Identify father/daughter game, walkthrough mod broke translation


Oct 9, 2019
Trying to remember the name of a game I played a while back. Renpy, DAZ3D.

MC was a guy living in a city when his daughter comes to stay with him. She was blonde and had a friend who was brunette. They had a teacher who they tried to set MC up with. The teacher also overheard them talking about MC and the stuff that had gone on with the daughter (not sex yet but like seeing each other and fantasies she had had iirc). There was also a cashier or shop girl or something that you could try to have a date with but all choices you could make with her led to MC not being able to get hard and her insulting him.

The thing I remember most distinctly was that it was originally not in English (I want to say Russian) and that having the walkthrough mod active would break the translation at some point. TBH I don't know that I even want to play it (the daughter was hot but there was some stuff I didn't really care for) but it's driving me nuts not being able to think of the name.