3D-Daz Fan Art Fan art and assets for Family Again


New Member
Nov 1, 2020
Hello there! Here are my "research" results:

School uniform:
Their uniform is
- with white color,
- with a bowknot,
- with alterations, the dev tried to remove the 2 designs on the uniform (so I did the same, you can see a kind of gun on the left arm ;) ).

- body: must be
- hair: as Shadow2007 said, it's

- body: but it's not this asset... Yes I'm 100% guilty, I forgot to search her asset, but I was too much focused on Mia. :(
- hair:
- hair when released: Kayla hair
- babydoll:

- body:
- hair: with a kind of brown color
- glasses: (or you can also use a glasses pack and set the glass to transparent!)
- everyday wear:

My favorite character in this VN! But also the most challenging one to find... And I never found her real body. :( So I did morph, brow erase and so on...
- body: I used but she has permanent blush makeup... Yeah I could remove them on photoshop, but oh well.
- with to erase her brows and put something a little more similar :(
- hair: as Shadow2007 also said, it's with accessories, then you delete the nodes 4 to 15 and keep the first three ones.
- hair when released:
- top lingerie: and you have to delete the jacket,
- bottom lingerie:
- nails: Nails? YES! Did you see them? I never found the texture so I did something alike in photoshop (true character love can make you do stupid things! :D). Judy and Mia got her nail polishes from their respective bodies, but since I haven't find Mia (Miss In Assets?)...

Oh and I also forget this one...

- body: it's just
- hair:
- clothes: + black pants from "Michael 8" asset.

And so I did some fanarts after starting learning Daz3D and I wanted to share them. ^^ I need more pictures of Mia. :( I want to make a lot, I'm in withdrawal! :<

The first one is my avatar:
Mia (avatar).png

An the 2nd one is a funny theme, I named it "Family again in pain". ;)
Family in pain.png