Seeking Exploring my Passion for Visual Novels and Seeking Help for a Revival Project

Doctor Pewpew

New Member
Dec 12, 2019
Hello fellow enthusiasts,

I wanted to share with you all the intense passion that fuels my creative spirit – the world of visual novel scenarios. My mind is a treasure trove of unique ideas waiting to be brought to life, but I found myself at a crossroads, unsure of how to turn these visions into reality. That's when I stumbled upon Ren'Py, a chapter in my journey that opened new doors.

After dedicating a considerable amount of time to learning from various platforms, I can now proudly say that I've gained the confidence to create a visual novel game. However, my Achilles' heel lies in the realm of design. My first project is set to breathe life into a long-abandoned game that has captivated my imagination for quite some time.

What truly sets my excitement on fire is the game's model assets. There's an indescribable thrill in the unique design of these assets, and it's this thrill that has inspired me to write this post. I'm reaching out to experienced peers in the hope that you can spare a moment to take a look and help me identify the model assets used in this game.

Your insights and knowledge would be immensely appreciated, as I believe the visuals of the model have undergone changes since the last update. I'm desperately seeking assistance in uncovering these assets. Your support in this quest means the world to me, and I am hopeful that together we can bring this project to its full potential.

Thank you in advance for any guidance or information you can provide. Let's make this visual novel revival a reality!

Best regards,