Unity - Completed - Extrasensory Perception & Mischief [v1.0] [Gorilland]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    Touched girl. She wakes up. Lose.
    Try another spot.
    Try another spot.
    It's literally five seconds between click and lose. There's no point in playing this.

    You need 10 points to buy the first upgrade. My record is three points. How anybody thought this is ready for launch is beyond me. Anyone who tested this for more than ten seconds would know it's broken.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    Dont bother, is just straight out baaaad, pretty much no interactions, barely any points and is grindy as hell. Wtf were this people or person making this was thinking is beyond me. Only redeeming quality, is the art
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    I gave it a 2 star simply for the lack of actual gameplay and reward per time spent.

    For what it is, it is decent. It would need at least multiple girls, and much less grind to be considered good.
    But it is completed so. Yep.

    I tried it so you don't have to. Mostly out of curiosity.
    Do not recommend.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    A single static image, not even a single complex animation like removing clothes, cause there is a button to deactivate them, or her changing position or even changing her face expression, I didnt even see blush, audio is like a total of 5 seconds in low quality poorly recorded loops to the point that even one of them sounds like it was recorded next to an amplifier.
    The girl is not even cute or well drawn, and its censored ( which in this case works on its favor cause the art sucks) . Well, thats it. There are way better games that have more than 5 minutes of gameplay.
    I dont know why this thing that is as old as the humanity gets this shitty quality games.