying gameplay, Bad guys no setup, no threat, just disappointing.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    I'm a long fan of AliceSoft games, and a massive lover of evenicle series.

    Evenicle 2 takes a lot fromoriginal evenicle, and upgrades a lot.
    Biggest change from original evenicle is that "Disease" mechanic was added, which is supposed to prevent you from farming, but it the end it just ends up being annoying side-mechanic. NOTE: Disease play a good part of story in my honest opinion and add some fun to it, if you read their descriptions.
    For me, the evenicle 2 story was an upgrade from original evenicle.

    Now for the downsides.
    As many people mentioned, the MC, while still being a horndog just like Aster (1st game's MC), a lot of it's "wholesomness" was replaced with... guess what, horniness. While yes, he still can be wholesome from time to time... But keep in mind that literally first sentence MC says is "Let's have sex!".
    Another part is that, like in first evenicle, it's "*cucking*".
    By that I don't mean our girls getting fucked or anything.
    But potential harem member being stolen from us. Which happens atleast twice.
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    TL;DR The game is an upgrade do it's prequel in mechanics and story, but a downgrade in MC.
    All and all, I recommend playing this game.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    I've completed everything just so we're clear. still, let me explain the low score review.

    if you're here, then I will assume you've already completed evenicle 1. and perhaps even at least heard of Rance. you do know that Rance is an asshole and yet somehow everything is going in his way through many conveniences. that's not a problem in itself although it will boil down to personal taste. in evenicle 1, the characters felt like they're one note and almost not people, but at least the world-building was at least interesting.

    however in evenicle 2, you get all the negatives. first, this title as a whole felt like it was trying to attract a more normie audience, which in process alienates the hard-core fans. the mc is a "nice guy" almost to the point of simping. the only reason he isn't one is because he's too busy being horny to even simp. the rape scenes are way toned down compared to evenicle 1's colpis or ophelia scenes, and the characters are just as flat as evenicle 1 is. there's not much left to world-build on evenicle 2 as it's already done in 1. it is in all aspects skippable. I'd even say forget that this even existed.
    Likes: ZanyD
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game.

    Really really long and quite a strange story but fun nontheless. I liked the prequel a little more, but this was was great too.

    The only two things I didnt really like were:
    - The censorship
    Its done for legal reasons and its not too bad, but it would be better without.
    - A small number of unavoidable ntr-ish scenes
    compared to all the other scenes its not too bad, and some were necesarry for the story I guess, but they could have made them skippable or something.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    Another Evenicle game, mostly. If you liked the first game you'll probably like this. The art is on par with Eve1, and it's another harem of beautiful anime girls with (fairly generic) personality archetypes. It has inoffensive music, JRPG combat with a little grind, a little strategy & luck.

    The story is also interesting, but I'm giving the game a low review for a reason so let's get into it.

    There's an odd dichotomy between the Alicesoft series Rance & Evenicle. They take place in the same universe, similar humor, similar gameplay, but the difference is stark. Rance is an asshole, Evenicle protags are 'good guys.'

    I say 'good guys' instead of good guys because they're not really good guys. Evenicle MCs are coomer weirdos who happen to have deus ex machina powers & stumble upon a harem of girls who fall in love with them because it's convenient for an H game. The reasoning behind the girls' love, aside from superpower-related contrivances, is as thin as you'll see in any game.

    "Oh, you complimented my appearance!" *falls in love*
    "Oh, you're a doctor who treated me like a patient!" *falls in love*

    Et cetera. It's a cliché in these types of harem games, but it's grating nonetheless. It's impossible for me to relate to the MC or care about his relationships because the fact that they're contrived for your convenience is so in-your-face that I can't not see it.

    So why do I like Rance and not this? Because Rance is an asshole, and he's treated like an asshole by his 'harem.' Sure, a few of the girls fall in love with him, but just as many hate his guts. A few use him for their convenience, a few reluctantly like his blunt, aggressive nature, a few just go along without caring & resign themselves to the insatiable lust demon.

    Rance just is what it is--not there for your convenience, not overtly contrived, not bent-over backward to accommodate your desire to have a no-effort harem of girls who love you for no real reason except sales to a particular demographic.

    Rance is genuine. That's the difference.

    Still, I did mostly enjoy Evenicle 1, and this game has some merits. My main issue is that it simply feels like a copy of E1, but a little worse, and I'm exhausted with these types of games.

    I mentioned the JRPG aspects, but the addition of the Disease/Medica mechanic is thin and boring. Fight a few battles, girl gets a disease. The symptoms might give you a chuckle, then go on a fetch quest for X item to cure it. Adding a tedious loop of fetch quests to an already repetitive game format does no favors for the pacing.

    I did say it has an interesting story, but the rest of the game actually works against itself in this regard. I do want to know what happens, but I don't want to read thousands of lines of dialogue attempting to give the characters a personality they simply don't have because they exist to please people who want a mindless harem of diverse waifus.

    Speaking of the waifu thing, the game insists on reminding you at every turn that you are in fact married to the girls, and they are in fact married to you. But marriage in Evenicle is totally different to our world--it simply means you had sex with someone. So attempting to force 'relatable' married couple situations, into a world where it doesn't mean what it does here, only further emphasizes the fact that this is fake & staged for the person playing the game.

    Which I personally find insufferable. Also Platina's voice. You're not a child so please stop trying to sound like one (VA), or give me options to mute individual girls like some VNs have.

    So I'm being a bit harsh, but I think I've made my case by now for why I simply can't enjoy the game, despite its merits. I find myself not wanting to read the dialogue, even though I want to know what's happening in the plot. I don't want to listen to the characters' voices, even though most of them did a good job. The sex scenes might be hot, but knowing it's all contrived for my convenience kills the mood.

    And we all know the gameplay doesn't sell this kind of game.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Evenicle is a nice game series, beautiful art and really nice characters, good story and fun gameplay, the difficulty scalates pretty good, hope the next one in the series come soon, for more games like this one AliceSoft!!
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    How much you like Evenicle 2 really depends on what you're looking for. If you're looking for a meaty RPG with a variety of babes you can sex semi-regularly, then it's an easy 4 or 5 stars. There's a lot of good quality stuff here: clean UI, a deeper than the average RPG maker RPG, and the writing is sharp and often funny (though YMMV about that.)

    If you're looking for more porn in your game, it might not scratch that itch. While sex is a part of the game, it's not the focus. It's there, and it's an important system, but you'll be spending a lot of time doing quests and fighting monsters in-between plowing your harem of girls. There's more game than porn here. Not a bad thing, but something to know going in, and this is why I put it at 3 stars, as I'm more looking for porn than game.

    One important thing to note is how erratic the tone can be. Most of the time, it's lighthearted, sexy fun times. And then occasionally it will dive straight into some really dark stuff, the kind you think "man, I feel bad for being aroused by this." Before going back into the lighthearted stuff. "Tonal whiplash" doesn't even begin to describe it. I honestly can't say if this is is a good or a bad thing, but it's something to keep in mind.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Another great game from ALICESOFT , just finished the game and i feel like this one is way more vanilla than the first one , love the story , by the look of how the story and im sure evenicle will have more chapter about other worlds and not stop here yet , well unless ALICESOFT decide to stop here , it would be a real waste through i love every single minute of this series . the story , the comedy , and ofc the sex stuff as well , love the art , there is 1 thing that im a little sad about that is they dont let u f*ck "Asclepius" if u understand what i meant ( try not to be spoiler here) either way , fantastic game . i love it i wait for an entire a year to play evenicle 2 after finished the first and i would gladlly to do the same for part 3 4 5 (for 5 worlds like they keep saying in the games) . lot of love from a random dude and sorry if i misspell some words :love::love::love::love::love:
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    (A bit spoiler here and there) 5/5 Good shit, worth the price

    Really like the waifu, there's only 1 waifu for me in Evenicle 1, that is Kath, but damn I'm conflicted with either Kano or Charl. At first I thought Kano was a widow which made me really excited, but no, its actually our first wife, Charl is a character archetype that I love, gotta love me some dark skin white haired waifu. Really do hope that we got more scene for Chorus, Hiragi, Bonny, and Jeen, Really like the character design, but It's aight tho. Dont really like Yuragi but as the story progress I become fond of her, the scene with her dad got me a bit emotional, the middle finger from his dad to Alex got me chuckle a bit. Platina is a Meh/5

    Gameplay, I dont really like this one, I'm not expecting an amazing type of gameplay from this eroge, because lets be real, we know its gonna be a generic turn based just like Eve1. But the fight is really slow, sluggish is maybe the correct term?, in Eve1 its really fast, just hold control, click click here and there, and done. This really slow fight made the grinding a bit of a nuisance to the point that I become a bit frustrated. The boss tho, there's some boss that I cant beat on the first try, its challenging, dont know if its actually challenging or I'm just severly underleveled because of the slow grinding progress. In Eve1, every boss fight is a breeze, I think I beat every boss in one try.

    The script is really fun, I enjoyed it a whole lot. Its fun and sometiemes wholesome, its really Evenicle'ish, dont have an opinion about the localization, I understand the english and I'm not good at japanese, so cant really give an opinion. Alex is a degenerate but a really lovely lad, he knows how to treat his wifes, degen main character usually turns me off but I like Alex and Aster.

    The sex scene is not my fav, just like Eve1, I enjoyed it because its funny not sexy. But I love the scene without the sex, its just Alex having a good times with his wifes. Just development/exploration of the character archetype.

    The OST is good, not on DohnaDohna and Rance level but its good.

    I think thats all from me, dk what to say more, if you can power through the slow grinding, this shit is good. Definitly worth the try, Alicesoft never let me down. If you dont like Rance because of the Rance himself (like me when I first played Rance, but after sometime I got used to it), then try this one. DohnaDohna is also amazing, my only complaint about DohnaDohna is just the ending, they could've done it better. If you can, please do support the dev, Alicesoft is definitely my fav eroge company.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    -- Evenicle 2 Wives Review (Spoiler free) --
    Forget the stupid grindy gameplay and cheesy story, we are here for 'the content' . So I just base my review on that.
    Evenicle 2 is obviously a great game for anime fans, if you don't like anime, you will find it sometimes cringe and boring.
    Anyway, here's the review:

    Yuragi: Overall an enjoyable heroine, perhaps she's too naive
    Kano: Kano is love, Kano is life, the classic tsundere in anime :D, really great backstory, strong attacker, nice thighs, maybe she should be more honest lol
    Platina: Fuck anyone who supports this character, you can't just put a number on a kid's age and then call her an adult. Everything about her is so childish: her voice, her dialogue, her depiction in the game ... even her scene, how the fuck can anyone turn a scene when Alex helps her pee to porn? that's when I draw the line for this character.
    Charlotte: A smart and sexy ... nerd ? There's very little development between her and Alex. I don't get their romance at all, particularly because of her mother.
    Emilia: First time I see a NEET heroine in eroge. She seems creepy at first, but later very funny to read.
    Ende: She has a pretty deep and tragic backstory, how it ends somewhat bugs me, as we know she's Alex's aunt.
    Hiragi: Kano's kuudere maid, the cutest and prettiest girl in the game actually. I ended up craving for more of her story. Too bad she's a side heroine.
    Patriot/Spartan: powerless duchnesses, they fell for Alex too fast, so their story feels somewhat rushed. I like the gentle, girly Spartan more.
    Zero: I don't like MILF.
    Rona: Finally a real loli. A genius. Very mature, kind, brave and refined. This is how you should write a loli.
    Brownie: Ugw, she's just so small, not the prettiest girl. However her character makes up entirely for that. Another genius, always bursting out stupid nonsense. Sometimes I feel like she's the real heroine of this game, her role is just too vital.
    Bonny/Geppeto: Eh, they're alright
    Rubbra/Jens/Masquerade: they are better versions of the saints in the prequel, there's actually no different in their story with protagonist tbh.

    Conclusion: While having better characters, sometimes Evenicle 2 have little to no chemistry between them at all. Evenicle 1 is far better on writing characters.
    Verdict: 3.576923 ~ 4
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Fans of Evenicle 1 will not be disappointed. Main characters fall into the standard tropes, but the rich story-telling brings them to life (if you bother to read all their lines). Game-play can feel a bit grindy at times - buckle up, it's definitely a huge time sink.
  14. 5.00 star(s)



    Ok tbh I barely just started this but I need this review to be up for anyone browsing by new games. Evenicle is my fav eroge of all time and unless they majorly fucked this up this will be great. Alicesoft is imo THE definitive AAA eroge studio. Evenicle, Dohna Dohna, Rance, Beat series, etc.

    Great art and I seriously liked the story and gameplay so much that (not that it was bad) I skipped GOOD h-scenes just to progress the plot and fight more things in Evenicle. Will update this review to be an actual review later. But to anyone who doesn't know AliceSoft, PLAY THEIR GAMES.

    Edit at end of chapter 1: Ok this game has everything that made me love the first.

    -The characters are all very charming,

    -The dialogue and plot is all intriguing and funny enough that I want to read it all,

    -There are some darker scenes but the majority seem to be very vanilla(ish) loving scenes where the MC truly cares about all the girls he sleeps with. One negative is that the scenes are a bit too heavy in the dialogue for my liking. Scene frequency is maybe every 40 min - 1 hr but also kinda come in batches. If you're lookin for some super ero games where people are fucking all the time this ain't quite it, I mean the dialogue is sexual often but play this if you want the fair amount of just a normal ass (good) video game then sex scene on occasion type of thing. 120 scenes, majority sexual but gallery includes normal scenes too.

    - The gameplay is great, you can speed through it, and when you need to pay attention the game gives you an interesting variety of skills to choose from

    -The art seems to be a bit mixed styles but it still very high tier

    -It seems some people complain about something in the translation but everything I've read so far as been 100% readable no problems English.