Ren'Py - Abandoned - Fall Fable [v0.4] [ProMorning]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Game is abandoned so I cannot give the full 5 stars, although I would, if the game were still in development. Storylines were great and original, and even the cliffhanger that left the VN open to other finales. Still worth a playthrough even though it may leave you hungry for more.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Actual mature model in this game. Sad to see this abandoned but it was good play through. I would call this a semi sand box since there are clear instructions on what to do, except that damn onion. Lot of the girls aren't intractable at this point even if they feel set-up to. I recommend playing this just for Beverly's model :BootyTime:
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    Fall Fable [v0.4]

    Truly a nice game. Renders quality is great. Story started as a generic story for a sandbox game but later it gotten pretty interesting and damn it ended on a cliffhanger. And it's abandoned well now we don't know what will happen later. For sandbox game this one is not grindy. And there is sound effects I like the part where we can hear music when entering the living room where dad put on music. And while watching tv there is sound too. There is also a football match too on tv. Biggest positive of the game is renders and visuals. I enjoyed the game but sadly it's abandoned.

    + Visuals
    + Sound effects
    + Not grindy sandbox
    + Story

    - abandoned
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    It's a sandbox game with primitive dialogs, short and not adjusted with the context. For instance, the dialog with the reception girl assumes that MC has yet classes that day though he has none. The dialogs with teachers assume that he had homework to turn in, but he had none yet. So there's no immersion. Even though some other dialogs make sense, there's no soul in them.

    Rather it's a collection of renders and objects glued together with some sandbox interface.

    Renders are good. Models are not bad. At least one of the girls, Kait-Lynn is pretty.

    To conclude, the art and the interface are nice, but the game did not captivate me.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Last updated in March 22, so the game seems not to be "Abandoned".
    I am so glad I found this gem, I skipped like the 20 last good rated games on this site after a few minutes, as I was bored. With this one it was finaly different. Great Storypaths, really enjoyed it from start to (hopefully not final) end. Thanks to the dev and hopefully he will still find the time to continue this masterpiece!
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    Enjoyed the game. Too bad it was considered abandoned.
    Was funny, had interesting characters with decent stories. Especially Kim's which I felt was really moving.
    Would definitely have liked the game to continue.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    Renders are amazing, characters facial expressions are believeable and and character models are unique.

    Gameplay is decent, nothing super grindy however it would be nicer if you could move around the house with UI instead of clicking doors, would be even nicer if there was a map button that takes you to map no matter where you are at.

    Content unfortunately is super lacking, furthest you'll get with any of the girls is a blowjob but judging by the fact this is one man team and his lack of patrons I can't really fault him, take your time dev, quality over quantity.

    Overall decent game, I won't check it out for few updates though.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    Okay, so here's my (hopefully) brief and to-the-point review.

    Art? Solid. It's not super-amazing photo realism like I've seen in other works, but everything looks sharp and polished and I enjoy looking at the scenery of the game world.

    Character Models? What a breath of fresh air this game has been. Look, I love super attractive characters just as much as the next guy, but man, it's so refreshing to see some imperfect but still beautiful women.

    Kait-Lynn is a cute ginger with ample freckles.

    Kim is a powerful and toned woman without being portrayed as exaggeratedly ripped.

    Maria actually looks like a MILF that's twice the MC's age which she constantly mentions she is, whereas in other works, most 'MILF's' could pass as high schoolers with the rest of the cast.

    Beverly is the only character I have an issue with, and no, it's not because she isn't a super skinny supermodel. As I said before, I really appreciate the more realistic approach the author took in regards to the characters, and I know full well that not everyone on earth is skinny. More so, it is incredibly realistic for landlords (parents) to gain weight after having kids because they just don't have time to keep fit with working and looking after their children, I get that, but the author took it too far, even for a fetish in a video game.

    Chubby can be really attractive, but there is nothing attractive about flat-out obesity, and more than that, I hate when it's put into media such as this with a positive undertone surrounding it because it just promotes a seriously unhealthy lifestyle that I think we as a society should try and dissuade, not promote, but whatever.

    Sound? Solid. I'm having a lapse and can't remember what the BGM situation is like, but I feel like there was music and if so, that's good. I remember for sure that there are ambient sounds and effects which is super satisfying when you're playing something like this to break the dead silence.

    Story? I don't have too much to say here as for what of the game is out right now, there isn't a lot of heavy story elements, just small side-stories that are enjoyable, so I would say the story side is a plus thus far, but we'll see how it goes in the future.

    Anyways, that's all I have to say, for now, hope this helped someone.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Such an incredible game so far, i really like where things are going with each updates, i can't say enough good things about the MILF's (espicially Beverly)

    This gets a 5 stars from me no doubt. Keep up the good work ProMorning!
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Renders - 4.5/5
    (Milfs look like milfs , ginger looks like ginger , other look great too )
    Story n' Dialogue - 4/5
    ( It's good actually , some relationships escalate a bit quickly in my opinion )

    Game itself is addicting with good amount of time spent within it , gives ' 'gamish' experience ..

    I give this game 5/5 , I enjoyed it very much , plus want to motivate author(s) .. Gonna keep my eye on it .
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Not a ton of content (it is only a 0.3 after all) but I really like what's been done so far, the models are all pretty original, the writing and characters themselves are nice too. A pretty good beginning, let's hope it stays that way !
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Good story and mechanics. The animations move without error and loop perfectly. Cant wait for the next update :D Game looks like it has potential! Ive tested on android and PC and they both run without any problems. Keep up the great work developer :D
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    ---- Characters : :):):):)
    The girls personalities are quite distinctive but maybe too easily horny. The MC is ok.

    ---- Renders/Graphisms : :unsure::unsure::unsure:
    Good variety of looks and body, pretty original most of the time. Too bad most of the pretty girls are just NPC tho'. Most of the romancable ones are not really attractive.

    ---- Story/Writing : :unsure::unsure::unsure:
    Well, is there a main story ? I'm not sure. You pretty much build some relationship with some girls and see where it goes, but no mainstream.
    It is well written and very humoristic at the start, but that faded away a bit with time. Too bad.

    ---- Background/Atmosphere : :unsure::unsure::unsure:
    A city like many others. Days like many others.
    The music and sound effects are pretty nice.
    The Alexa thing is pretty fun

    ---- Animations : :):):):)
    The animations are good enough.

    ---- Sex scenes : :unsure::unsure::unsure:
    The sex scenes are okay but not very intense.

    ---- Gameplay : :):):):)
    It is a mix between sandbox and vn. Overall it works well. Would have liked to have a direct acess to the map and to the bed, because it is too much clicking to reach those

    ---- Contents/Updates : :):):):)
    Contents are solid but not outstanding. Updates are on an average pace.

    Overall an okay game, but great nowhere.
    It misses some cliffhanger, some remarkable girl (although the gym one is quite interesting), some striking story, some unbelievable hot scene... to become memorable.
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    Well constructed game, unfortunately all the characters are unattractive except the gym woman. Not sure the appeal of making adult games with unattractive characters. The gym woman alone is not worth the grind for me.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a review for version 0.3

    Funlerton just got more fun.

    A boy returns from Boringrad to return to his old life. A few things have changed, some are bad but many are for the best. With our trusty phone and Alexis supported speaker our MC will make the most of his return.

    Art 5/5 - The renders are fantastic. No grain, good lighting and not all characters and locations aren't all straight daz store basic models. All the current love interests are all different looking and pleasing in their own way.

    Story 3/5 - It is a bit of your standard MC return home type of story. However there are a few mysteries about the town, some LI, and your "Landlords" business that might turn this into something more. Will be interesting to see where this goes.

    Characters 4/5 - This game does have some of the trope characters. Though they are minor as most of the characters have their own lives and agenda outside of the MC. This town feels lived in as its regularly occupied by someone in the town.So It's not just the MC and the LI's.
    All the current LI's are vastly different from each other. Everyone from the white trash neighbor to the convenience store owner's daughter. They have different personalities, body types and ethnicity to please the smorgasbord crowd. Plus there are a few more to come. (The fitness trainer is my current favorite)

    Music & Sound 4/5 - If you don't mute your game then you'll learn the game is filled with different ambient sounds and atmospheric music depending on your location. It sets scenes and makes the world filled lived in. There is some voice acting in the game.

    Writing - 4/5 Character dialog is believable and mostly makes sense within the situation. (At least within porn game logic and standards) The big plus in this game though is the humor. I found myself on multiple occasion chuckling if not straight out laughing at the dialog or situation.

    The ui is clean. Directions and location are easy to see and lick on.
    There is a to do list for those wanting to straight into the next part of a characters story.
    A like the small phone conversations between the MC and Li's before and after a character event. This gets you nice little pictures which you can set as background on your phone.
    You can rewatch scenes on your computer to view your favorite.
    Usually I write about what different type of girl I would like to see in the game but from what i've seen he's covered most of my bases.

    Last words - This game has some good potential. Hopefully the author can release more regular content. That's to be seen but I would like to see more of what this author has planned.

  17. 3.00 star(s)


    This is an ok game for what little there is.

    Art: 4/5 The renders are pretty good. The map is ok, and there is some small animation added that is a nice touch. I really like how realistic the characters are too, in terms of believably looking the way they do. There aren't any 10/10 bombshells.

    Story: 3/5 Tbh there is very little story. Just a dude livin his life, kinda.

    Characters: 3/4 The characters have a bit of personality and uniqueness.

    H stuff: 2/5 There is like... 3 scenes? They're alright.

    Gameplay: 2/5 Click around. That's basically it. For the love of sanity, add a return to map button!

    Overall I give it a 3/5.

    It's nothing amazing but I enjoyed the renders.
    I really liked ...uh... trailer girl. She was cute and realistic seeming.

    I'll probably wait for this to have a lot of updates before coming back. Like a lot. Not bad though.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    excellent game but not enough content i will support this developer with all my money please make more landlady scenes .. and more content too its ok for now to play , little bit of content , this game has huge potential
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Very nice renders, a good story....a great game ! Thanks a lot to the game developper Promorning can'wait for more uptades (y) All characters women are beautiful and animations pretty good thanks !!!
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Well done characters, decent humor. There is a good hint system and it doesn't feel like a grind to reach events. The "text message" system in place is once of the better ones around. Moving around the map can be somewhat tedious, but certainly not the worst our there.