VN [Female Protagonist] Consensus on allowing Player to name Male Characters?


Jun 5, 2017
Designing game with Female protag and events with Male NPCs.

I was initially designing with the thought that the Player would like to name the Male characters, as many games allows the Player to name all the female characters in a Male Protagonist/Perspective game.

But I am running into the first road-block of Design where there are going to be elements in the game that are based off the "placeholder" name I have given to all my male characters and realized that if I give the player the option to change the Male character names, it may throw plot and certain elements out of wack or add confusion for the player.

So I wanted to ask for a consensus on the Option to change NPC names ?

I started designing with Player Choice being the star of my show because I would play many games where I always had that lingering thought of "I wish I could do this or that instead" (main reason I got into developing) but over the years of playing games of all kinds, I have adopted the mindset that "decision fatigue" exists and when you are given too much choice you tend to sit there waste more time Deciding than actually Experiencing. So now that I am getting back on the horse and working on my own game, the stories I had already set with placeholder/temporary names are now causing me a dilemma, because I want to give players that Choice but at the same time it limits my design. Encouraged by Ren'Py, I can set the Custom Variable and in everything text related it will use the Player's chosen names but as I develop the story and elements of my game further, I cant use those placeholder names in anything Visual because that isn't as customizable.
Over the years I have been playing games instead of developing and noticed that the usual trend is to allow the player to have that ability to create their own fantasy, which I totally understand and can get behind, but now that I am trying to focus on getting back to developing, I wanted to ask the Dev community if you guys have gotten any pushback or am I just being too ambitious and overthinking things.

Would be great if I could get feedback from any female VN players, do you like naming your Males? as a Player myself, I do like to name my female characters, is that the same for ya'll.


Oct 14, 2019
What's stopping you from allowing plr to edit npc names? Some plrs will love it, others will just contend using the regular names. Should be straightforward to implement, too.


Jun 5, 2017
What's stopping you from allowing plr to edit npc names?
Currently something writing in the Visuals of a scene will use one of the character's placeholder names. It will be more complicated(dont think I can design a Visual to call/pull info from Ren'py variables) to change the scene to fit a custom name instead of just forcing the PLR to go with a name I have setup.


Active Member
Aug 20, 2017
Currently something writing in the Visuals of a scene will use one of the character's placeholder names. It will be more complicated(dont think I can design a Visual to call/pull info from Ren'py variables) to change the scene to fit a custom name instead of just forcing the PLR to go with a name I have setup.
Most RenPy games with player customisable characters will use character designations, such as "MC" or "sis", or some abbreviation for the characters default name or role. Then have a file with what the custom name is updated to, so whenever the designation is called on it will be replaced with the custom name, but all mentions of characters within the game files only use the default designation.

You could even set up the option in the menu to "set custom names" so that you don't have to do it within the story, and the user can get a feel for what is going to happen and change the name when they see fit.

But don't take my word for it because I'm not a dev nor do I know Python, just from what I've personally seen other devs do.