Seeking fantasy (Mediaeval or modern) games with walkthrough-/cheat-/multi-modfications?


Oct 7, 2023
Can you recommend fantasy (ancient (Classical, Dark Ages, Mediaeval, etc.) or modern 1900 to now) visual-novels/-games with walkthrough-/cheat-/multi-modfications (mods, not just walkthrough documents)? Any with similarity to, or inspiration from, classic (1900s) Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) roleplaying game or (without gayness or opt-out) Constantine/Hellblazer (or other Vertigo DC, etc.) comic_book/television_show (TV) would be good, though preferably not too large maps nor needing too much chance nor too much skill to play, but small-to-medium maps and battles you can play or skip to win are entertaining, so can be just literary visual novels or small-to-medium 'sandbox' games. I prefer ones allowing infinite time for turns, and harem games even you have kids at end, and three-dimensional (3D) graphics, but can try 2D, and ones ladies don't have shaved vaginas (not to say I won't play if some do, but rare in Mediaeval age and before online pornography videos were widespread) nor have body modification (unnatural hair dye, tattoos, piercings other than earlobes) (if most don't, that's fine) nor have unrealistic equipment/clothes (not to say I won't play, but for example adventurers with high heels, 'stylish'/useless/scant armour, manga-/anime-style weapons looking far too heavy or more decorative than functional). I like playing elves, humans, fighters, magicians, rangers (in D&D/roguelike history meaning fighter/magician but not always nature-based) and any classic D&D character class at least with storyline/option to be good rather than evil. I prefer Western-art-style elves (classic D&D with ears straight up like Star Trek film/TV vulcans/romulans rather than manga/anime elves ears unrealistically stick out, nor with white hair if not elderly, but not to say I won't play if they're in). Monster girls are fine. I don't like 'BDSM' but if a game has only a little or is avoidable I'd play. Below are some I tried and mostly liked.
  • A Knight's Tale (completed) (maybe historical rather than fantasy Mediaeval but okay in this case)
  • Ataegina (completed)
  • Blue Bonnet Begins (completed) (maybe almost too large map or too much chance or skill, but interested in Blue Bonnet Continues walkthrough)
  • Deliverance (completed)
  • Dreaming With Elsa (completed)
  • Dusklight Manor (completed)
  • Fantasy Town (completed)
  • The Fiery Scion
  • The Intoxicating Flavor (maybe not fantasy but was okay, then abandoned due to creator being in Russia)
  • Long Live The Princess (completed)
  • Love Season: Farmer's Dreams (completed?) (though heard final part has NTR which I dislike)
  • Latricia (completed)
  • Lust Academy
  • NetHack/Slash'em (completed) (roguelike, i.e. text-only map, but has sex)
  • Price of Power (post-apocalyptic science fiction but okay in this case)
  • Snowstorm
  • The Sorcerer (completed)
  • Succubus Game ('0s or '10s with main character Simon)
  • The Swordbearer
  • To Be A King
  • (Ultra)Larn (completed) (roguelike/text-only map, but has sex)
  • Vis (abandoned)
Out of these I probably liked Ataegina, The Fiery Scion, Latricia, Lust Academy, NetHack, roguelikes, The Sorcerer most.
        I read Peasant's Quest is good but not into it yet because may have large 'sandbox' with simplistic graphics like old Nintendo games (earlier 1990s Final Fantasy, which is good, just difficult) (I prefer at least somewhat realistic maps like Ataegina).
        Feel free to use this as a general fantasy/Mediaeval thread even discussing games I wouldn't like.
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Dec 23, 2018
You know, I think you need to play Masters of Raana, even though it's technically not fantasy.
Lots of freedom, and many custom girls.
As for cheats, you can use the browser console, with commands like
for infinite money, for example.