Unity - Completed - Explosion Girl [Final] [MizudeppO]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    game is janky as hell, good luck with chapter 4 and the ledges. most of the other bugs/ issues you can pretty much just spam jump to get out of

    game/scenes would be worth the 20 min if not for how broken it is
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    I don't really want to give it that high of a rating but the Voice actress and scene animations are really good.

    Downscore due to having sub-par gameplay and having to switch system locale to Jap to play (which can be avoided by most other Jap games).

    It still somehow ends up as a game I put in the 'Good' category, at least as a Gallery.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    Playtime: 20 minutes

    This game is very bad.
    - Some enemies (particularly the pigs) have hitboxes which are way too big.
    - When you fall into a bottomless pit you have to restart the level (or from the checkpoint, if the pit happened to be after it)
    - Enemies will leap out of non-bottomless pits to grapple you, but their timers don't start until you get near. No matter how long it's taken you to get to their pits, you always have to pause to wait out the first cycle. Since you're getting chased the whole time, this can then put you into an annoying grapple-struggle-grapple loop.
    - Grabbing ledges is incredibly iffy, which is made extra frustrating since level 4 involves a fair bit of ledge grabbing. I found releasing the direction buttons and pressing space (not holding space throughout the jump, but releasing it and repressing when near the ledge) made ledge-grabbing more reliable.
    - In most games like this you can take a hit or two before you lose your clothes and start getting grappled, but enemies here get straight into grapples which is extra annoying when combined with the pigs' extra-large hitbox and iffy ledge grabbing, which often results in you falling into a bottomless pit and having to restart the stage.
    - There's a section in the final stage where you have to run up a slope while enemies rain from the sky. If one touches you then you end up sliding all the way back down while trying to break out of the grapple. I suspect it's supposed to be an extra challenge for the final level, but instead it's just par the frustrating course.
    - It seems odd to spend money on a VA when the gameplay is this bad, but the VA isn't a good Megumin so I guess that tracks.
    - I'm pretty sure zero playtesting was done.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    Visually it looks nice, indeed before download i though it was a grat game. Nevertheless..the mechanic of the game. sometimes you cannot even jump correctly. you can prepare an attack but it's useless against the enemy. .
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    The physics of the jump and the objects are really bad, you can never escape a rape scene no mater how much or fast you press the buttoms, nevel will cast the Q on time because is ridiculously long and youll be catched and raped over and over again
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    The game is unplayable, it's buggy, healthbar means nothing and jumping takes over 3 seconds wich is plenty so that the walking game over catches up wich can also ocasionally warp near you. Terrain also sucks forcing you to constantly miss so precious jumps sometimes due to bugs. The translation only go as far as machine translation goes
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    So I like Konosuba as much as the next guy. Seeing this has told me how much I would love to see a game exploring that franchise here. So I really want to like this, but there are just too many issues.

    For one the controls feel very clunky. For each jump I had the feeling needed to send a prayer for it to do what I want. Then there is the issue of hitboxes and just terrain collision in general feeling way off.

    The visuals are alright, not-megumins model is decent, but overall the aesthetic of the assets feels a bit trashy and doesn't quite click.

    The h-scenes don't do much for me either, but that might be a taste thing since its very rare that I enjoy the typical types of scenes you get from these cg jump n run games. I tend to like more elaborate scenes with writing to them more than this animation-viewer style.

    Still its not like this is the worst thing ever and as I said i'm partial to the ip, so I will still give more than one star.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    Jumping doesn't work half the time and instadeath from frogs makes progress nearly impossible.
    The few scenes I got weren't particularly noteworthy.
    Some dialogue isn't translated, but that's not much of an issue
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    This is a good game and especially so if you are a fan of Megumin. I do have some complaints though such as censorship but not much can be done about that. A more genuine complaint would be sometimes when you have to latch onto a stone to climb up especially in the 4th level where this is prevalent you can sometimes not latch and just fall to your death causing you to start the level over. One huge thing that I liked was the animations even with censorship were fluid and very nice and there were new animations per level and they were very different which is a huge plus. And when you are defeated by an enemy there is a cutscene you can watch which is extremely well animated and very nice. Other than that this game is very nice if you are looking to have a good short game as this game only takes about 30 min or less to full play through all 4 levels even dying a few times as each level is very short with only a few enemies to find. All in all a very solid game that you will enjoy if you like animation in your hentai and if you like Megumin this will be a great game to add to your collection.