Seeking Female Protag games with character agency


New Member
May 22, 2019
Looking for some female protag games with a main character that isn't a complete moron that thinks getting raped 5x a day is totally normal and ok.

Anything with a forced blackmail plot where I can't tell the blackmailer to go screw is right out. Heavy femdom is a plus.

I'm really looking for a badass female protag that can choose to be slutty.

Games I've liked:

My Hero Academia - Almost perfect... character could choose what actions to take and with whom.

Jessica O'Neils Hard News - Pretty good with character agency, I rather dislike being forced to have the starting boyfriend.

Good Girl, Gone Bad - As long as I avoided all the gang bits it was pretty good. Ditched the useless bf in this one asap though.

Pretentious Goblin

Devoted Member
Nov 3, 2017
Badass female MC... KoD for sure. It even has some femdom and MC can be played dominant. Also Third Crisis. These are games where MC is put in plenty of situations where she can be exploited, but afaik it can always be avoided.