Unity - Fap Nights at Frenni's Night Club [v0.2.6] [FATAL FIRE Studios]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    Look people the only good thing about this game its his animatiosn and voice acting and thats all everything els its so tedius and so boring that you literally need to cheat, bcs its so Grinding hell that is Horrible to play. The desings are nice and the backrounds too and has some easter eggs but its so faar away to be called a good game. Bad game Meh wank. I hope the dev make a major update for this one. 4,5/10 (Sorry for my bad english in this one)
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Arcade mod needs 5x income of cash otherwise, its best to cheat.
    There should be more hints how to unlock things.
    XXXMAS Special is not finished.

    How to play this game.
    1. Play story mode. You will understand what is happening. On day 2, when you will look for the password on different computers, open emails an look at images. Or it should be in trash been. Or just google.
    2. Play arcade mode till you at fully finish at least 2 days.
    3. Game requires you to grind a lot. Save your time and edit your money using regedit. (Set the money to 1 mil)
    4. Read the guide how to unlock all scenes.

    Story mode don't have a lot of H content. Arcade mod is grindy but it's really easy to edit your money.

    That being sad, the game is masterpiece and must play. Animation are really nice and voiced. There are a lot of lewd stuff and Easter eggs.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    Can't really write a "proper review", because that one would require of me to actually play the game instead of trying to find out how to play it for the past few hours.

    I wanted to give it a try, I really did try, but it's hard to play the game when you need to find the answers outside the game first to actually understand how to start playing it. And even if you do have said knowledge it doesn't really matter, because you may be fucked up right at the start without even knowing it.

    As soon as the generator goes off you may as well restart your game or hide somewhere and hope bots won't find you until the shift ends, because you won't fix it before bots get on thier rampage to run right at you to fuck you over.

    One of many shitfs ended even before I managed to click onto the PC right in front of me. I didn't even had enough time to read about additional tasks I had to do, because right after I was given control of the character generator simply went off. I was trapped inside security office with no way to exit it beside the vent. But in order to open it I needed screwdriver. Price? Only 2500$ in cash, when you earn little to nothing per night if you somehow manage to not be fucked over my bots going straight at you. Otherwise you may go into debt.

    That's a damn shame, because allowing player to actually roam around and doing more than simply watching screens and keeping bots at thier locations is a great additional, and certainly different and refreshing, idea for gameplay. Especially if those bots ain't that bad to look at, nor the sex animations ain't really bad either and even are voiced, which is quite rare.

    Controls ain't explained and simply sucks. Who had the idea of inventory being under the space and having to drag those items from the inventory to thier locations by LMB? Good thing Flashlight is under F.

    Sadly, I can't write more about it, because the feeling of being simply fucked over by the game when I didn't even started playing it made me simply delete it.

    1 start, because game simply doesn't allow me to play it.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    I am quite mad while writing this so know that this may be biased.

    Freenie is not as good as I wanted her to be, comon! I litteraly spent hour fantasysing about what freddy would be in a girl fur bot.

    But for me Bonnie take the crown here, her design is amazing, freenie one is boring.

    And the game doesnt have the content I hoped it would have. But hey, it can only go up from here.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    2.2v is absolute ass, the story is paced so slow that it feels designed to waste your time on purpose. There is no gallery system and whatnot and literally 80% of the game is disabled due to bugs and whatnot, I dont really care for entire lore behind the reason of said action but this version is ass and pretty barebones. The 3d models are fine, they still havent provided a camera turn around when sex scenes do happen and I suggest playing the game with cheats on so u can at least kinda lower the time wasted playing story mode.
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    You know how the dialogue in porn sucks so everyone skips it? Well imagine if it was worse, and there was way more of it, and most of it couldn't be skipped. That's this game.

    Scenes are fine, gameplay mostly shit, buggy as hell.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    tits and bears amazing yes also fox with titties how could i forget the chicken with big tits and the rabbit with tits that are also big and how could i forget the puppet who also believe it or not has big titties the biggest titties ever yes of course i love this game
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    This game, for what it has at the moment, is pretty dang good. There are some things that I think could be done better like the gameplay loop, QOL aspects like skipping cutscenes, and obviously more content, but I really do believe in this project and I look forward for what's to come. (Sound design wise, I think this game is spectacular, the VA's do a great job and I think the main theme is great)

    To go more in depth:

    I do have some problems with the gameplay loop, specifically in the arcade gamemode. The mechanics are simplistic, and thats perfectly fine, the problem is how the game transitions from keeping the girls entertained to defending from the girls, since once they are on the loose, realistically, they wont kill you. Unless you get caught with your pants down, say during the power outages, or you are too far from your office when you are chased, you will not get caught, the girls don't try to go into the office, and there are certain parts of the map you can just chill in and survive the whole night. In some cases, I think that is ok, but the idea of an office becomes almost trivial if they don't even go inside of it yet. But I'll give the devs the benefit of the doubt. They are making both a story and arcade mode, which may as well be like creating two games at once, and whether or not that's a mistake is up to you.

    Since this game is still in its infancy, I won't judge something as story based as the main campaign so harshly. The story mode is clearly not fleshed out yet, but for what it has, its pretty good. You play is the classic down on your luck self insert pervert, which gets a +1 from me. You've got a shady drunk boss and you are left at mercy of wound music. It has some nice tutorial sections, and there are a few surprising actual horror sections. I'm hooked.

    The arcade mode is pretty fun, all things considered. I enjoyed messing around trying different things and seeing what got me where, and how to get certain scenes. The money and items system is alright, and on the hardest difficulty, almost required if you don't have a complete grasp of their patterns and strategies on quest priorities. The skins are varied in how good they are, but overall it offers a good amount of customization to both the girls, yourself, and your office.

    Design wise, the game looks great, the main nightclub looks great. The choice of the CryptiaCurves models for the girls was a great one. The player character design is also great, moving away from a generic reddit user, to a more recognizable nightguard character.

    Sound design.. This game has very good voice acting, I'll leave it at that. The main theme is catchy and fun to listen to. Frankly, there isn't much to be said, but its a lot more than other fnaf fangames I've seen here.

    Scenes wise, I think there are several great scenes, but some of them fall flat as a bit bland. The good ones, on the other hand, are very good. Some of them are pretty goofy as well, but all is one when gooning. I look forward to the addition of any new ones in future updates.

    And now what I think is the worst part of this game, the Christmas event. I really don't know what they were thinking with this.

    Overall, I think that the negatives are temporary, and the things this game does right far outweighs what is wrong now, and that the balance will only tilt in this games favor.

    8.9/10, would reccomend.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    I kinda dont wanna give it 5* given how many this has, but there's a lot of things that prevent me from rating it lower. It just has too much potential.

    The Bad:
    - Performance is quite bad at some parts
    - Random stutters that drag your mouse (since 0.2.2)
    - Some of the voice acting is sub par and the text doesnt fit fully (minor)
    - Some missing translations (minor)
    - Softlock bugs like when opening a picture in night 2 when searching for the password on the computers (minor)
    - The nsfw scenes need some polish
    - The christmas mode combat needs a bit more polish even

    The good:
    - It's the best fnaf nsfw fangame there is right now
    - It takes itself serious yet has a good amount of comedic relief when needed. A good story idea that has great potential
    - It's a good free roam horror game that keeps up the nsfw parts, the horror parts and even the adventuring is quite nice.
    - The arcade mode is great, like the random-stuff mode where you can just explore and have fun.
    - The entire special mode, the winter special, is crazy elaborate for being released right after the second night.

    Honestly the fanart (?) drawings on the walls, the posters and jokes, and the whole artstyle is great. The song in the main menu, the pixelart loading screen. Really looking forward for more.
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    I really dont know how, but the game can cause the pc to restart (????) and if this can happen i think that other things also can.

    The game have good visuals and decent gameplay but thats all
    it has really terrible humor and the animations aren't that good
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game with somewhat questionable side story. Gameplay is good and pretty fun, porn aside. Some porn scenes are rough, like Maris titjob, but great otherwise in the lewd department. Dedicated creators is a big plus.
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    This review is based on v0.2.2 and v0.1.9. You'll see why later.

    Most reviews already covered the game's pros and cons, along with its features. I'll try give my take both as a review and as a journal page. Because there are a few perspectives or some opinions people haven't fleshed out properly or touched upon. I suggest reading other reviews first before reading mine.

    Story Mode

    I'm usually the type of person who goes in reading as little as possible about the game and try to immerse myself with what it has. Thus for this section I'll try to not spoil much.

    Got the latest version, figured I should start with the story part. Based on first impressions it's pretty good. There are only 2 nights as of this review but I am hooked, I like the atmosphere, I want to find out more. The lore is lighthearted, but the horror aspect isn't compromised because of it. It reminds me of, for those who recall, Filthy Frank, who would make all kinds of over the top or silly amateur style skits and then out of nowhere you'd get shots with well-thought cinematography, filters, color correction and so on, or an unexpected life lesson. Same with this game. It has this conflicting duality that works.

    That said, there were some gameplay problems. Night 2 in particular had two sections that needed a lot of trial and error to realize what you have to do without a guide. And not very forgiving for mistakes. I'm not a fan of handholding the player thru content, but when I'm in tight corridors where at any corner there can be an animatronic with instant detection, I can't take many risks. And I can't take things too slowly either. It makes me wish I could peek around corners or have proper vantage points to plan my actions.
    Not long after, there was a vent part where not only was it tedious to know if I'm making any progress, but the first time I got stuck unable to move from a wrong turn where I tried to go upwards a slope.

    Oh and some of the posters or notes had randomly turned in spanish despite the language selected being english.

    Arcade Mode

    At first I thought the story section is a sort of tutorial for the arcade mode. Sadly only the first night gives you some insight.
    As of this review, I had to download a downgraded version of the game to play this part because this mode has been currently disabled. Which from what I saw also contained the scenes gallery. So you can't even fap to old stuff you may have unlocked before unless you have a second downgraded copy of the game. This could be fixed if the dev just made everything of this nature accessible from the main menu as opposed to a specific game mode that got disabled, even if temporarily. I know the data is there somewhere because I have unlocked a Krampus scene from testing the Christmas special and it appeared in the old version after I booted it.
    Overall, not a good sign regarding management and long term planning if something as simple as this is overlooked.

    Everything in this mode is trial and error. And you have no direction other than survive, how to access the flashlight and the laptop. I would be fine with this approach. I like exploring and finding stuff. But this mode is a management game with a lot of time constraint. It doesn't give you the proper time to familiarize yourself.

    I go easy mode because I figure this is the best mode to mess around. Obviously, still learning the layout and mechanics, I mess up one of the animatronics, and because I'm taking things too slowly it spirals out of control. I lose. Not a big deal. I have a better understanding of the game. Now I'll just try aga- "-500$ for playing on easy". Wait what? "-100$ for missing all these tasks" Yea I was working on it and- "-150$ for the H-scene"...great. And based on the way you can get out of debt, this seems like a deliberate choice to bully the players. I get that the intent is to make you hate the boss more, but it's just not done well.
    I think the dev thought it's obvious how to play the game and do the chores (speaking of which, took me a while to realize the wine bottle and condom machine part because I didn't realize, that out of all the place, the items were in my office the whole time), making the money reward based on how much you survive, then imposing a fixed tax if on easy mode. I think this should've been a percentage of what you earn taxed, not a fixed amount.

    It's obvious this game mode is a sort-of recreation of the FNAF game mechanics with some tasks to do so you go out and have a reason to risk your life. While I haven't played those games myself, I have watched others do it. And I even saw a video about how the first game works at its roots. Long story short: RNG elements with increasing difficulty during gameplay where various rules for each animatronic are there so you don't try to exploit the game. There are stuff to learn from it.

    In my opinion it's important to focus on the foundation and add mechanics that work together in harmony all while bringing a balanced gameplay. If the foundation is flawed, then the whole thing will feel flawed. For a horror focused game, unpredictability is a key aspect.
    What we get instead is timers. On all animatronics. The approach is basically the same. Sure the activity to get more time before they go berserk is slightly different for each one, but the core is the same. And that makes it predictable. There are barely any RNG elements to keep you on your toes. Once you find the optimal route to take, every night becomes one of two very similar scenarios. You could let them out on purpose for a different experience, but you're not incentivized to do so.

    I have no doubts that the creator is a fan of FNAF 2. He really liked the management and stressful aspect of that particular game. In my opinion, the arcade mode needs to be revamped with unpredictable aspects that focus on the player's ability to plan a vague route and improvise when needed. The random electricity blackout is a good start but there should be both positive and negative random events. Make hard mode the one focused on upmost management and speedrun strats.

    Oh, speaking of hard mode. It's not worth the effort. Even with the "diagonal" exploit of walking faster, it's a hard and unrewarding challenge. It's worth a shot if you don't have Bonfie unlocked yet. With her it's going to be chaos relatively early.


    Compared to other people, I don't see anything wrong for a game like this to have scenes on loss. That said I can see why it can be frustrating to have to choose between advancing thru the game and getting scenes. Usually you want to feel like you earn the scene, not a complementary reward for losing. From my perspective, I still make progress somewhere, be it money to buy items or more scenes to my gallery. That's why I'm fine with it.

    A major problem however is getting the scenes that require extra, usually cryptic, steps. You may need to spend a few rounds of pure money making to afford the items. Then, even if you know what you have to do, if you rush too quick, you lose a lot of cash. Money that you may need either now or later.
    I'm fine with grindy repetitive games. But only if the challenge gets easier and easier with the time I have invested. At the moment the grind is a time sink that's not rewarding enough. Luckily, you can cheat to get money as a last resort.

    How fappable the scenes are, that's subjective. Personally, I like them.


    Good presentation, but I have a feeling the dev bit more than he can chew. He is basically working on two different games in parallel. One focused on adventure and horror, the other being management and scenes. Free mode needs to be made so people can practice. The Christmas special seems like a weird thing to add this quickly in development, at best servers as a testing ground for concepts.
    Also, I shouldn't need a guide for the scenes. You don't have time to experiment. So, in my opinion, the game should have a hint system to point me in the right direction. Maybe buy hints with money. Exception should be Golden Frenni . It's fine for her be cryptic or convoluted.

    I know the game isn't fleshed out to its fullest, but there are ways to add bandaids to the game to circumvent the limitations until the game reaches its full potential. That's assuming the developer doesn't get burned out or milk the situation. Time will tell.
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    Seems pretty decent so far, however overall I feel this game feels pretty fustrating to play. The main story is still in development and its alright. My main problem is the Christmas special where you have to go through a maze and it have to start from zero everytime you fail it. It also has a FPS section? I really don't understand why its there since I can't say its a fun section at all. the weapon they give you feels awfully clunky and doesn't even seem to consistently hit enemies at times. I think there's a bug where the healing items just don't work too? It just feels strange how much effort they seem to have put into this Christmas special instead of progressing with Story.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    I really enjoy this game as it has stuff to appreciate that a lot of h-games these days lack. Character and fun gameplay. You can feel the amount of effort put into this game if, like me, you've played plenty of other h-games first. I'm a big fan of the "gameplay first, sexy later" type approach it has, as most other porn games aren't fun to go through, you're dragging on for the scenes, plain and simple. This one is actually trying to be a GAME. The humor is unique and got a few chuckles out of me at times as well. Although the game is lacking somewhat in the sex department, I view this as a good thing as the devs are ensuring the game is as enjoyable an experience as possible as their main priority. Just means more time for later updates to build upon the catalog of scenes when everything else is more or less finished, and the game is hot and fun to play. Although I hardly play 3D games (because most suck let's be real), I'm happy I gave this one a chance. Looking forward to arcade mode 2.0 when it drops.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is a cut above what you'd usually find on this site, high production values and actual gameplay and story. With the addition of Night 2 the story mode looks to be getting really good with a murder mystery and the plot ratcheting up. Once arcade mode is fixed this game will be in great shape. I am a Fexa simp btw.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    I didnt expect much, because i thought i would just be another bad made fnaf game, but this really is a hidden gem, the scenes are good and the gameplay is good and its even scary at some parts, which i didnt really expect. Truly the best fnaf H-game. Sadly there isnt that much content yet.
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    This is a really fun game but I can't rate it higher due to some issues.

    >Settings don't save, so you have to adjust every time you do a run.
    >The shop is really expensive, so expect to do some grinding.
    >Some items are vague to what they do.
    >The animatronics have a ridiculous sight range, which makes it damn near impossible to get pass them without the spray.
    >If the lights go out, then you might as well start over, if your task are not finished or you are very close with a breaker.
    >Animatronics can catch you through walls if you are too close.
    >Frenni's H scene can't be skipped through.
    >The flamethrower is so bad that it makes Dead Space's flamethrower blush.
    >Elf animatronics can still hit you while they are in a stun state.
    >Hitting more than one animatronic with the flamethrower is possible, maybe?
    >Can't skip cutscenes.
    Pretty good humor.
    Replay value is high, due to hidden items and locations.
    The Animatronics looks good.
    Interested to where the story could go.
    Playing at a higher difficulty rewards you better.
    Club's music don't get tedious to listen to.
  18. 1.00 star(s)


    People in this site really don't know how to make reviews, this game really REALLY doesn't deserve above 3 stars. Lest be honest, we all came here to FAP, and I review games based solely on that aspect, the other things I also apreciate but the porn and the good time you are gonna have are my priority. And with this game you are NOT gonna have a good time.

    THE GAMEPLAY it's tedious and punishes you.

    THE SCENES not that bad but definitly not that great, just average scenes that doesn't deserve 4 stars, and they are kind of hard to get.

    And that's just about everything that really cares for me, definitly not a good experience.

    TLDR; not the greatest fnaf game here like people say, just like every other fnaf game here
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is pretty calm and relaxing, sometimes you might get scared because it is dark and all but it's ok, there's always an exit menu.

    1. The game itself it's pretty interesting, sadly the game doesn't have a complete story yet.

    2. You need to keep a couple of things in check, always keep calm in case you fail or forget to keep one of them in check. You can always hide.

    3. The game has a nice ambiance, at start you might download this game when you were horny but when you play it feels kind of scary.

    4. The tasks are simple enough but keeping them in check it's kind of hard while doing tasks, when more time passes "their" distractions get awfully faster to deplete. So it's inevitably to one of them to escape and try to hunt you, you can always hide in the kitchen's vent (it's near the fridge) but at least complete a task or two (if you can).

    5. The game has an arcade mode and there's also a shop, the shop offers quite a few useful items that are permanent and some consumables that can help you a lot.

    6. The skins might need a little work since there's only the nude skin which kind of disappointed me but there are nice, of course. (Edit: nvm just found out that there are more skins, I am just blind.)

    7. The lore is pretty simple and forward. A guy needs cash and takes it, in the way he might discover the truth of the place where he works at.

    Thanks for reading this (I think) and thank you for your time, have a nice morning/afternoon/evening.
  20. 2.00 star(s)


    Review of version v0.1.9

    Another FNAF porn game ,but this time you are not bound to your computer and can roam the place.....but you have to always return to your computer to keep the animatronics busy.......

    -The walking animation is way to wobbly.
    -You cant adjust mouse sensitivity or rebind buttons.
    -The default mouse sensitivity is ass.
    -Crouching does nothing in regards to stealth. Its only for the ventilations.
    -If the animatronics only see a pixel of you or feel your aura they are on your ass. No real detection or stealth.
    -Dragging something from the inventory is way to dumb. For example: You have to gather certain items , you gather them all, you go to the blue spots showing what to place where, then you click nothing happens. Gamer instinct kicks in you press "E" nothing happens, you press space and get an inventory and then you have to drag every item from the item menu to the blues space., But you have to hold space or you need to reopen the item menu and maybe need to scroll to the last item in the slot because you need that one. I have never seen such a way of managing items in a game or porn game.
    -The gameplay is tedious. It consists of clicking the music box at the PC, watching foxy and rewinding the microwave in the kitchen. All these things keep the animatronics from becoming active, because when they get active you can forget doing anything. And in the short seconds you have before you need to do all three things you can MAYBE do one task. Sometimes you need to do all things, get the item, repeat and place the item and there you have the gameplay loop. Watch Foxy, rewind music box, rewind microwave go do shit rince and repeat and if one animatronic does break loose just close the office doors and wait (watch a youtube video or something) to end the shift, because of the bugged "Stealth" you will always be seen by them. You could easily just stay in the office close all doors and wait till your shift ends. You would get 500 which is more if you try and fail. Even if the lights go out and you have your doors closed you get 500 in the end.
    -All the above mentioned things are not explained in the game or I did not find it.
    -Game penalizes you for trying to play easy to just enjoy A SEX GAME. ." No fun allowed you dumb casual, play as intended or get the fuck out of my game"

    +A shop for skins
    +The models are very good.
    +Good voice acting
    +Amazing soundtrack
    +Good Main Menu
    +Interesting spin on the FNAF games.

    The animations are meh. Did not saw many since the goal of the game is getting money and not getting sex. Maybe if you grind enough and got everything you can try to have sex.

    This game was not made to play and have fun and its not made to jerk off to.