RPGM - Completed - FALL IN LABYRINTH [v1.2] [Jukkaku Games]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Great plot, no LOSE-to-H mechanics, different playstyles makes it one of the greatest RPGM I played. Usually not replaying games but this one I will take a second go. ;-)

    Somewhy I need to input 200 characters to submit a rating, although I believe being short is best... However, girls are nice and you CAN roleplay good guy who just tryin to help girls or be an immoral perv we all are and fk them like they are toys cant resist your power. Girls are cute tho (not just beatiful, its more than that, they are cute)
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Story 4/5:

    Simple, and I love it. Like in the title, your progress in the story depends on how deep you go there. I liked the prologue and the way the dev gave me a little bit of (optional) spoiler so that I won't get lost, and also an item which function as a simplistic guide, which includes how to unlock all the girls in the game and they are 6 in total (not counting the 3 monster girls you will capture, succubus, and some 1 time side quests.), so you won't need a walkthrugh.pdf unlike most rpg games to finish the game.

    From the beginning until late mid game, you will only stick with 2 slaves which will be 50% of the hentai content, the rest will be unlocked at the end of the game. And I mean by that having sex with them, because you will meet all of them before that and two of them will help you in the dungeon besides the slaves.

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    Gameplay 4.5/5:

    This is the thing that keeps the game fun, a regular RPG game at first glance, but there is something somewhat special. Although there is a little bit of grinding, but still fun, perhaps because it constantly rewards you.

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    Hentai, graphic and sounds 4/5:

    The images of the scenes are not that exciting, they are one image, perhaps two in one scene and the insertion scenes look like foreplay, you touch the tip of the pussy and suddenly she is not a virgin anymore.

    What is exciting in these scenes is the support for audio and textual content, and I believe that most of the sexual content comes with the idea that you can dress the girls in any way you wish, and this is what appears in the combat constantly with every battle.

    Tldr: You will like it for the gameplay, it is hugely focusing on it. And for the most part you will only have 2 girls until the end of the game so not so much fapping until you work hard enough.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    Played version 1.2
    Overall a good RPG with a little grinding you can easily finish the game if you take decisions in battle. Best thing is quest log that register every move you do in the quest and tells you what to do next. The heroines are the strong part of the game, having an overall good art + their diaries that show you what did they think of the story events so far.
  4. 4.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 6577935

    This one is a good combination of gameplay elements with adult content. It doesn't reach the top in either field, but it does more than enough to be considered well above average, when looking at what you can find here.

    Some things worth pointing out:
    - The heroines have voice acting. It's nothing to write home about, but some voice acting is better than none, in my opinion. The audio component of the H-scenes cannot be underplayed, even when taking into account the idiosyncrasies of Japanese porn (you know what I mean).

    - The JRPG side of things, is one of the most logical I remember seeing in one of these titles. If you invest in a ring that adds defense to your character, you can notice an ACTUAL decrease to physical damage received from enemies. If you find an item that passively heals you, the effect is increased by having high magic, etc... Adding to that, I never had any difficulty spikes, and those are a plague in the genre. The combat is rather slow though (as in actual RL seconds slow), but no random encounters, which is always nice.

    - There's an emphasis on what you decide to do with the heroines. Let's be real here, these guys barely had a budget, and providing an illusion of choice to the player, is a difficult task. With that said the H-scenes, while limited in diversity and visually, focus on how you are treating the heroines (fondness and horniness), and the difference between good and evil is very apparent. It's true that being good is the way to go (beneficial), but if you want a direct comparison, something like "Pronant Symphony" is far too intrusive when dealing with player choice. I prefer what was done in Labyrinth.

    - The secret or hard to find stuff in this game is almost non-existent. The main hub is small and most things get unlocked by sleeping and passing the day. I can't tell you how many games in the genre seem to require a guide (or parts of a guide) in order to see the "good stuff". In this one I had no such troubles, and the requirements for the H-scenes are easily understandable for the most part.

    Finally you should know that this is a bit of a slow game, when progressing through the story, I finished at 25 hours. This is important, because I for one had no idea the game was this long, and I know for a fact, some people can't invest their time in something of this duration, without some quality assurance. Well if you like JRPGS and some agency on H-scenes, this one is definitely worth it.

    Labyrinth deserves an 8/10, and I'm tempted to check more stuff from the developer, which is always a good sign after playing a videogame. Very nice game. Recommend it.
  5. 4.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 6577935

    This one is a good combination of gameplay elements with adult content. It doesn't reach the top in either field, but it does more than enough to be considered well above average, when looking at what you can find here.

    Some things worth pointing out:
    - The heroines have voice acting. It's nothing to write home about, but some voice acting is better than none, in my opinion. The audio component of the H-scenes cannot be underplayed, even when taking into account the idiosyncrasies of Japanese porn (you know what I mean).

    - The JRPG side of things, is one of the most logical I remember seeing in one of these titles. If you invest in a ring that adds defense to your character, you can notice an ACTUAL decrease to physical damage received from enemies. If you find an item that passively heals you, the effect is increased by having high magic, etc... Adding to that, I never had any difficulty spikes, and those are a plague in the genre. The combat is rather slow though (as in actual RL seconds slow), but no random encounters, which is always nice.

    - There's an emphasis on what you decide to do with the heroines. Let's be real here, these guys barely had a budget, and providing an illusion of choice to the player, is a difficult task. With that said the H-scenes, while limited in diversity and visually, focus on how you are treating the heroines (fondness and horniness), and the difference between good and evil is very apparent. It's true that being good is the way to go (beneficial), but if you want a direct comparison, something like "Pronant Symphony" is far too intrusive when dealing with player choice. I prefer what was done in Labyrinth.

    - The secret or hard to find stuff in this game is almost non-existent. The main hub is small and most things get unlocked by sleeping and passing the day. I can't tell you how many games in the genre seem to require a guide (or parts of a guide) in order to see the "good stuff". In this one I had no such troubles, and the requirements for the H-scenes are easily understandable for the most part.

    Finally you should know that this is a bit of a slow game, when progressing through the story, I finished at 25 hours. This is important, because I for one had no idea the game was this long, and I know for a fact, some people can't invest their time in something of this duration, without some quality assurance. Well if you like JRPGS and some agency on H-scenes, this one is definitely worth it.

    Labyrinth deserves an 8/10, and I'm tempted to check more stuff from the developer, which is always a good sign after playing a videogame. Very nice game. Recommend it.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    This is what I call "RPG with benefits"; meaning the focus is on the RPG side (farming (a lot) and leveling) and the H goes far beyond, with CG's reminding old 90's eroges (Season of Sakura, True Love, High School Days...).

    Anyway, mechanics are polished, the story is good, and best of all: the quest log really helps! wich is very rare in this type of games.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    TL; DR Grindy; but a full fledged dungeon crawling RPG; with good (ie. lewd) premise, fully voiced H-scenes and even some character and world building. Particularly good if you want to spend 20hr on a RPG to, say, have a switch of mind from something else. Otherwise, you need to like the art to have your time on this game worthwhile. Or you have run out of better titles to play.

    If you are exclusively going through masterpieces, or only titles with high content to time commitment ratios, move on and come back later after you exhausted such titles. If you do wonder whether Fall in Labyrinth is above-average good or mediocre or subpar, below are some more details for you.

    I'll also list some tips that counteract the grind demand at the end.


    Quick parameters of the game:

    - takes ~20hr to complete the game
    - takes 19hr+ to complete the game outside H-scenes
    - but not all 19hr are grinds: there exists dialogues and plot
    - save points are fixed; game over and lose progress if you die in combat

    - Full fledged dungeon crawling RPG; well-rounded game mechanics
    Combat mechanics is fleshed out. Well balanced. No gameplay or event bugs. Event conditions are generally designed with care. (Though I was unable to unlock one of the side characters. So one quest chain may be a bit broken; the rest work perfect.)
    - There exists dialogues and plot: such a good mount of it that I can say there exists world-building
    - Fully voiced
    Decent-to-good VA
    - Decent-to-good art
    - Lewd premise
    Starting with... getting a proud, upright princess girl acquainted with her place as a slave. Oh, slavery obedience enforced through magic.
    - Good if you like Tsundere interaction; separately, good if you like a meek flat-chested small girl
    - A full fledged clothing system with 3 clothing components and lots of component options (but not integrated with H-scenes)
    - CG gallery exists
    - BGMs are well married to scenes

    - Extremely grindy
    If Fall In Labyrinth had been made in 1999, I'd say the game is a bit grindy. But made in 2019, we are talking about design flaws that stem from either a misjudgement of what constitutes fun and interactive or a misbalance between art budget and scripting budget.
    - Grind is mandatory: it is mandatory for combat power early on; it is mandatory for sex scenes (directly and indirectly) later on
    - H-scenes have few CGs to support them (but do remember that there is VA to help enhance the experience)
    - Relatively few H-scenes
    It's not a bad number of scenes. Relative to the amount of grind though, there aren't many. And relative to the proportion of grind you put into the game, what you get out of it in the H-scenes are rather vanilla.
    - No auto story text switch
    - Low res ish (many other RPGmaker games are worse; possibly most are similar or worse)
    - No run/walk lock

    More about the game

    So that's what Fall in Labyrinth brings. It is a traditional dungeon crawling RPG with H-scenes and a lewd premise. However, it is also a game with a poor balance between dungeon crawling and story content and scenes per today's standard. It is too grindy -- grinding for grind sake. Beyond its flaws, Fall in Labyrinth is also attractive with a good mount of dialogues, storyline, and general world building -- more than can be said for much of its competition.

    The game takes 20hr to clear. Most of it is doing the dungeon crawl and non-H related story. If you are looking for a grind, but you say no to the new Diablo IV cuz no H no grind; or, you dont want a large commitment like Eushully's Ikusa Megami, Fall in Labyrinth may be right in your alley.

    The game is best for when you want a switch of mind from something else. 20hr of dungeon crawl will do the switch. There will be sprinkles of H-content and some conversations and some plot to motivate you through it too.

    Otherwise, Fall in Labyrinth is not a masterpiece. Very far from it.

    The clothing system in Fall in Labyrinth could have added a lot of flavor. The system is quite elaborate with a lot of art assets. But we are talking about RPGmaker. So you dont see clothing effect on character midgets. It would've worked a lot better if there was a character avatar/portray section when walking around like in Naked Order -- and I trust the devs of Fall in Labyrinth to make a good UI unlike in Naked Order. The art in Fall in Labyrinth would go a thousand miles further than the scant ones in Naked Order too. A few interactions with townsfolk when dressing splendidly or inappropriately; or seeing how others interact with their slaves after the very initial auction would have gone a long way. As is, about the only effect dressing the girls embarrassingly is a harder grind in dungeon. Ambrosia did exactly that with townsfolks. Given how surgically the NPC interactions and event triggers are placed in this game, I feel the devs of Fall in Labyrinth would've brought more effect with less scripting cost. Atlas, not to be.

    With the missing potential, and staring at the tortuous grind, even with some merit in story telling and game mechanics, Fall in Labyrinth should not be near the top of your priority list. Top spots should be occupied by the like of Lilitale. Grindy titles like Ordeal of Princess Iris still had better balance between the grind and the H and story content -- by having more of the latter. So grind isn't the death of H-games alone. Lacking story and art in proportion would be. Fall in Labyrinth produces a flawed experience because of that imbalance. Thus, if you haven't played the titles I mentioned so far, as an indication that there are other games that you are likely to find your time spent more worthwhile (obviously we may like different styles of games), especially if you dont dig the art style in front cover, you should probably come back later. If you run out of better titles though, try Fall in Labyrinth next -- when you have 20hr straight to spare anyway.


    Addendum: Fall in Labyrinth has 4.5ish star as of writing. That's too high. If every above-average game gets 5-star and mediocre games don't get the 3-star that identify them, this whole review system would be useless and would waste time of everyone involved. It seems we initially had a wave of over zealous 5-stars then followed by some 3-stars to balance them. At the end though, if not for the 4.5ish-star, you probably wouldn't have known this title, and wouldn't be considering it. But Fall in Labyrinth is actually worth your consideration. There are, after all, very few masterpieces that stand above the foray. Very few games are 5-star worthy -- again if we give stars without making the system useless. You run out of such games quickly. Fall in Labyrinth, meanwhile, is still above average. So in a round-about way, over-zealous reviews from years ago perhaps served a purpose.


    Below are some tips that counteract the grind demand of the game. They don't spoil story; but may spoil your own discovery of certain game mechanics -- though even that department I tried to limit. After all, Fall in Labyrinth is more game mechanics heavy in its balance between gameplay, story/writing, and art/scenes.

    To use the tips, you still need to play the game: to explore map areas; to interact with NPCs and in-game signs; and to discover game mechanics. I made the tips in a way to avoid spoiling your own discovery. But that does mean the tips cannot fully guide you without your own discovery.

    Tips with minor mechanics spoiler:
    - You have enough gold to pay back the Money Lender and make initial sex and fondness progression that you intend to have. The initial money borrow period is 14 days; since you can rest twice a day. You will naturally be able to 1) return the 6k money; 2) get sex techniques for 1 girl; & with no more grinding other than being able to descend further in Labyrinth 3) buy gifts for another girl. So that should give you an idea of how you can use your money.
    - Try to appraise gems after the initial levels -- perhaps when the dungeon gets hard at around floor 4. Some gems provide a large amount of combat power. Others like Heat Wave, Enhancement/Assault, Heal Wave are good for sustains. Since it is early on, you likely dont want to spend money on unwanted gems. So it's worth save scuming to target the gems that you need. You can appraise "multiple" -- means appraise all. Check what you need. Reload. Familiarize where the gems are in the unapprised item list. S&L. You should be able to get a lot of combat power with ~3k gold vs having to spend ~13k gold on all gems. Hence you save grind by S&L on appraisal. But the bigger saving is in using gems early.
    - Don't confuse Girl class with Warrior class. They can carry similar weapons.
    - Do try to unlock available side characters before you get past Labyrinth level 9.
    As a rule of thumb, if you are well past Labyrinth level 6, say level 8 already, and haven't gotten double fondness 30, you are at risk of grinding too much. If you are gold blocked, consult later tips to fix that and consider increasing fondness asap. Reasons will be explained later but with spoiler tags.
    - Don't forget to, from time to time, check Item Encyclopedia reward with an NPC at the dining hall of Veria Inn. The gold will help.
    - Save the initial 9 Energy Enhancers from Enarith and use them strategically after you have oriented yourself in the game. Are you planning on submissive climax? Raise horniness with candy/cookie first! The drop rate is such that, in early game, you should use candy/cookie with "do dirty things" basically every time together.
    - Fishing exists. Stupid concept yes. But not significantly time consuming in Fall in Labyrinth. You get gold for fishing per day and you can get a gem called Probe which displays enemy weakness (with a down-arrow) and immunity (with blue background), which a 4th team member with 4 gem slots can easily take on without sacrificing the feel of combat power in the team. Ofc, you can afford to use it from the get go.

    Heavier mechanics spoiling tips:
    If you want to immerse yourself into the game, maybe just take the tips earlier, with or without unblocking spoiler tags, at face value and you can discover the rest yourself.
    - re: fondness management. You can do submissive climax exclusively on one girl without too much extra effort; doing it exclusively on 2 girls probably means unnecessary grind. Similarly, exclusively gifting also means unnecessary grind. That is, you should have the gold vs Sex Energy Enhancer item balance to do about half and half. Else something is amiss. Don't forget candies and cookies. And around half and half should get to double fondness 30 quickest -- which means the least grind. The former point you can work out the exact fondness management for yourself. The latter point relating fondness to grind, well, that is the spoiler tip I am giving you. (Heavier spoiler) Double fondness 30 gates most of the game's events and scenes. (The devs themselves didn't find a way to communicate this either other than break-the-third-walling it. Having the girls "fond of" you serves to limit scene/writing/VA variation in the game's events.) (Heavy spoiler ended) That said, despite of all the benefits of efficiency, roleplaying is always a valid reason to do anything.
    - Fondness management follow-up. Mixing gift and submissive climax has no consequence on CG nor story dialogues until fondness level crosses pre-set thresholds that are made clear in game. Moreover, low fondness CGs can be unlocked at fondness 100. Talk to the demon in the celler under City Hall and you will receive an unlock ticket. You need to use the ticket in your item list to actually unlock. So I suggest doing what you find fitting the story initially. Afterwards, using either spare gold or spare sex energy enhancer to get to fondness 30 asap on both girls. Fondness will later increase through events and eventually you enough enhancer to get to fondness 100 without deliberate grind. There is no difference after fondness 30.
    - re: Outmaneuvering Stance. Girl class comes with an OP move called Outmaneuvering Stance. This cancels all non-spell attacks, especially AOE ones. Combined with added Hate, you can tank high dmg moves at will. I trust that you know to take advantage of the mechanics. The point here is: check that you have the move on your girls. You don't need to be in Girl class to use the move. If you dont have it, maybe level in Girl class just a little before switching back to Warrior; maybe switch weapons.
    - re: Arena. If you are past Labyrinth level 9 and still haven't unlocked Arena (I'd unlock it even earlier); check the guide for conditions. You get a lot of free gold from arena levels. That will free up what you can do. Do save between levels though. The difficulty changes rapidly between rounds.
    - re: scenes gated by grind. You avoid grind by recruiting minor characters earliest possible.
    Some sex scenes with minor characters require a certain number of battles with them in the front line per scene. So it will suck if by the time you no longer need to go through additional Labyrinth levels -- and by this point you have long past needing to grind for combat power -- you still need to grind for H-scenes. Thus, you want to unlock characters ASAP. That way, as you progress through Labyrinth and the story, you will also unlock sex scenes. Unlocking characters bring about some side-story scenes too. That will provide better balance between story and grind.
    (Heavier spoiler) In order to unlock side characters, however, most events are gated by double fondness 30. So get that! Also if you are not unlocking side quests consecutively, just check the conditions in the guide. Most likely, a permanent place to live is required. After spending on double fondness 30, you dont have immediate need for gold. So feel free to get a House or something. Try to get Tainy before passing Labyrinth level 9 though. I spent a lot of time after but before confronting Beahilda for the first time -- as the guide suggests -- yet still didnt get her to live at the Home. It's possible that a lot of battles with Tainy on front line is required. That again is unnatural because Tainy happens to be the weakest of the whole cast. So earlier is less unnatural when you dont face strong enemies. The events associated with character unlocks will also increase your team's combat power, while the quests give you gold, both of which further reduces the need for grind.
    - re: luck/charm Luck heavily affects item yield. For example, you basically will never get EX items without 150+ luck. Don't force luck stats early on. But in later Labyrinth levels (ie. >=8), double check your team's luck stats. (This comes back to getting side characters early, since luck is combined from all members of your front line.) Some equipment give a lot of luck: some clothe items have high charm and a gem piece give +50.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    A bit grindy but that's part of the fun with games like these. It took me about 25 hours to get all the artifacts and unique drops (at least most of them). Story is good and I did enjoy it very much. The h-scenes could use some work so -1 star.
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    The universe and the characters are endearing, but the h-scenes and the story take too long to progress, and the h-scenes are not diversified enough.
    I would give a rating of 13.5/20
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    Definitely a grind but pretty rewarding for it. H-Content is a bit repetitive so knocked off a star for that. Game has a lot of good going for it (good art, good story, some interesting mechanics, lots of exploration). It's also voiced but I turned that off as that's not a selling point for me, though I know it is for others.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    Voice 5/5
    (Full voice, bruh), no complaints

    H Scenes 3/5
    Good art but rather lacking here. Several variants of the same "scene" with different dialogues though (and they are also full voiced).

    Gameplay 4/5
    Its an interesting but simple twist to regular RPG Maker games (not much different on battles).

    Story 4.5/5
    Not super deep but it got me interested enough to marathon it within 4 days

    Character arts/model 4.5/5
    Liked most of them, except.. Tiny, kinda.
    Fano's rather smol too, but not as bad as Tiny/Tainy.

    Overall recommended for weebs (yes I am one), not so much for H scene or eros (having full voice still helped it though).
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    FALL IN LABYRINTH [v1.2] [Jukkaku Games]
    Badly done hitboxes (badly done surprise attack mode, enemies taking from different heights, it is possible to take drops from different heights). Game Over which leads back to the title, having to redo all the way, since it is not possible to save at will, and this thing at the beginning is boring and you would like to drop the game for it, but don't do it. Very slow start, forces you to grind (at least in the beginning), very boring grind.
    Subsequently the grind improves.
    I absolutely recommend the game, not so much for the h-scenes, which are few and not even so beautiful, but for the story, the very large gameplay, the dialogues and the really well done dubbing.
    It has many small flaws, such as the fact that it selects the new game and does not continue despite there being a save.
    All without NTR (good thing).
    is a real rpgmaker game.
    In short, if you are looking for a game to play with one hand, this is not for you, if you want to play and read a good story then play it.
    For the final grade I am very torn, it is a 3.5, because in any case the small defects are annoying, but it is not easy to find such a game, therefore 4 stars.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    NO, you suppose to grind like madcow to finish the game and not speedrunning it.

    Overall, game is fun and the story are interesting too, you get to explore lot off things and try out.
    voice over and cg are top tier
    PLOT are tear-jerking at some point.
    generally, highly reconmended.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    Alright, where do I start. I rarely give review in this site mainly because I am lazy but this one is worth it, I suppose, despite it is not a 5 stars.

    Let's see...

    The Story:
    It is not so bad, not particularly good as well but for a porn game it can be said as good. Not at Black Souls, MGQ series, Sequel series level but still good for a one shot play. The plot has some twist and some scene do feel quite touching, especially the shrine girl, her story quest is one of the best one and the voice acting is not bad either.

    The Voice Actor and h-scene:
    This... is a meh in overall. Like I said above, some are good (looking at you elf girl, shrine girl, and loli witch) but some are... not. I am looking at you you damn princess knight and rookie adventurer, can your voice actors at least put some effort in the h-scene?! Especially you the rookie! Heck, even in daily dialogues your voice is too damn bland and sounds disinterested.

    The System:
    This game requires a grind, a lot, for one series game the grind is just... weew. Too much in my taste. The combat is fairly balanced, I suppose, you can't be too OP so easily but also the boss also kinda hard to beat, especially if they can one shot you. The day system doesn't provide much actually but at least it not completely has 0 function.

    Tbh, the plot could be more, much more better than this, a lot of potential are wasted and few even rushed but makes no mistake it is still not so bad! What makes this game interesting is the interaction we can do and how each character reacts/response differently with our decision, for example if you purposely succeeding something the heroine will make a comment about it but if you are joking around they also could get mad. There is no consequences or multiple ending, that is one of the major flaws of this game, something that I deemed necessary for this type of games that has a lot of dialogue and interaction with the heroines.

    In conclusion, this game is not a diamond or pearl in the mud like Blacksoul, MGQ, and Sequel but this game is a solid silver at least. It wasn't so bad and still worth to be played.
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    Oh gosh, it has been a while since i played a game with THIS much grind.
    And i also, perhaps foolishly, chose to not cheat and play it legit.
    This resulted in a couple days where i basically did nothing but grind all day, every day.
    Lovely is it not? Oh~ the things i do for sexy sex slaves clad in hot bondage...

    Well then, let us begin shall we?

    Low-res, probably due to age, also seem a bit amateurish.
    Amateur art can be both a cute boon, or an ugly curse, and in this game it is unfortunately the latter.
    Well, at least some places like on the screenshot i provided below.
    Feels like perhaps the artist was not really into drawing lewds or was very new at it.

    Game spits out an error message in Jap-lang when you launch it, while it doesn't interfere with the game in any visible way i have a suspicion this is why BGM in the game doesn't work.
    The rest of the sound is usual RPGmaker jam.

    *Sex scene voicing.
    On a scale of 10 i would give it about 8 points. There was one interesting Seiyuu.
    The elf hunter Tainy is voiced by her if you're curious.
    Check her out Aibou! :giggle: :coffee:

    ........ where do i even begin.
    Absolutely obnoxious and yet seem to be balanced fairly well.
    A little too well, even. You finally get you hands on that rock that gives you +100% to magic attack and what do you see? Of COURSE it simply HAS to also double the cost of using ALL of your spells. It's like the dev is mocking you by saying: "HAH! Thought you finally got your hands on something non-ulesess did ya? WELL, TOO BAD! Hahahaha"
    Some artifact weapons are like this as well, just when you have an idea to combine something and make some cool build... you meet the giant NOPE! sign once more.
    And so in the end you have to kowtow to whatever the devs had in mind. Thought you were so clever huh? HAH! :ROFLMAO: :FacePalm:

    *Sex scenes.
    Pretty meh, a limited number of non-animated cg's locked behind all manner of grindy pain in the ass.
    Speaking of which, to the devs of this game this counts as "penetration," apparently. :ROFLMAO: :FacePalm:

    *Translation quality.
    On a scale of 10 i would rate it at about 7, it's better than MTL but don't go expecting Kagura quality here.

    Standard semi-hero jam, boy am i tired of those...
    Semi because our hero ain't quite sure who he wants to be yet, sorta.
    But at least you can rape... very heroic right? :ROFLMAO:
    Sometimes you get into situations that are THIIIIIS close to cucking the hell outa you but luckily they don't go ahead with it. Otherwise i'd be looking where they live right about now.. me and my trusty axe. :sneaky:
    Also there is a certain obsession with virginity and it's plundering going on all over the game.
    Not exactly my thing but it was a little fun nonetheless.

    The game boasts alignment selection but it literally doesn't do anything at all, and they had the balls to show this abomination to ME, someone who played Icewind Dale, Baldur's Gate, Neverwinter Nights series, etc. :FacePalm:
    I mean, if you gonna go that route at least do a good job for fucks sake.
    There is also a sorry excuse for character creator. It's just as bad as you probably suspect already.

    Well, that about concludes it i think.
    Have fun, if you like grind and ladies in bondage.
    (Rather light bondage but still... you don't often get to drag your sluts around with you on a leash in shibari <3.)
    I sure do, otherwise no way in hell i'd bother doing so much grind in RPGmaker.
    Talk about the right motivation huh? :ROFLMAO::coffee:
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    This is a fairly fun game, but the H part is a bit underwhelming considering the potential. The game mostly plays like 2 separate games -- one light harem simulator and one RPGMaker RPG with a very complicated story but stock RPGMaker graphics and fairly repetitive combat.

    The Amazing:

    The Good:
    Game is VERY long with lots of content
    Art is high quality
    Lots of costumes for the 2 main girls
    Some of the H scenes are very good
    Translation is professional

    The Neutral:
    Combat is moderately challenging where you actually have to plan spells and items to meet weaknesses and strengths of opponents. It does get boring eventually though.

    The Bad:
    Combat gets tiresome and grindy.
    Considering the length of the game, there isn't a lot of H stuff.
    H stuff seems orthogonal to the rest of the game and is very simplistic with a simple grind.
  17. 4.00 star(s)

    Das Ras

    This is a fantastic game, not so much a fantastic H-game.

    The porn aspect is absolutely there, but the art is weird at times and doesn't look its best due to a bad decensor.

    In terms of gameplay, it is in the best way possible, a stereotypical rpgmaker dungeon crawler. The fights in my playthrough were challenging the entire way through, and it reminded me of persona near the end, where the enemies start packing on big AOE attacks that can fuck your party if you're not careful.

    Overall though, a terrible game for a quick fap, but a great game overall with a decent story and pretty fun gameplay. I spent way longer on this game than I thought I would.

    Also, it's actually completed so that's always a plus.
  18. 3.00 star(s)

    Duke Greene

    This is a high-effort dungeon crawler with serious production values for an indie. It does certain things very well but is ironically hampered by its high production values in other areas.

    You play an adventurer of murky background doing the stowaway on a ship. He can only be male, though you can customize his appearance, his starting class, his elemental affinity and his alignment on the Law-Chaos and Good-Evil axis. Ghosts summoned by the follower of an evil god attack the ship and you make a contract with a sentient sword to survive. After which you reach the city of Veria-Pool in order to conquer its ancient labyrinth and stop the awakening of the evil god.

    The story is nothing special. It has its twists and turns and they are effective but not ground-breaking either. It simply serves as an excuse to go labyrinth-delving. The game's setting is equally underwhelming, in that only the bare minimum necessary to understand what's going on is given to you. Still, it's enjoyable enough.

    What's important to note is that the character creation lulls you into believing you can decide things in the game. It's a false impression. Your character's traits change absolutely nothing in-game, and the plot is entirely on-rails. Dialogue options are cosmetic and devoid of any consequence. The only power you have over the story is whether or not you do the sidequests to recruit the side-heroines.

    The bulk of the gameplay consists in exploring the 10 floors labyrinth, fighting enemies for loot and experience. Battles are your standard RPG Maker front-view, which isn't a problem by itself, though there are things very wrong with them in Fall In Labyrinth.

    The labyrinth itself is very uninteresting. There is one floor with a puzzle involving manipulating switches to move colored walls but aside from that one, every floor is pretty much composed of 2 large rooms plus 1 small room with roaming enemies, just with a different "wallpaper".

    Actual battles aren't much better. There are 3 classes a character can be: Warrior (high HP and can tank hits), Hunter (crit/eva build, pretty meh) and Mage (supposedly glass cannon, but in fact living god). The game heavily emphasizes the important of elemental attacks but the balance is completely out of whack: it is trivial to obtain really high elemental values for everyone (especially the MC) which not only makes you immune or highly resistant to most stuff the enemies throw at you but also further enhances your already disgustingly powerful magic.

    There are no interesting bosses to defeat, the labyrinth simply doesn't feel like something to conquer.

    Very good. The sprites are well-made, the tilesets are appealing and the heroines have nice bust art that reflect the clothes you're making them wear. Even if you mismatch parts of an outfit, the art accurately updates! The H-scenes graphics lose points due to the absolutely terrible decensoring job: the genitals are so badly drawn mosaics would genuinely look better.

    Music & Sound
    Music is competent all throughout and sounds are RPG Maker RTP. What really needs to be pointed out is that every character with a H scene is fully voiced. Not just during said H scenes but for the entire game. And there is quite a lot of dialogue during the game. This might be a cause for the lack of impactful dialogue options during the story, as branching would have inflated the VA budget substantially.

    While a couple H scenes are mandatory in order to progress, the majority are optional. The two main heroines, Torte and Fano, are slaves you own (you can't go around that, you simply must own them) and they will provide the bulk of the porn content. It is up to you how you treat them though: you can rape them like sacks of meat or build up their affection first so they'll accept your advances. You can also avoid engaging in any sex with them at all if you wish (though the story segments will assume you fuck them even if you don't). They have a few stats that denote how used they are to a certain type of act (service, vaginal and anal), the dialogue changes when they reach a certain threshold.

    Sub-heroines are recruited to side quests and tend to incorporate H scenes in the quests themselves. They have no sex stats and are sharply limited when it comes to outfits.

    Overall the porn part is primarily geared towards building a harem of adoring girls and it does that pretty well. Fetishes are very vanilla and while you can keep your two slaves at low affection and rape them, it requires you to go a bit out of your way to do so.

    Final words
    How interesting Fall In Labyrinth will be to you depends on what you're really after. For a casual fun adventure with cute girls it goes above and beyond what most RPG Maker games do and you should definitely play it. If you're after a more genuine dungeon crawler with porn on the side then it will prove lacking.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    That's a rich, structurated, classic RPG maker, with a good story, many location, stuff to do and, of course, sweet waifu and a decent agency in dealing with them. With all due respect for every taste, i'm just glad it's not NTR or Female Protagonist and that is not just, you know.. a lame game.

    I'm playing iot with genuine pleasure and i recommend it if someone want to play an erotic game which is, also, a solid game.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    Fall In Labyrinth falls (ehe~) in the same category as games with more story and gameplay than h-content. Despite the tags, the game is pretty much vanilla from start to finish and all the girls (that you can fuck) are virgin and also no "weird" fetishes the general public knows about. Unlike games that are tagged with "rape" this one is almost none although you can still find hints of MC acting as a rapist but that is up to your choice though (which it doesn't really matter), the rape is justified there and the heroines accept it almost instantly. Now on to the details:

    Content (10/10): This game is oozing with content, there's a lot to do, sidequests to complete and unlockables to unlock. For a playtime of 10-15 hours, you will get your fill of this game. I said this because there's a lot of games that are the same playtime but lacks content as all you do are pointless things. Btw I have invested over 25 hours of this game, I got that because of my completionist mindset but if you are only going for story >10 hours you are done, go for sidequests and costumes? >5 hours more to your playtime, complete the entire game >25 hours you will most likely burn.

    Story (7/10): Story is fairly simple, easy to digest but it has such of a downgrade at the end and it is a good thing that it doesn't really stretch that much and will give you engaging twists. I would say that the story isn't about the world but about the characters themselves as the sidequests for each character are the highlights of this one, of course they are still connected to the main story but sidequests plays a major role of establishing the characters you will find.

    Gameplay (8/10): Now a lot of the problems I see is that the game is hard or too grindy. I beg to differ as the only hard part of the it is the early dungeons as you are restricted with limited resources and party members. The game is easy if you know the weaknesses of the enemy. I would say without spoiling anything, that the strongest characters are with smaller boobs and the weakest of them all possess huge badonkas so watch out for them. The combat is simple and the class are divided only to three and can be summarized to, DPS/Debuffer (Hunter), Tank/Buffer (Warrior) and Glasscannon (Mage). All of the gameplay elements are thoroughly explained by the game so it doesn't confuse players.

    Characters (9/10): Another star of the game is the characters, whether you like one or not there's a niche for you. Although only two of the girls are super fleshed out as they are with you for the entirety game unlike the others that can be obtained either mid or late into the game. Despite being late, the characters themselves has sidequests that fleshes them out and will really give them character and also they are fun to do (lots fluffs, here and there). There are also lots of character interaction you can get like, small details such as different dialogues at certain parts of the game. What truly gives them character is the voice acting. The lines aren't cheesy, some parts of the game are serious, others are comedy and others are romantic etc.

    Voice Acting (9/10): The VA is another banger, all the characters with full-body portraits are voice-acted even outside of main events. All of their lines are voiced and the quality of it is insane, almost as if I am watching an anime. Although there is one gripe and it is one the girls, she isn't annoying as she doesn't speak that much but her mic quality is horrendous almost as if she is talking inside a cardboard box.

    Visuals (8/10): Visuals are good, definitely pleasing to look at, the characters, portraits, scenery and the like. Of course a lot of the assets are reused (that's just typical rpgm games) but most art are original and the style is consistent. However there is one BIG problem and it's the h-scenes.

    H-Content (5/10): If not for the voice-acting, art (and also, virginity), I would immediately ignore h-scenes as they are almost horrible. The scenes are better to look when censored rather than uncensored. All of the scenes usually only has two or three different cg's, one for stationary, one for """"inserting"""" the d and the other for coom. Even low-budget h-games has more cg's than this. Definitely a letdown of this game.

    Music (7/10): Music is fine, it can be aggravating sometimes as it plays a cheery music at a serious part of the game or vice versa. Nothing special about this one.

    Averaging all the scores leads to:

    Overall (8/10): I liked the game. Long yet simple, mostly engaging combats, likable characters, voice-acting and more. It's a game that needs your attention. A must play for anyone who is seeking for harem, good gameplay and story but not for the h-scenes. Worth (almost) every hour. PLEASE GET THE CENSORED PATCH, THE H-SCENES (especially MC's dick) ARE HORRIBLE TO LOOK AT!

    Also, I would advise to use a guide whether you are completing the game or not as some aspect of the game might confuse you (especially upgrading MC's weapon, h-content and all).

    Guide provided by @HentaiLifeBoii https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2459697790 and another from @Hentaicheg https://f95zone.to/threads/fall-in-labyrinth-v1-2-jukkaku-games.80009/page-8#post-5603577 as some parts of the first guide misses some details. Thanks, you made the game easier to complete for me.

    Edit: Grammatical and spelling correction, added some more texts, knocked out one more point for the h-content, just because.

    Edit2: Added guides and more grammar and spelling correction.