Female Protagonist - Mistakes, Ramblings, Ideas, Plot idea - Smart FMCs


Dec 27, 2017
This is a bit long, a bit of a theory idea, and ramblings about Fem Prot games, why and what seems to be wrong (to me) with development of these games. I always have some of the below in my head with frustrations at design or story, so writing it down allows me to brain dump, and see if others feel the same or not - or even care.

I have been here (the zone) for a long time, I am not a Dev, I am a bit of a writer, love porn and love porn games. I haven't played absolutely everything yet, some kinks don't do it for me, BUT I have played an immense amount of the content here and followed games for many years. While I have no ability to create graphics, or code I have often wondered why, with all the talented people out there why do they get things so wrong when making games, VNs, KN, etc - have they never played these things before deciding "I will make the greatest porn game ever!" Language (Engrish) issues aside, and learning to make a game is all part of it, thus mistakes - I always feel game Dev's should have spent more time watching 1980's porn before making their attempts. Porn that came with stories, implausible but endearing, a path, porn logic but a time where porn actors/es and directors thought they were going to eventually win an oscar for their film. Plus they should have played dozens of games to seen what is done right and what is so commonly done wrong.

So - Female Protagonists - the best example of how things are done so wrong.

First, I am a guy, so - no I do not have an amazing insight into the female brain, and hold no agency on how they actually think (Been Married for a long time and can confirm, nope - no clue).
Second, I really like playing fem prot games - nope, not gay, never wanted to be a chick, its not an immersion thing when playing FMC games for me.

So - I have created the basic "Theory of Porn Dev Law" that every Dev should understand prior to starting. Much like Boyles Law - understand it before you start scuba diving - get this and you are off to a great start in my opinion.

A Great looking awesome specimen of a 25 year old man walks into a Bar with 100 women of all shapes sizes and age, walks to the stage and announces "I need to get fucked, who wants to ride this dick?" Response will be - a couple, none, a desperate ugly chick, the drunk chick in the back, - in reality FUCKING ZERO is the best bet I would make in Vegas.

An average Woman, or good looking, a little older, - really almost any women (except fugly) - does the same thing to a room with 100 men. Response - ALL OF THEM - not including the gay dudes, the 22 year old that just fell in love, or the guys that think their wife will find out - but all of them will want to.
So after removing those gay dudes, very discerning taste guys, guilty, a very large number would volunteer - especially if they were the only one, her success rate would go down rapidly after the first as many would not want to go there after someone else has deposited, some still will.

Suffice to say - every reasonably attractive women in the world that goes out on Friday night and wants to get fucked - can. Every guy that goes out to get fucked on a Friday night - rare - sometimes, a lucky few 2% players, most of the planet - rare. I was a pretty good looking dude, single in my 20s and I went out every Fri/Sat night, had better success than almost every guy I know, I was a player for a time. But on the majority I went home alone most weekends, and I look back to my run in the 80's and 90's and wow, I am never telling my kids what my body count was. BUT I spent many, many lonely weekends - where a player woman could have it any day, every day if they so wanted.

Understanding that and then making stories or a game gets easier - If a Male MC - it is already a successful fantasy if he is getting fucked everywhere, harems, getting it everyday - cause that doesn't happen in real life, its unachievable to get to bang all your neighbors, mom, sisters, the granny down the street, all your co-workers, your best friends wife - Win Win. Easy plot and successful because its already something that is impossible, thus a fantasy, and an easy plot. Yes, all the above has been done a million times, we are all tired of it - nope - still being churned out of the porn mill at a faster rate than your mom's bedroom door opens.

Now female MC - well you can't do that. Hot chick wants to bang - she can, the dudes will, - not much of a story. Full slutmode activate - boring as hell. That is just a gonzo porn flick and why play that - ok you get some cool graphics maybe, interesting design but that is a nothing burger for the mind.

So Devs kinda recognize this for the most part. They take a innocent young lady off to college and corrupt her, or a loving wife, or a loving mother and begin the corruption process that will eventually lead to her going full slutmode and cheating on her stupid, inadequate husband (the rather rare Dev makes a go at a good dude with a decent fuckstick) but either the Dev or the paying community pushes the cuck mode for the hubby/boyfriend and then the FMC goes BBC queen of spades run, she gets an OF or turns into a porn queen, hooker etc. Rarely do these games ever get an ending. Usually a rushed end, abandoned, or milking the same thing for years, because - how do you end that - she is a full slut and getting fucked by ten dudes a day - what - she dies from some STD, sold into sexual slavery, becomes a meth head on the streets, or joins a convent, marries and keeps her past a secret?

See FMC are hard. How many ending stories do we have of the woman sitting at home with her harem of ten dudes and a couple girls servicing her - zero. (I have looked) but that is the ending of dozens of Male MC games. Besides - I don't see how that would be satisfying - personally I don't want harems with FMC games.

How many endings do we have of a FMC finding her true love, marrying and giving up the slut life and living in happiness with her great guy - zero (perhaps there are some out there, I havent found them) - minus the ones where her and her great guy cuck her previous husband, humiliate and all that and then run away (both are assholes at that point to me, and I don't count those - my essay lol. Eva Kiss' games seem to actually be pretty good actually.

Now there are some out there that have or are on a pretty decent path - Eva Kiss' first game was pretty good, and her current one is shaping up really well as well. Lily of the Valley, not sure where that will go, Steps of Debauchery (really good), project Myriam (also good, but can't imagine what an ending could be).

The fails - well this is the key point I think in making a FMC game. They have to have stress, consequence, purpose - they cannot be sluts before as that is a non story, they cannot go full slut immediately because that is a rather short story. Thus the Magic spell, Blackmail, threat to family and relationship, medical condition, hit to the head, voodoo spell on that vibrator - something has to have happened to change them, so that now they are doing the thing that never happens in real life - giving that pussy to everyone.

Problem is - once they give it to everyone - there is nowhere to go - and we have abandonment issues and stupid endings. The other major problem is the community that wants one of those things that kills the story for me. First - sharing/cucking. Not my kink, but some folks like it, want to see it, and if a dev has it they have rabid support from them because that crowd gets the game they want, in a world full of games made for everyone else - so I get it. But, once the husband, boyfriend is in on it, knows what is going on, agrees and shares his FMC slut wife, there really is no stress or agency or story left - except how she is gonna bang the next dude.

"Honey, why don't you walk into that construction site and ask Absolutely ANYBODY if they want to fuck, they will all say yes, I will sit in the corner and jerk off while you get railed" - success. "Hey ask my best friend who is coming over for a BBQ tonight if you want to fuck" oh surprise, yes , "I am tired I will go to bed, have fun." SO BLOODY BORING. Because that is actually how easy it would be if that happened in real life.

So long story, but, here it is - lots of folks bitch that Male MCs are stupid - but nobody give intelligence, planning, smarts to a FMC. Usually they are fucking stupid. I love lily of the valley, but she is dumb. I like Miriam, but she does really stupid stuff. Even Eva Kiss games - they do some really stupid stuff. I see reviews for male MC games and a very constant bitch is that the Male MC is dumb, stupid - not so much for the female MCs. Put a dick in her and they all become cum sluts and cannot stop themselves from serving the next dick in line.

Now I may be a bit older now - but I firmly believe women are kinda smart, and in many cases, smarter then us. With OF rampant and lots of young/old ladies making bad mistakes out there, or possibly good mistakes - we will find out in 10-20 years when the effects of what they are doing now are realized and the world studies it as they attempt to go on with their lives - with all the evidence out there for their kids to see - or maybe their children are really happy because mom got railed by a dozen dudes and I have this great house to live in - I don't know. But when it comes to games, we really don't give them the smarts or agency that would make a great plot line.

So to end this - I will present a plot line that I think would be amazing, loosely based off of a B grade flick I saw many years ago, it was a foreign short film that I cannot remember the name of (nazi's were in it) , and was not porn. This is my example of a Good fem prot game with a reason, story, porn, and an ending. If you have read this far, thank you for reading my ramblings and helping me to get all this out of my head to make room for more useful concerns.

Former Soviet Republic XX - new democracy, rampant Russian gangs. A simple Bar/Restaurant/hotel run by a Woman, her Adult Daughter, and her Husband a quiet tough dude.

The guy a former soldier, worked as a merc after the military, hard, tough, loving, rescued the two of them from despair, rape, poverty. The FMC and her daughter adore him, love him, he is kind, now retired they fell in love, married, bought this place and happily enjoying life. He smuggled them out, fake papers and all, set them up, but living illegally in country(most of this is not known to the player at the start) muscles, capable, big dick, great fuckery skills, devoted hubby and step father. Highly skilled, dangerous - holy fuck you do not want to piss off this dude, he will nuke the planet kill everyone and skull fuck their eye sockets if they hurt his wife or stepdaughter or mess with his bar.

Bad guys (russian mob) move in, the hotel/bar is a great location for them to base out of, launder money, they are aware of the illegal status of the women. As in real life, they set things up for the bribed corrupt police and government to be set to arrest them all for being illegal and tax evasion - but the mob will take care of that, save them, but we own your asses now. Wifey knows the world of hurt hubby is gonna do, what he is capable of, and she knows they will lose everything, possibly their lives, but definitely his.

She is a really smart lady, grew up on the streets, raised her child in a tough world, ..really smart. She has to take drastic action to prevent an apocalyptic scenario, protect her daughter and the man she loves, protect their home, business and somehow get rid of the mobsters - not one, but all because she understands this world being from "there" - this doesn't go away, there is no good end. They will end up being used up, blamed when the authorities finally crack down, criminals by then themselves after laundering money, and she knows that when all the gangsters move into the hotel they will have their way with her/her daughter/her staff - and hubby will lose his shit.

Their staff are all women, young and old, from her former home (where the gangsters are from). Mostly illegals, or their husbands are, they are all known, and all will be in the same predicament - they can't run, walk away because the mob made it clear they will keep up the facade of the nice business or they will pay - they will find them. FMC feels the need to find a way to protect them all. She is the Liam Nelsen (hotter, sluttier version) of this world.

Drug hubby so he doesn't lose his shit (an oblivious dug induced haze), organize the staff to submit to this, gather intel, find things out, plan - and as they fuck and suck their way through the gangsters, keeping hubby and boyfriends and husbands oblivious as they bide their time, while really enjoying some dick - but being very careful about being discovered by their men, families, officials etc. (might have to be whored out to some corrupt politicians) Now the player doesn't realize all of this, hints, and possibilities, but for the most part the discovery of the plan is slowly introduced. The ladies while going full slut, there might be something more going on, the player starts to see a the real plot. The player sees wives, girlfriends, mothers going full slut mode a cheaters heaven with buff, good looking gangsters, and fine for you ugly old guy fans - some of those as well.

You have possible (pretend) love interests, pregnancy risks and management of that, possible spies, or women going over to the other side, intelligence gathered, materials gathered, clothing changes, and oblivious husbands and other partners. Cute loveable gangsters, old politicians, young wannabe gang members, loving bosses, random delivery guys, other women brought in, whores, etc. An entire hotel full of cute married, boyfriends, old young, housekeepers, waitresses, cooks, bartenders, front desk clerks all being corrupted and fucked silly - but with a plan.

Multiple endings - finally wake hubby out of his stupor, fill him in on the plan, kill everyone in one fell swoop with all the info and relaxed happy ball drained gangsters after months have gone by.

Old Soviet KGB doctrine "We will amaze the west with peace overtures, treaties, compliance, until the time when we are ready to crush them with an iron fist"

Possibly nasty endings of going over to the gangster side, or even her taking over. Pregnancy risks managed so the ladies conspire to get preggo by their husbands/boyfriends but have to fend off the gangsters creampies or vice versa.

Lots of slit throats, poisonings in the end and Hubby going rambo on everyone...so much fun to be had. Overall, a smart, possibly nympho mature lady with a plan, executing it while playing a fuck toy, but in the probable end - incredibly in love with hubby, happy with his dick and him, likes sex, but once its over - does he ever know..no (she is smarter than that, cause it would break him and their relationship) does she continue fucking everyone - no, only in a bad end, but in reality she was doing this for a reason, and that reason was to lull the bad guys in, and eliminate the threat to her and her family, she enjoys herself, but once job done, she retires the slut with a smile.

Oh the daughter - ya take a guess at the ideas at that, in the end, same, happy or bad end.

_____________________________ End

Thanks for reading, love to see folks opinions to my ramblings. Now I can stop thinking about this and consider it brain dumped.
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Dec 27, 2017
side note - my plot idea is free to use - my idea of a perfect FMC plotline - have fun. Just don't make it with crappy graphics or honey select - I will hate you. Good graphics, an actual mature looking lady as the FMC not youngified, but a proper 40ish year old, nice attention to heels and stockings and lingerie in the sex scenes and heck I will support you all the way.


Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2016
This is why FMC games and any other game for that matter needs a "Setting" and "Plot" to make it work, aka the basics of writing.
That defines the Situations that Character has to navigate through and define themselves through their Choices.
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Dec 27, 2017
This is why FMC games and any other game for that matter needs a "Setting" and "Plot" to make it work, aka the basics of writing.
That defines the Situations that Character has to navigate through and define themselves through their Choices.
Personally I would write the entire game out, with all the combinations, branches etc. Start, beginning and end, I really have no idea how devs can work with supporter driven suggestions, polls etc.

I think it would be like a Master Sculptor carving his great statue of his dreams, and 100 people behind him yelling suggestions - suggestions that he has to take because they are paying him. It would result in a mess, certainly not a masterpiece.


Forum Fanatic
Apr 14, 2021
Personally I would write the entire game out, with all the combinations, branches etc. Start, beginning and end, I really have no idea how devs can work with supporter driven suggestions, polls etc.

I think it would be like a Master Sculptor carving his great statue of his dreams, and 100 people behind him yelling suggestions - suggestions that he has to take because they are paying him. It would result in a mess, certainly not a masterpiece.
Meanwhile "Master Sculptor": 'Jeez finally got these morons to start throwing dough at my piece of crap, whew.' :sneaky::coffee:
  • Haha
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