There's a lot to like in this game, but its not without its flaws. Whether the good outweighs the bad will depend to a large extent on your own playing style and preferences.
The graphics are first class, with an incredible number of detailed renders, good animations, lots of characters and well developed locations. The MC's facial model and expressions often remind me of a young Holly Marie Combs, with a far more developed body.
The plot can be confusing, especially if you've skipped the earlier parts and only started the latest, because the constant flashbacks and references to past events won't make much sense if you haven't experienced them. Strongly recommend playing each part in order, as you'll enjoy the story a lot more with this approach. DecentMonkey has clearly put a lot of work into the plot and you'll see this as new details are discovered and plot points start linking together.
The biggest downside for me was the grind, which was worst in Episode 2. Since this is (IMHO) the best episode so far, its a mixed blessing. Players who are used to RPGM games won't really notice it, but if you mostly play Ren'Py VN's, your mouse finger is in for a serious workout and you'll be frustrated by the repetition needed to advance the plot. Having said that, the catfight scene in the Shiny Hole made it all worth it for me!
Multiple paths are open to you for game play, so keep plenty of saves and be prepared to start the occasional new game if the paths start becoming exclusive, or demand too much micromanagement to play them all simultaneously. As always, prioritise the parts you enjoy and don't feel that you have to complete everything - unless you're a completionist.
Fashion Business seems to be a highly polarising game. Look through the forum thread and posters seem to love or hate it, with few in between. Give Episode 1 a try and refer to the guides on DecentMonkey's web page (linked via the main game menu) if you get stuck. It can be hard work at times, but I think the rewards are worth it.
Forgot to mention that 90% of the grind can be eliminated through heavy use of the CTRL key (on Windows PC's, not sure about other platforms) to fast forward through slides and animations that repeat a scene. In some cases, dozens of times. This will save you thousands of mouse clicks/key presses to advance to the next screen and you won't miss out on anything because all the information for a scene is conveyed on the first playthrough. I wish I'd realised this on my first few playthroughs, but hopefully others can benefit from my pain.
The graphics are first class, with an incredible number of detailed renders, good animations, lots of characters and well developed locations. The MC's facial model and expressions often remind me of a young Holly Marie Combs, with a far more developed body.
The plot can be confusing, especially if you've skipped the earlier parts and only started the latest, because the constant flashbacks and references to past events won't make much sense if you haven't experienced them. Strongly recommend playing each part in order, as you'll enjoy the story a lot more with this approach. DecentMonkey has clearly put a lot of work into the plot and you'll see this as new details are discovered and plot points start linking together.
The biggest downside for me was the grind, which was worst in Episode 2. Since this is (IMHO) the best episode so far, its a mixed blessing. Players who are used to RPGM games won't really notice it, but if you mostly play Ren'Py VN's, your mouse finger is in for a serious workout and you'll be frustrated by the repetition needed to advance the plot. Having said that, the catfight scene in the Shiny Hole made it all worth it for me!
Multiple paths are open to you for game play, so keep plenty of saves and be prepared to start the occasional new game if the paths start becoming exclusive, or demand too much micromanagement to play them all simultaneously. As always, prioritise the parts you enjoy and don't feel that you have to complete everything - unless you're a completionist.
Fashion Business seems to be a highly polarising game. Look through the forum thread and posters seem to love or hate it, with few in between. Give Episode 1 a try and refer to the guides on DecentMonkey's web page (linked via the main game menu) if you get stuck. It can be hard work at times, but I think the rewards are worth it.
Forgot to mention that 90% of the grind can be eliminated through heavy use of the CTRL key (on Windows PC's, not sure about other platforms) to fast forward through slides and animations that repeat a scene. In some cases, dozens of times. This will save you thousands of mouse clicks/key presses to advance to the next screen and you won't miss out on anything because all the information for a scene is conveyed on the first playthrough. I wish I'd realised this on my first few playthroughs, but hopefully others can benefit from my pain.