Daz Face Mojo not working


New Member
Sep 28, 2021
I wanted to try out Face Mojo since I got a new iphone.

Everytime I run through the process, the g8 model doesn't gain the animation.
DAZ Studio 4.21 Pro 1_8_2023 4_06_15 PM.png
I import the fbx animation with these settings.
I've tried both Face Cap and Facemotion3d.
DAZ Studio 4.21 Pro 1_8_2023 4_06_33 PM (2).png
I select both the animation and the model then double click the "Face Mojo - Bake Animation for G8f"
DAZ Studio 4.21 Pro 1_8_2023 4_07_03 PM.png
I leave these on default
Then a progress bar pops up for only 1 second then goes away

After all that nothing has changed and the model doesn't have any animations.
I've also tried this with a 8.1 model but still no luck.

I would greatly appreciate some help with this