RPGM - Completed - FALL IN LABYRINTH [v1.2] [Jukkaku Games]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    As an HRPG, it should be noted that even if you do the "forceful" approach it will take hours before you're able to do your first H scene. If you're not immediately hooked by the RPG mechanics then I'd have to recommend that you either download a full save file or just skip this game altogether.

    The style of RPG this game has is the looter dungeon crawler. You defeat enemies then receive loot upon victory, some floors give you bonus loot for killing every enemy. There is a lot to do in this game as well, easily a 15hr+ adventure depending on how extensively you want to search for loot or grind for affection.

    Like I said, this game is a real time commitment. Not only do your first H scenes take a long time to unlock, but fully recruiting the other heroines into your party is another time consuming aspect of the game. Once you do unlock H for the main heroines then it becomes easy to unlock most of the rest of the H scenes with them, though you're going to need to do some side questing to unlock the rest.

    The game difficulty can be all over the place. It starts off fairly easy, then there's a difficulty spike about a quarter way in until you accept a quest that tends to drop really high level equipment, after which the difficulty mellows out again. The difficulty of the game heavily depends on the qualify of your equipment, so depending on how lucky you are this game can either be fairly trivial or it can get really grindy. Luck is the best stat since it helps you get good equipment.

    Late in the game you unlock the ability to make a custom spell, at which point all difficulty in the game should be pretty moot. You can cheese the final battles in the game with a max strength custom spell and enough MP recovery. I think it's pretty necessary to abuse since otherwise the game can get really grindy for what it would normally expect you to be when actually attempting the final fights.

    H scenes in this game are all fantastic. The artwork is gorgeous and the writing overall is lighthearted and cozy. However, it takes a long time to unlock H scenes. There is a lot of side questing to do before you can get H scenes with the other heroines, and after you unlock the ability to H them you need to do a lot of random encounters to unlock the rest. It can be very grindy to get these H scenes.

    Generally speaking I don't think it's necessarily worth the grind, they're all static images at the end of the day and the scenes are fairly short. Still I think this is a very rewarding HRPG to play. It's got an addictive gameplay loop and the art is very clean. If you love HRPG adventures then you won't mind the time it takes to unlock all these H scenes. If you're looking for a quickie then you're not going to get your fix from this game. It's a real time sink, but for those who love this style of game then you'll find the game pretty rewarding to play.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    From the beginning to the end the story was very enjoyable. Theres multiples heroines that u can unlock scenes with along with their own storyline and side things. This is one of my favourite that I stumbled on this site so far that I have finished.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    It's a very good rpg with character customization. You can decide if you want to be a jerk to the girls or not. Also H-scenes are voiced. This RPG is a bit long and has many weapons to choose from. You can also choose the class of your character and the girls. It also has a marriage system.
  4. 5.00 star(s)

    General Grievous

    In my opinion, this game is the best RPGM type i've ever played, the story is well written, the art is superb, the sound track is very nice too!

    For those who have problem with anti virus,(mine is McAfee)Exclude the game.exe from the scanning list

    Step 1: Open McAfee
    Step 2 : Click settings
    Step 3: Choose Real-Time Scanning
    Step 4: Choose the game.exe of the game
    Step 5: Enjoy the game
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    A VERY good game with a ton of content and options. The RPG elements in this game are very good and going through it does not feel tedious or pointless at all. It also brings some really interesting ideas where you can equip your sword with other weapons to make it more powerful. There is also a few unique characters that you get H-Scenes with and they are all honestly really good on top of the tremendous amount of different outfits that you can shove them into as well.

    I would say the only thing that some might dislike is that if you are playing this for the hentai even though its pretty easy to jump into all of the hentai really quickly. The RPG elements can be a bit overwhelming if your not watching what you are doing which can take away from those who are just here for the idle hentai aspect.

    So I would say if you like RPG and hentai then this is the game for you as long as your willing to put equal amount of effort into the RPG portion of it you will be rewarded!
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    A suprisingly good, well-executed game
    It's so rare to find a true harem game in this forum.
    Here's my verdict:
    Story 4/5: This game does have a decent plot with numerous twists. Even side-quests are enjoyable, the devs really put a lot of work into writing to create the game world.
    Characters 4/5: Each heroine is unique on their own, some even have deep background. There're some anime archetypes which may turn some ppl off.
    Sound 5/5: I personally like this game's bgm, it's very relaxing. The voice acting is good.
    Gameplay 4/5: Can't expect much from RPGM, not being able to use the mouse is pretty tiring. The battles are balanced and challenging. There're a huge amount of items, accs, weapons, ... Plus girls clothes will change their appearances and sprites ! I like how they handle the stats, equipment system.
    Translation 4/5: Well, I'm not a native, but I do notice some grammar errors.
    Art 4/5: Tbf, the artstyle looks old, not my taste. I don't like main heroines' design at all.

    This game deserves a 5 because it's better than 98% of RPGM games on this site.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best "RPG Maker games" I have ever played on this site. 5/5:

    - It can be a little difficult for those who want to progress fast, it is a Hardcore RPG. But it has a lot of content, a lot of interesting side quests, and a lot of hentai scenes.
    - The playing time can be underestimated, if you want to do everything this game has to offer get ready for more than 30 ~ 50 hours of play.
    - The protagonists are very cute, you can change their clothes to your taste, and there is dubbing in Japanese for the main characters.
    - Do you feel like the protagonist of anime like: " The Rising of the Shield Hero "or" How Not to Summon a Demon Lord ".
    - It has many different mechanics, you can build your own house, you can get married, there is polygamy, slave buying, fishing, day and night systems, special events, etc., it is a complete world.
    - The story is interesting and you keep wondering what happens next.
    - The scenarios are very neat, it is difficult to see another game "RPG Maker" with such quality.

    I would say that if you dedicate some time to this game and play it without haste, you will have a lot of fun.
  8. 4.00 star(s)

    Akuma Aikawa

    Great game, good plot and my personal favorite the OP AF custom spell + attribute system.
    The thing that keep this game from 5 star for me is the lack of replayability and the other is the genital drawing can look a bit odd, sure the game do give you reward for beating it but it not that game changing.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    overall its a game with alot of potential but falls short because many things just go no where but still a solid 4/5

    story 4/5- its a very generic story but for a hentai game its way better than the norm. it does feels like some of the side characters have no reason to be there in the story and also the ending is so lack luster. its like if a ending to a hero journey to beat the demon lord just instantly ends the moment after the hero kills the demon lord theres literally no after math or epilogue

    gameplay= i dont give a score on the gameplay just because rpg turn base games bores me to death but i know others like it so no score for me

    art 4/5- lets be honest it aint great but it aint shit

    sound- 5/5 just because it has voices that dont sound like you paid a random stranger 5 bucks to voice over.

    h scene- 4/5 quality wise its a 3/5 but it makes up in quantity. also is really weird that the h scenes feel like it has no consequence it just feels so removed from the actual story like you raped a girl? its okay because by the instant you finish shes forgets it all except from a diary entry.

    theres many random things in the game that has literally no reason like oral lvl, breast lvl and etc like its just there and affects nothing

    overall- 4/5 its a generic game but compared to basically 90% of the games that came out that are just straight trash being generic isnt bad at all
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    Disclaimer: I have not finished my first playthrough yet but I still wanted to leave my Review up to the point I am right now. I am at 4th floor of the labyrinth and played a few hours on and off.

    Story: 4/5
    It is not the deepest or most emotional story I have encountered so far but I still think its very good it keeps you curious enough to let you feel like you want to know and in the end play more.

    Gameplay: 4/5
    I do enjoy the gameplay its very complex compared to some other rpg-maker games I have played but its still just rpg-maker. I like the diffrent classes and the system behind the protagonist weapon a lot. It is grindy like most of the J-RPG-Maker Games but if that a problem for someone then there is stuff like "Cheat-Engine" to avoid that.

    Art: 4/5

    I think its beuatiful especially the girls and their outfits. The penis of the protagonist could look better in the sexscenes but I still think its above average. The Pixelart of the game itself is very nice to look at too.

    Sound: 5/5
    The fact that this game has voice over (only japanese) is something that is amazing its very rare for me to find RPG-Maker Ero-Games with voiceover and I think its great that the game has this. The Soundtrack itself may be a bit generic so far but I do like it.

    H-Scenes: 3/5
    Well sadly this is the part the game lacks a bit for me (so far) I do hope it gets better while I play more of the game but compared to other games its lacking a bit in my opinion.

    Overall: 4/5
    I do enjoy it very much so far and think its very good especially compared to other stuff out there but its not good enough for a 5 Star rating for me at least so far we will see what i think once i played through it. I can reccomend it for anyone who likes RPG-Maker Games! If something about my opinion or rating changes after my playthrough I will edit this review.

    Have Fun!