Unity - Completed - Fallen Shinobi [Steam v27-12-2023] [Maron Maron]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    it was a fun game to play with some fetishes like bdsm ,futanari and tentacle.
    Now the gameplay its just a point and click with some option on the ending with a visualnovel mechanic and levels of lewdnes and love for choose the ending.

    It has some issues like some buggs on the cliking areas and in some parts of the translations, The art desing is very good, The VA its great and the animations are fine. Still not perfect that just get bugged sometimes. Still a lot of fappable content very fappable and fun to play 8/10 (Sorry for my bad english on this one)
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    The first few runs are fun, with nice action and a good pace, but if you want to see all the endings, the game becomes a chore. If only you could skip the training scenes... they're very hot at the beginning, but after you've seen them dozens of times they just become annoying. I don't understand who came up with the idea of blocking certain training sessions as you progress, it's stupid and pointless.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    Training Games are a goofy combination of a VN and Scene Viewer. From this combo we always get one of three results: A game that is better than, as good as, or worse than the individual parts from which it's made. This game is the latter of the three. It's not as good as a VN, which is carried by its story, or a Scene Viewer, which is carried by its porn.

    The story does it's job of advancing the porn, but isn't really that good. There are twenty endings, but the story isn't interesting enough to justify having to tediously work your way through the game twenty times (sometimes to meet very specific conditions) in order to unlock them all.

    The scenes are good enough, but nothing special. My gripe with them is that when you advance a scene and unlock new interactions, they're usually not really much of a change. It often feels rather insignificant to the point where it doesn't feel rewarding.

    Both of these become apparent thanks to the game being incredibly repetitive. Beatoften's review below goes into this already, so please check his review. The gist of it being repetitive is that early on you get locked into only being able to advance a few specific scenes, which locks you out of most content and forces you to repeat the few scenes that you can view.

    This is the kind of game that you play through once, then download a full save and view the gallery (make sure you thumb up the generous soul who trudged his way through the game to get you that full save lol).
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    good game and interesting gameplay. good story. unique simulation game. unique genre that use ninja culture. good graphics and many more sexy graphic. interesting idea from developer to use ninja and many more sexy graphics. interesting simulation game and many ending from this simulation game.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a great slave trainer game. Art is good; there's some world building, character and plot; there really isn't anything to do criticise in those terms. Yes, there could be 'more gameplay', but it's already more involving than a straightforward VN (or a Renpy game with meaningless choices), as you actually get to choose different training regimes to take and watch the story progress.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Great short game that goes straight to the point.
    You’re in charge of training a shinobi and make her switch sides, you choose how to train her (she can service you, basically become a masochist or become an exhibitionist)
    It’s satisfying seeing the evolution of the girl depend on her lewdness stat. It may progress a bit fast without much real development but it’s still very enjoyable due to the top tier art and animations.
    Overall an amazing experience, give it a try !
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    I saw a lot of people complaint about translation or repetitive sex scenes. This didn´t bother me at all. The game is pretty damn good and it´s quite a challenge completing all 21 endings, even if you know what to do.

    Art and animation is beautifully made. Sex scenes are hot and has lot of options to explore, as long you develop Ayame´s lewdness level. 11Gb looks too much, but it´s a small price to pay for hours of entertainment.

    The only thing I didn´t like is depending the path you follow, game will block some training events, so until now I can´t found a way to perform all of them in the same gameplay.

    The story isn´t Shakespeare, but we don´t play porn games because of that, right? Download it and enjoy it.
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    The gameplay loop is flawed. It's worth playing once, but that's it, really.

    The issue is that each day, you get a sex scene with her where you "train" her. during this, it's one of those basic minigames where you click buttons or parts of her body to interact with her, and it's okay.

    The problem is you basically have to do this three days before she becomes more lewd, and this demands you repeat at least one sex scene each "cycle." This means you have to go through the dialog and get no new dialog until the new stage of lewdity, and also have to spam click a body part til the sex scene for that day completes. Lewd stage advancements = new content with existing scenes, but everything else is just repetition.

    Also, this may have just been a consequence of the way I played since I stuck with the same category of sex scenes the first 3 days (there are three categories), but after she advanced in lewdness, the other two categories were completely locked off and permanently unavailable. This meant that I couldn't even diversify the sex scenes to at least cut back on repetition because the game had locked me out and forced me to choose from the same 2-3 repeatedly.

    This means the game has a decent bit of repetition you'll just click through (luckily doesn't take long to do) and seeing everything this game has to offer requires starting from the beginning, which I'm personally not interested in doing because it seems like a lot of clicking for little payoff.

    As I said, worth the download and trying out, but still more of a "one and done" type game.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Reviewing Final Version, forgot to review after finishing it so gonna be low on details.

    Really solid art, the heroine is pretty hot and well drawn for hentai purposes.
    The sound effects are nice and the game is voiced so you get to hear the heroine's moaning which makes the scenes hotter.
    There are multiple endings and multiple type of training to have the heroine do but unfortunately they require multiple playthrough which I did not have the patience to go through although I still did 2 different paths!
    The animating is pretty solid tho sometimes rough around the edges, it still does a great job and contributes a lot at making this game great!

    The MTL was really bad but I can't deduce points from the game because of external factors so I'll give this a 9/10, given I can only give 4 or 5 I'll settle for a 5/5 here.
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    This Game? Good. MTL? Fucking terrible. its the WORST translation. either you get shit translation or you get 0 translation. the only thing translated correctly is the love emoji.

    Game has good animation and alot of routes. typical training game so its decent. but god damnit. i cannot read 95% OF THE DIALOGUES And guess what? if you dont rape the main female character. you were suppose to be able to chat with her. like other trainer games. BUT ITS BROKEN. W H Y Y Y Y Y!!!

    So should you play it? not really... if u want the sex scene? go for it. its a decent trainer game ruined by MTL followed by a FML. Let me give yall some fucking example of this "translation" Cum inside = Speak. FUCKING SPEAK. W H A T. Pull out = Plug out this one is eh. and mucchhhh more. but i played this game like a person who doesnt read. even though i want to, the translation takes 5 second.... its not accurate. its not even a translation wtf. THE WORDS ARENT EVEN IN THE BOX AS WELL!!!

  11. 4.00 star(s)


    I quite enjoyed this game for what it offered. The standouts for me are the great art and, most importantly for me, the clean animations, both done by the legendary Maron Maron. The story itself, it's serviceable in getting you into the training/fucking, having you play as a trainer to mindbreak a rival ninja (a story as old as time around these parts). Gameplay is standard training game gameplay with 3 different routes that take 1:30-2hrs to complete each if you are reading everything, though there as more than 3 endings within the game, more than twice as much iirc.

    There are a couple things that held it back from being a 5star for me. First, my client crashed every 20mins or so, so I had to save quite often, which I was doing anyways as most VN gamers do, but it was still aggravating. And second, probably the best scenes in the game are non-animated, which is a real heart breaker for me. Overall enjoyable time and a great fap 4.5/5
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent game, while simple (objective: train her), it has 3 paths to go which they're different, and those paths affects the endings you can get(they're like 20). Also there is like a second section of the game, where you can talk with her(or the others 2 subheroines)..

    The art is insane, i loved almost every scene/CG the game has, and the voice acting make them even more sexy.

    The game itself is short, you can get all endings in about 4-5 hours of gameplay but i guess it'll take more since some people will enjoy the scenes and gameplay.

    Overall very good game, short, simple, enjoyable, and not grindy at all since you can pick the route you want to train the protagonist.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    copy/paste of my post from the main thread.
    I think this game has the best x-ray i have ever seen.
    The close up camera to the x-ray also negates some of the censoring. It's hard to explain since english is not my native language but it's less noticeable.
    If you use the english patch that you can find in this thread(page 11) it becomes a decent experience language wise.
    The only negative i can think of is generally the censoring (japan being japan) and some goofy sound effects when it comes to the vagina. Pussies don't sound like wet farts bruv :ROFLMAO:
    8/10 great experience. If the japanese devils finally decide to remove censorship ill buy the shit out of their hentai games.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    great art and animation and sounds. needs a proper ENG translation but with the fan translation its very playable and even understandable.
    needs multiple playthrus to experience branching pathways and variety of endings, so some replay value.

    More games ilke this in the future, please!
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    As someone who was looking specifically for a game just like this after playing others like it, it's a damn solid game. I will not deduct points from it just for not having a good translation yet. That's just kind of dumb. If you were specifically looking for these types of trainer games, it delivers. However, at the moment it is true that the translation engine doesn't work all the time. For the most part, you can most of the time use context clues to figure the meanings behind translations that went wrong. It's been #1 on DLsite for the past month, and it deserves the good rating. People who aren't into these types of games to begin with won't like it, obviously. It has good animation. Amazing voice acting that's cute, funny and sexy. Decent bit of replayability, and a good meaty chunk of content. Plus, there are workarounds for knowing what text on images say if you put the effort in learning how. Hopefully this gets a full translation so that others can more appreciate it.
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    It's impressive that even with utterly unreadable MTL the game is still really good. Great scenes, good fetishes, a ton of different endings, and whoever voiced the main girl can get it.

    That said, holy fuck.

    With how half-assed and unusable the current ""translation"" that is bad when it works and just doesn't most of the time, they might as well have not bothered. And with so much of the game's appeal relying on you knowing what the fuck you're doing, there's a lot of this potentially fantastic game lost.

    Like the review below me said, despite really really liking this one, I wouldn't recommend playing it unless it gets an updated/fixed translation.

    Unless randomly bumbling around in menus and occasionally stumbling into something sexy is your thing, that is.
  17. 1.00 star(s)


    Game is alright 4/5 stars, but the mtl is pure trash, almost unplayable.

    First off not everything is translated, like the menu. Sometimes I have no idea what kind of training I can choose, I accidently picked a scene I didnt wanna see because I couldn't tell what it meant. Also with unity mtl theres a delay everytime it translates, it takes too long at times.

    In this game to get certain scenes, endings you have to understand wtf is going on and with the lazy ass garbage mtl its near unplayable. I mean its not hard for the average joe to put a auto translation into a unity game.

    Like I said its a good game with high quality scenes, animations and voiceover but the mtl pretty much ruins it. Only play this if you cant wait for a decent translation or in case this game will never be proper translated.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Masterpiece! I mean how many H games have 20 different endings?

    2dcg animations are top level, there is A LOT of scenes, audio is amazing, corruption level is good, story seems fine (sadly i cant tell cause of poor translation). UI is a little mess but can get used to it after a while, there are some minor bugs like no sound when we do some action or animation is out of sync with sound. I really hope some of the issues especially translation gets fixed, this game deserves it and is easly my favorite H game.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    The best thing about this game, it's a voice acting. Seiyuu did a magnificent job and I swear it made me hard just by listening to Ayame moans. It's such a shame that we see almost no Western games with voice acting. The second best thing is, of course, the animations. There are a lot of them, with many variations. They are very well made and even the usual Japanese censor not ruin them. Given that the developers clearly put more emphasis on the sex content, the level of character development is acceptable. The dialogue within the sex scenes is very erotic, especially in the later stages of main heroine corruption.

    Despite quite simple story premise, I really liked how characters were fleshed out. Even though there is not a lot of dialogue, it still manages to develop the personalities of the characters. The game features multiple routes and approaches toward the main heroine. There are 3 girls, Ayame captured kunoichi, your ninja sister and third girl that look like servant (sorry for vague description, I didn't want to play her route). The only downside is that sister route don't have animations, only pictures. But nevertheless, it's quite sweet and somewhat sentimental.

    After the second playthrough, I must say, love route with Ayame is surprisingly wholesome for this type of game. I really find it hard to believe that they were able to add conflict to a story with such a simple plot and reveal it to such extent that I felt touched for heroes.(Love Between Enemies. And most importantly, the protagonist falls in love with Ayame but is afraid to admit to her that he is the same man who trains her during the day) In the love route, there are also many animated scenes, romantic kisses, long hugs <3, and finally sex. There aren't many dialogues, as I said previously, but I felt touched nevertheless. Maybe it's just personal, of course, that I tend to like plots where characters are constrained by fate and life circumstances, so they can't just show their feelings towards each other. The world and their personal circumstances stand in the way.

    I'll say one last thing. There are quite a lot of games of this genre where you capture a girl and do what you want with her. Unfortunately, most of them lose in one area or another. The graphics, the voice acting, the story, the dialogues. In this game everything is done, if not okay, then at least well. I'm generally very picky in this regard, the game does not pretend to be a deep story and immediately declares itself as a hentai game. As I wrote above, the dialogues do not cause repulsion, the characters do have a personality, as far as the gameplay allows. Overall, I'm satisfied with this game.

    Tips and advices:
    - When you visit Ayame during night, you can't choose any options. It's a bug due to automatic translation. But there is a workaround.
    Go to BepInex/Config/AutotranslatorConfig.txt and edit this:
    But I reinstalled the plugin. So for me it was in:
    Shinobi v1.2/AutoTranslator/Config.ini
    - It is better to set the maximum text speed in the settings so that the translator can keep up better and you do not accidentally skip a dialog line when you click.
    - Alt + 0 (zero) allow you to use translator settings. Deepl is the best one, but somewhat slower than the others. Basically, with deepl you almost don't see "poetry" at all. Second option is Papago, I find it much better than google. Translates fast and somewhat accurate.
    - The game features multiple routes. It's advisable to save on your first day and try each location with an exclamation point to decide which girl you want to pursue. I made only one run and chose sister, but there is another girl (Servant perhaps, or something like that) and love route with Ayame.
    - There are three types of training Ayame, yellow, blue and red. I don't know how they called since pictures not translated. Choosing one of this type, blocking the others. It's better to choose what you want in advance. And use different types of trainings in one section, as repeating them won't progress the corruption. Ayame will automatically become more sensitive to your training after a few days, and the game will inform you about it. But if you want, instead of focusing on one training path, you can combine them on the second day. The first day you do a training session from one path and the next day from the other.
    - The game has 20 different endings. It can be difficult to open them all without a guide. But I'll give you a hint. You don't have to corrupt Ayame completely to 4 hearts. You can stop at 3 and then just come to her room every day, earning a relationship with her.
  20. 2.00 star(s)


    I had big hopes for this game but its pretty much garbage in my opinion.
    - Scenes are very simple
    - Controls are terrible
    - Not everything is translated, some stuff translate fast, for some other You need to wait 3/4 sec, some don't translate even if You wait for like 30 sec so sometimes You just have to guess what options game gives you.

    This game is more like poor VN / Scene Viewer than game.

    You have 5 rooms sometimes with " ! " on them, You just click them and either read dialogue or click on girl boobs / ass / pussy etc. to play animation... Thats all that game offered me in 30 minutes of gameplay...

    Over time You "unlock" more animations, I don't rly know what controlls when You unlock new animations but well... there are like 3 categories but because translate dont work for them i guess its
    1) Solo Sex
    2) Monster Sex
    3) BDSM Sex
    At least thats what i can guess from poor quality animations because like i already said translation to english works only very sometimes...

    I regret downloading this game...
    It took me like 2 hours of waiting and it was waste of time, then another waste of time to play it...