Ren'Py - Facefuck Madness Reloaded [v0.06] [MercuryDev]

  1. 5.00 star(s)



    I really like it. The art may not blow you away in terms of variety but it's well done and I think fits the vibe of the game perfectly. For me personally, this is a huge upgrade over real porn and, while I usually prefer 3dcg, 2d is absolutely the right call here.

    The premise is great for a porn game- you're so good at sex that you can turn girls into slaves. Awesome! And the game strikes a good balance of not taking itself too serious, but also not turning itself into a joke.

    My favorite part turned out to be the dating sim aspect. This developer has some real skill in making likable (or hateable as the case may be) characters to romance. I actually found myself wishing those parts would last longer. I would max out the sympathy needed to "make a girl mine" but I'd wait so I could go on more dates and spend more time with them. It's kind of hinted that they will keep some of their personality even after they become slaves and I hope that will be the case. I'd hate to see Elena lose her curiosity for example and I think there's tremendous potential with Charlotte's legal career (which could even go different ways depending on choices). I really hope we get to see that story and more.

    The traits are a nice touch as well as they give you different options on the dates. They don't really change the outcome but it's just a nice little rp thing. As far as minigames, it's a big "your mileage may vary" thing. Some people hate them, some don't mind them, and some some enjoy them. They are in the game and you pretty much need to do them so if you know you hate them, just be aware going in (you can always use save editor or become a patron and get access to the cheats if it's a huge problem). Personally I found the memory game a bit tough because the pictures are quite similar (and there's a considerable luck factor in where the cards are placed) and I'm slow using my laptop trackpad. The boxing game was a breeze for me and the hacking game was easy enough but a bit time consuming. Maybe to reduce grinding there could be a sort of bonus- if you succeed 3 times in a row you get all 5 points- so you still have to do them and do well but just a bit less. Just one idea, certainly not any kind of necessity. Overall I'd say the stats/traits/minigame aspect added to my enjoyment. I love when games have stats, I love even more when there are traits or little things to let you roleplay a bit, and minigames can be good as long as there's not too much and I didn't think there was too much here.

    One thing I had as a negative was the random chance at succeeding on skill checks. To me it doesn't make sense to say you need X in a skill to choose a dialog option and then on top of that you still have a chance of failing or succeeding. The outcome might not always be positive (maybe you "succeed" at a fitness check but the girl doesn't like you showing off or something like that) but pass/fail should just be if you have a high enough stat IMO.

    All in all, I'm a big fan and really recommend this!
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    First of all, i like the art, the grinding of stats is not tedious unlike some other games,

    hopefully there will be more animations/cut scenes being released in the future especially for those girls that are already slave. It will be boring seeing the same animation for the webcam.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    Just a great start. Unfortunately, there is a lack of graphics and animations, especially on the topic itself. There are only three animations now and they are not diversified at all, so it looks more like an alpha version. If this does not change, I will be disappointed. Because it's my personal fetish too. Looking forward to more!!!
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    That's a great idea to do a remake like this, the fact that'll be real art makes the potential of the game infinite instead of just ripped real porn gifs.

    I don't want to be to harsh on a first review being aware that this is only a firt release, but for now the game is really not that enjoyable.

    - there's less choices than the previous game (first scene for exemple) so less control and fun for the player
    - too few arts for now : there's not real modification of the art scene as the dialog and events move forward, there's no cum, there's nothing to give the player as much as repeat of the same scene over and over. When you say that the character put his dick on her face, we'd like to see it done. When you say his cumming and that is drooling her face, we want to see it too. It's pretty ironic telling that thanks to draw art the game will have unlimited potential to just put two different arts / animations where there need to be like 5-8 to have a real scene... seems not enough for now. In short the game needs to have really more art in the future.
    - the stats training with minigames are not enjoyable at all, pretty annoying in fact. And not rewarding at all. +1 stats, welcome to future hardcore grinding. This will discourage a lot of players and this will be a real hard hit in your game popularity in the long term. If every one will want to get the cheats to escape the grind, then erase the grind by minigames. Players are not here for this. if they where enjoyable yes, but they're just boring and annoying.

    - But on another hand the game look good. yes the art is cool, you've made a good choice of artists (in my opinion) and the future of this new remake hold on this feature at 90%... So I really hope that it'll be more and more of it in future updates.
    - the date system is a cool idea too

    Wait and see for futures updates, hoping the game will have really some more content. And without a 2-3 years delay :p

    Good luck dev and team!