RPGM - Completed - Exorcist Rio RE-1 [v1.01] [housegame]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    Interesting premise, mediocre implementation.
    Gameplay is poor: movement and every interaction are more sluggish than I've ever seen in RPGM. "Game" part is lacking, even for this genre of puzzles (I do appreciate the automatic clue log though).
    Scenes aren't bad, but they are too short, and while MC's personality is refreshing, there isn't enough variety to make me look forward to the next scene.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    As a huge fan of Housegame and the Rio games, I enjoyed this but also really hope that remakes of his older games aren't going to become a regular thing. The art is obviously an enormous improvement, but with this remake, it really does become clear that H-games (and Housegame's games) have come a long way over the years and trying to polish up the bones of an old outdated game only gets you so far.

    Still fun, still sexy, and a blast to the past. It's great if you're looking for some quick fun (like literally 30 mins - 1 hour) in a no-nonsense, no-story, classic "Find this thing to go to next room" RPGM game. Just hope it's not going to become a regular thing.

    If you're a fan of this game, Bitch Exorcist Rio 2 and up along with Panacea-Z and Ninja Girl Ayame are all better.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    A blast from the past. The author went and remade his first game with modern art quality and threw in a couple of ugly bastard scenes for some reason (it's not like anyone would buy a 90% tentacle game for these, but whatever).

    Unfortunately the author is as bad with gameplay as he was ten years ago - that's just a basic puzzle with some bad ends. However tentacle-focused games are pretty rare, consentacles even more so, so if you are into this it's worth your attention.

    P.s. if you don't want to end up like the other guy - if the game asks "do you really wanna do this?", that's a hint to make a save.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    The game has gameovers on interaction with limited indication that it might lead to a game over, along with no autosaves. The rest of the game is basically a linear point and click with no combat, so it is very easy to lose 10-15 minutes to one of these as there is otherwise little reason to save.
    Likes: LDV
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Oldie (remake) but a goodie - extremely short (1 hour and 3 minutes) but some sexy tentacle scenes as always.

    Gameplay is the standard fare of all Rio games. You walk around, collect items and figure out how to progress through the next area and hopefully avoid getting Rio raped (or not). It's nothing special, but at least it's short enough for a quick fap.

    Scenes: Sexy but very short - you'll probably find yourself wishing there was more lengthy dialogue and scenes in this one. There's also only 1 pregnant birthing scene, kinda sad on that. Scenes are also mostly tentacles; there's only like 2 bug scenes (3 if you count the birthing scene) and 2 human scenes, while the rest are all tentacles. Something to think about before you play.

    Overall, I'd say it's recommended if you don't have much time and just wanna see some sexy scenes.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    rio is back, in yet another different art style B)

    i played the original again for the heck of it to compare, there was a LOT more differences than i thought. the story/progression is pretty different, not every scene is remade for the original, i could only count like 4~6 from the original 12 (this game has 18), so for those who havent id also recommend playing the og (and of course the sequels) if this remake was enjoyable.

    theres also insect stuff now. and eggs. i hope the developers know ima need more of that.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    Bitch Exorcist Rio makes a fabulous return with a remake of the first game,,, I didn't expect this and I doubt anyone else did, but here's a short pros and cons
    - Brand new art style that's a lot less,,, I guess "moe" and looks a lot better in general, which I hope housegame will stick with for the future.
    - A change in puzzles, making the game refreshing to play through even if you've already beat the first game before.
    - Game takes about 45 minutes to beat and not a single moment feels unfair or anything of the sort; puzzles are much easier to figure out than in the past, though whether that's good or bad is up to you.
    - Honestly, I feel like the only con that's universal for all of housegame's games is that there aren't any SFX or VFX for the scenes, making them feel a little too slideshow-like.
    - Not really a con, but just for those that think they're going to get the same thing as they did the first time; t's a remake, not a remaster. Going into this and expecting the original scenes to be redrawn in HD isn't recommended, as this has brand new CGs and Scenarios.
    I hope that Housegame sticks to this art style for future remakes bc it works insanely well, and furthermore, I hope that sfx eventually make an entrance in the franchise. Bitch Exorcist Rio was a fun franchise to play that made me use my brain more than I'd like to admit, though what saddened me about it was that after the 3rd game the art style sort of started to get worse with each entry as it moved away from the iconic 2000s animanga style and towards a more moeish one which... just didn't really work? This turned into more of a ramble than a review, my apologies, but it's a fun game! Fetishes aren't for everyone, but fetishes aren't really why I play these games myself, but I think if you want a short puzzle game that happens to be a remake of one of the most iconic h-game collections with what mostly consists of only improvements then I recommend this for sure.
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    Very good art with very boring gameplay. Its basicaly a scene colector, with you walking around at random looking for the next random iten to open the path, with the unexpected unavoidable bad end thrown in for good measure. Meaning if you were not saving constantly you are out of luck and loses all the progress.
  9. 5.00 star(s)

    El Presidente

    I'm bias. Bitch Exorcist Rio was my first Eroge, but this remake is very well done.

    It's not just a reskin with better arts but also have new scenes and a overall change of the layout. The game have less random game over than the original but i suggest to save often.
    If you never played the original is basically a puzzle game, you move in to this mansion and you collect object and use them to open a blocked room.You can finish the game in less than 1 hour
    That's said there are some arguable addon like sex scene with insect-like monsters and a ugly bastard, but all arts are well done.
    I love Rio, i love her game.