Ren'Py - Completed - F.I.L.F. [v1.0b] [ICCreations]

  1. 5.00 star(s)

    Blind man

    Excellent game so far
    Waiting for next update it's so entertaining and good story and not that difficult .
    Superb animations .
    Expecting update on mom character and mayor
    And expecting good future story from sister and aunt
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Thank you for the renpy version, hehe I can't wait til the rpg game gets finished so yall can finish the renpy version.

    I just downloaded the renpy version, gonna play it after I finish up a few other renpy games.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    every update i play i manage to cum, 10/10, many, many updates and so much scenes to masturbate to, if you're someone that's looking for more action than text then this is the game for you! This game never seems to disappoint me and every new update is just as good as the previous updates. Great animations, sexy looking characters and entertaining gameplay!
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    Good rendering as always
    The real problem for this author is always the same, the plot. To be more specific, is the personality of the character. All characters in the game is just a whore/pervert, I don't see the difference between MC and that asshole who date MC's sis to be honest.
  5. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 900601

    Hesitated between 4 and 5 stars for a while, but I'll give it a 5.

    So the positive stuff;
    -The game is immersive enough. There isn't really a plot, mostly how each character is conflicted about the MC, so if you like that, enjoy.
    -The CG and animated scenes are pretty great. Good detailed put in, well rendered.
    -The game comes with a lot of functionality that I wish other games had; you have access to a journal to tell you where you are at on each character. You have access to all unlocked scenes to replay at your leisure, as well as pictures you've unlocked.

    The negative stuff;
    -There is a bit of discontinuity in the "plot", but it isn't to bad. It's mainly the MC that goes from "Aw yeah I wanna do it with everybody" to "Oh no I shouldn't be doing that.", but I guess that's part of the fetish, so to speak, the tabooness of the thing.

    Overall, pretty good game, definitely worth a play, can't wait for future updates.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    I really like the game and wanted to like it more. The characters are vibrant and the storyline is complex enough to keep you interested but not overly complicated to make it a slog. The renders are amazing. The only issue I really have is the main character, to me, comes across as kind of sleazy and more sexual predator than "guy with a thing for his family." All in all it's a great game, but I think the main character could be written a little less like a young Harvey Weinstein.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    I think this a great game with scope for improvement.
    I must admit, I had mixed feelings about the the visual interface similarity with "you know which game."
    The milfs are great, and well designed.
    The characters require some depth.
    Would love to see great story-line development like the good old days of "The Artifact". Damn that game was good. Keep up the good work ICCreations!

    Edit: After a lot of playing I do hope the Graphics quality would improve. The backgrounds are bland and characters have plasticky and textureless skin.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    More of a general review (or rant) on ICCreations games

    In the early days of Patreon adult games. All our games would involve the following shit: Harem style, mindless sex simulators, all-you-can-fuck games, insanely perverted MC that tries to fuck his female relatives through rape or deception. I'm not trying to blame ICC for this cliche. All games back then WERE (past tense) like this.

    But I would note that others have changed and improved as the community has evolved to demand more than just a compilation of sex scenes in the perspective of a pervert young adult MC. People like ICSTOR have realized that they must change their ways and adapt an actual narrative and personality for the game's characters, let the player feel a connection to the character rather than just be another female target for the MC.

    Now on the opposite side of the spectrum, All ICC games have forgettable characters, lazy single harem ending, no exclusive character routes, all characters are just there for sex, overly used plot of "hate sex with mc now but like it later on", all characters are motivated PURELY by lust and absolutely want nothing from MC besides his big dick.

    You both had your Ren'py debuts, Milfy City is one of the best adult games ever made and FILF is average at best. ICSTOR doesn't have 6 or 7 times the amount of patrons you do because he animates slightly better. The other areas of your game is seriously lacking in comparison to the games nowadays. "SEX SEX MINIGAME SEX SEX MINIGAME" just doesn't cut it anymore.
    As your supporter since 2016, I wish you all the best.
    But you are better than this.
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    Ok i gave it a try but this game just sucks The plot is non existant the main character is an a*****e the sister and cousin are bitches and nothing more you can't bond with any character because they don't have any decent background we are at 0.62 and no decent sex scenes also the game makes you search for items one of the worst games i have played so far...
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Great 3d rendering, plus the controls are almost intuitive. There's a chance to explore everything without having the grind that some other games make you endure to get the next objective. There's a balance between the art and the gameplay. I'm actually suprized it's free to play.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    points for:
    sensational designer,
    very delicious models,
    simple and easy gameplay without being step-by-step,
    more a monel visual of incest with mother, aunt, a sister (and uam cousin what is not very usal) where the protagonist fode everybody, seducing them or blackmailing them
    but it still has the potential to be a good game
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    review for 0.6.1
    visuals are good and delicious
    animations during bj and whatnot are superb
    plot progression is there... but still needs more content..
    text is not overwhelming
    only downside... few content.. but i think the dev focused on quality here..
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game, sexy models, amazing porn scenes and cannot wait to play more it would be good to have a few more characters included also to give it a spice also some naughty scenes of the mother with some random males stuff like taht gangbangs are good as well
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    0.4: i saw someone saying "great story" few pages back XD there is ZERO story, ZERO character development. MC comes home (from wherever) and literally 30 seconds after crossing the doorstep he is thinking about fucking his moms tits. i thought the point of such games is that there is a bit more story than your usual porn video so it gets you aroused. if you dont have a story then what do you have ? pictures of naked women. at best some 2-3 seconds animations ? how is this better than porn ?
    its the usual "every girl in the universe is a slut and wants to jump on your dick because she saw (or heard) that its big" every girl is somehow attracted to you even though you are either a complete asshole or a spineless bitch. what the fuck. the dev might aswell delete all the dialogue (probably 200 words) and just make the whole game sex scenes which you can access from the gallery. it will be absolutely the same game in the end.
    there is so little story that there is just nothing to write and complain about SINCE IT DOESN'T EXIST.
    edit 0.8: decided to play it again now that there is (supposedly) more content. story is still pretty much non existent and where there is, its really bad. but the game is not bad FOR WHAT IT IS. what i noticed now however is that the teasing is pretty good. no sex with major character, so i cant judge the sex scenes but i will change my review score from 3/5 to 4/5.
    now this game reminds me of mifly city, except that it does everything a lot worse than milfy city.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Good game. Prefer this game use in renpy engine Got to explore from place to other place.Got objective to see what the requirement need to finish one task in hand.Not too boring with a game like a quest. of course the character design too:)
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    The art is great, though everyone's breasts are big lol so if you're not into busty women just skip this game..(I'm lucky I am into them, so I'll be a bit biased here) the script is simple, it's clearly a porn game so don't expect any deep plots or anything..The game is well programmed I haven't encountered any bug while playing till v0.2.2

    On it's current condition I would give it a solid 3.5/5, but since I've noticed the existence of many unjustified negative reviews I'll balance things out and give this one a full rating and I'm also sure it will get a 4.5 by the time the hot scenes come in, you came to fap? This game is for you, you came for a visual novel I don't think you should try it.
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    My personal experience. (edited after update)
    The storyline is not anything special. It's the same thing a lot of incest games have in common. Story has improved a lot since the last time i played it. Renders are really good and this really is one to watch now!
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    Ok it's kinda fun. A good start. But not even Melody .01 good. Some of the game-play dynamics, like having to hunt around for whatever trigger is needed to advance the plot is annoying. Missed the safe for a long while. Too slow-burn for an .02. 1/2 MILF is more than I personally care for. Dev needs to make the map location hot-spots bigger. Worth a download. Worth watching, to see if dev gets better. Not yet patron-worthy, to me, yet.
  19. 2.00 star(s)


    Things have gotten damn boring quickly. I've gotten the key,opened,the safe,spied on the cam session and now all I do is kiss the mother in the morning and go to bed,a real yawn fest.Unless I'm missing something,this has gone downhill fast and the point of updates is to update the game with decent content making the gamer wanting to comeback for more which at this point this game is letting me down!
    Likes: Sokat
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    The following review is based off my personal experience with playing this Game/Visual Novel... I try to be as brutally honest and detailed as I can, and these are my own opinions and thoughts, from one or more play throughs... The version this review is based on is v0.2.1 Beta...

    Well it looks like this game may have started out as a Family Sex theme, but is being converted... But I don't think the conversion is done yet... The house with the friends, is still labeled Aunt's House, and the former sister calls the protagonist Bro during the event where she see's the protagonists erect penis... So looks like it still needs some work if it was actually a conversion...

    The visuals of the characters are really good, even though once again we see breasts larger then the women's body frames would suggest... Not sure why developers always push the envelope rather then going with at least somewhat normal proportions... Like maybe add some realism for better immersion... The backdrops all look unique and creative... All the visuals look very crisp and clean...

    The script is pretty spot on, as I don't remember seeing any spelling/grammar errors... The plot (what little there really is) revolves around a male protagonist who is returning home after being gone for a while... Where he was, and why a house full of non-blood relatives is his home, is never explained... They are not pawned off as a step family, or adopted family, or even foster family... No known reason why it is his home at all...

    Also, the women he is living with seem to be once again falling into the extremely over used personality quirks we see in so many home dynamics, with regards to this genre... The older woman who is overjoyed to see the protagonist return home, and her daughter who pretty much treats the protagonist like pond scum, even after not seeing each other in a long time... Same goes for the friends house, an older women over joyed to see the protagonist, and her daughter who could really care less about the protagonist... I'ld really like to see more normal home dynamics, where everyone at least in some way is happy to see the protagonist, and where he isn't treated like he has leprosy by someone in the home...

    In any case, once the introduction is done you get into the meat of this game... It claims in the description to be a sandbox adventure game, but it isn't a sandbox, and I wish folks would stop using that as some sort of power word to try and drum up hype... It is a normal adventure game play style, but broken up into time periods, sort of like you see in some grind based games... The current content, even though there isn't a huge amount, follows a linear pattern for the moment... You have the freedoms usually found in a adventure style game, with the addition of 4 time periods per day, as limits... No sandbox...

    Overall, the game visuals are top notch, and even with the plot holes I still enjoyed the limited story you get to experience for the moment... It shows a great deal of potential, even with the over the top personalities some of the characters start off with... I'm very glad the developer/s decided to go with Ren'py, and I do hope it works out for their plans... It's very early into production, and I do plan to revisit this game again in the future... Best of luck to the developers...