Unity - Completed - Failed Adventurer [Final] [Srloop]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    Short, simple puzzle game supporting a short, simple story. Writing is pretty weak (lots of grammar errors, characters have no depth), but that's not a major focus, so it's easy to overlook. The pacing is good, switching back and forth between gameplay and sex scenes regularly. Both are reasonably well polished and enjoyable. Not an ambitious game, but a small, completed game is better than an over-ambitious mess.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    Artwise it's really good aside from the final ending image, if you could just go straight for the gallery with the ending not being a part of the final segment, it'd probably be fun but unfortunately the unlocker thing doesn't work, so ya kinda have to play it/experience the story short as it may be.

    Gameplay wise it's fun to play till it gets overly restrictive not really more difficult, just slower and clunkier feeling, still relatively fast.

    Storywise it's amusing in that it's one hell of a trashfire/trainwreck and you never know where it's going to go which is honestly pretty fun, but than it just ends at a very unsatisfying point in one of the lamest ways it could, feeling incomplete.

    Wait you might say but it has a complete tag, well yes because it is technically complete the last level even says fin, but it felt more like they didn't know where to go with the next puzzle given the direction they took with level progression than like they were done with the story itself.

    characterwise the only earnest/honest character was the demon from the cover, specifically to the hierarchy she talks about everyone else is a dishonest asshole, the fact that she was controlled by the mage and the paladin into betraying the mc, through sneakiness instead of actually beating her by either being good enough at sex that she submits(like towards the mc) or by being strong enough to beat her through power when not exhausted(like the cube/demon lord girl) into betraying the mc really sucked, it fit the tit for tat dynamic the game had going the whole time, but as the last thing that happens to her it's what really taints the ending for me.

    It's a pretty straightforward hentai world, the people don't have realistic personalities at all, you play as a lewd dude out to lewd women the natural right thing to do for a character in such a setting, but you get stopped in the end, it could really use a sequel, where he's gotten the demon girl back on his side since at the end of the day she's loyal to pleasure more than to anything else and the mc back to his old ways, and hopefully partially releases the demon lord girl instead of leaving her sealed cause leaving her sealed is just sad and training her would fit the setting better.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    I actually enjoyed it more than excepted, I'll watch closely what the developers will release in the future.
    Well, with no further add, I will leave you with that. Peace!
    PS: Hmmm, must be difficult to write a review when you don't have much to tell/say...
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    There are a lot of puzzle games out there. Most of them usually use the same old recycled formula of Match-3 or draw lines (in fact, I've played two games that use the exact same puzzles as well but with different reward CG). Failed Adventurer tries to change things up a bit with a different sort of "puzzle" but doesn't really go anywhere with it. The gameplay is dry and there isn't enough variety in CG or women to really draw a player in. However, the scenes themselves are well-made, animated and it isn't censored so that's always a plus.

    The gameplay should be called point-and-click rather than puzzle as all of your energies are devoted to finding the largest block of contiguous macguffins to click and they disappear. It's not even Match-3. Normally, I'd consider that a plus point but this type of "puzzle" isn't engaging at all. Sure, the enemies have some attacks where you have to be careful and quick in getting rid of their powers but it really doesn't require any sort of strategy or thinking. It's literally clicking around. You go through around five levels of these sorts of puzzles and end up fucking up one of the four/five girls in various ways at the end of each stage. Unfortunately, there's no clothing damage so the gameplay and H-Content link is non-existent.

    What about the H stuff itself? I'd say its well-made. It's animated and I think the few women available are hot enough to be pleasant to the senses. My major gripe is the lack of content. There's only a handful of scenes and you're done with the game within half an hour as there is literally no story either to care about. You're an evil bastard who wants revenge and you go about doing that. Wow.

    The verdict? Mediocrity defined. Play it if you've got nothing better to do but there are better puzzle games out there.
    Likes: Sole
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    Not bad, just short and lacks mechanics.
    Gallery mode is always welcome though.
    Would have been a lot better if there was more to the puzzle side of the game.
    Wish there was more to do between rounds like some sort of upgrade system, but this is a puzzle game not an rpg I guess.
    Likes: Sole
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    Recommended as fast-fap material.
    I feel like the game intentionally has minimal content so that you can enjoy it lightheartedly. A concise and simple story so that you don't miss anything even if you skip it, and trivial puzzle mechanics for fluid game progression. Sure, the game has English mistakes but they didn't throw me off. Anyhow, if you prefer journey over outcome, it's a really shitty game. If you prefer outcome over journey then it's worth the time because of the low effort 15 minutes playtime for some high quality scenes.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    Okay, so the game is somewhat simple, so I'll keep the review simple.

    MC is an asshole who gets a rightful comeuppance but then encounters a demonic cube which allows for a minigame to rape those ladies who've "wronged" him.

    The minigame carrying the game is not too original but a decent variation on the "click combos" theme, fun enough, with three levels of difficulty so it could be an easy breeze or really challenging.

    The scenes you get are really well animated but short with one basic animation in slight variations per level. There's only a very limited amount of them though. As the tag says, you're raping the girls, so if that is not your kink, it may be disturbing.

    The Engrish is manageable in most parts, however, some translations may make you squirm, especially since they will be used a lot. So be ready to read about your meat shaft and a lady demon (characters don't even have names).

    However, the dialogue will cost you 100 brain cells per line. It is cliché all around, pretty dumb, 50% of it is "Mwahaha" and the likes anyway, and MC is not relateable at all, even as an evil guy, there are way better written games out there. There are some plot twists which are as anticlimactic as they can be and just an excuse to reuse the same enemies.

    In the end, this game had potential with an okay minigame and good graphics, but the stupid dialogue (also: no text speed option), non existing interesting story, and an immense lack of content (one hour maybe) it is just not good. Maybe a fun romp, if so inclined, for a single game, but probably not lurking on your drive any longer than that.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    This game will be decent to good in the future when the Engrish gets corrected.
    Only critic I'd have at the moment is the excessive screen shaking on some dialogues and when the girl is defeated.
    The repetitive moaning is also annoying, there should be slightly more sound samples to make it sound a bit better.
    Other than that, nice animation, and interesting yet simple premise.
    4 stars for encouragement, but is a deserving 1.5-2.5 stars as of now. (demo)