Unity - Femboy Survival [Demo 11] [2DNiem]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is great. Simple gameplay with simple interactions. The biggest problem I saw was that I think the pixel arts has sex scenes in the background when CG happens but we don't really see it because it is behind the CG art.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Lovely little game.
    A bit of a challange at first, but that's mostly cause i didn't know you could roll at the start haha
    Only have some minor gripes, like that big ass avatar you have on the right that stays excatly the same no matter how corrupted you are or slutty you're dressed.
    Either not give me items, or have those items appear on my character.
    i'd also wish there was a submit button you could press yourself, that would change the "animation" slighty and more importantly, give me a text saying how much he enjoys it.
    the button mashing is a bit annoying, but i mostly let myself get caught anyway so it's not my biggest concern.

    All in all though, the core game play is awesome, i love the art and style, the biggest issue i have is there's not more of it.

    This game has huge potential, i'm very curious what you'll do with this
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Very nice little game. Rather simple game play, but it's still rather fun. The scenes are awesome. I love me some femboys :)
    I'm hoping that eventually you can opt to play as a character that wants to be boned and gets benefits from doing so.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    This game would be better if not for the terrible implementation of in mission sex scenes or grabs. They just completely ruin the flow and I would rather take damage and have a game over scene. I don't know why developers think I want to smash my keyboard to resume the gameplay. It would be one thing if the scenes were dynamic or more flushed out, or if the escape mini game itself wasn't just smashing a and d repeatedly.

    For example the first bullshit enemy is not only faster then you but has a tackle ability that makes your dodge look like crap. So unless your perfect right off the bat your going to spend more time smashing a and d then actually playing the level. And if that wasn't bad enough they also decided to make this worse by making it so the meter gets even harder to fill up the more you get grabbed meaning you either have to really give your keyboard hell of be locked in long animation scenes repeatedly.

    This may be a bug but the enemy can still act while your grabbed so I had a situation where an enemy teleported on to me, locked me in a scene, then another enemy hit me with a completely balanced permanent slow while grabbed, only for the teleporting enemy to do a multi cast aoe ranged attack that was undodgeable due to being slowed that then locked my into the terrible button smashing gameplay permanently. Combined with the game getting harder then more your grabbed I had to quit because I didn't want to spend any more time damaging my keyboard for a fundamentally bad gameplay mechanic.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    This game has just a huge number of minor flaws and roughnesses. But this game is just great! She really creates a challenge both in terms of gameplay and in terms of sex scenes! This is what a good NSFW game should be - challenging the player in all its aspects.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Simple, smooth, cute, freaking hot.. I honestly spent waaaay too much time on this demo, cause yeah, it's a demo.. That being said, it's truly addicting and dope.

    You have some light RPG elements (stats, items), pretty simple but smooth combat with some refreshing interactions (dodging tentacles, ropes, slime bits) and the sex bits are awesome. There is no need for fancy animations cause the art is already great.

    The only things I wish could be added or improved in the future are:
    - Adding a keybind to close all menus. I'm not sure there is one for now and it can get pretty frustrating when an enemy forces you to unequip your weapon and you're trying your best to free yourself by pressing one key, then opening the inventory, equipping the weapon, and trying to close it. What ended up happining for me was that in my attemps to close everything, I ended up opening more of them and they just kept stacking :(.
    - More "unique" items (once you get the ring of regen or something, it really becomes a "cumdump simulator" :love:)
    - Obviously more ennemy types, the more, the better :love:.
    - More arena types (for example, we could play in a dark area, with a limited eye sight, or a ice themed arena, where the MC would slightly slide. It would make things harder but also more exciting depending on how it would be implemented and the ennemies that we would be "fighting" :oops:).
    - Some sort of mod support, so that the community could perhaps help or even keep working on it if the developer decides to stop the development.

    Let's not forget that this is a demo, and if that's just the start, I'm really looking forward to what this game can become :). Let's just hope this project keeps growing and that there will be plenty of other ennemies ready to ruin MC's butt :oops:..

    So yeah, keep the good work and pleeeeeease don't abandon this :cry:.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    The game is fairly entertaining, actually, if a bit unbalanced and suffering from very common amateurish game design problems. The art is lovely, and the game is rewarding enough, however overall progression within each game feels lackluster and unsatisfying.

    Other than that, it has some superficiality.
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    The animations are good and I had already seen the concept in some other game, but the poor balance in which, in one way or another, the character cannot be improved as much as the wave requires is stressful, it needs more balancing since not even the minigames they save you
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    A button masher with simple and repetitive gameplay. Remember Flash games from 10-15 years ago? It's like a very barebones version of those: just move around and evade while spamming your attack until everything on the screen is dead.

    The menus and controls are very poorly implemented: menus open on top of each other, and there are enemies that unequip your items AND fill your inventory with trash whenever they touch you, forcing you to open the equipment menu (which doesn't pause the game) and try to equip back your items (because you cannot attack otherwise) and evade enemies while the menu is blocking the entire screen.

    That's not challenging, that's just annoying.

    While the game looks interesting at first, it losses its appeal two minutes later once you notice that every level is the same thing over and over, with a couple of slightly different enemies being introduced once in a while.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Fun game that's a little challenging at first. Great animations. The only thing I don't like is the avatar blocking the right side of the screen, but if you get surprised by enemies, that's fun too. Worth a try if you like arcade type games, the animations are drawing style, not pixel.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Extremely arousing game if this is your thing. And has actual challenging gameplay on top of that. Those two things already put this game up in the top 1% of eroge. As a bonus, development seems to be happening at quite a fast pace. Nice work, dev!
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    As previous reviews have said: Yes it's nerve-wracking, and yes it's unfair.

    These are two things that, with the faster pace of the game, make it genuinely exciting in a way that I haven't seen many other games pull off. Combine it with the great art and this is an incredibly arousing title.

    Four stars, mostly because I want to see this game live up to its potential. Though, not quite five stars, because (in its current state) the game can snowball pretty quick and leave you without control of your character (in many ways) for far too long. Feeling helpless is definitely hot, but at the end of the day I want to play the game. I hope that a better balance is found in later updates.

    Final note: I understand why the menus don't pause time, but at least let it pause while looking at the corruption stats. Let the player bask in their failures (or achievements, depending on who you ask)
  13. 1.00 star(s)


    For a demo it is okay, the concept could be a lot of fun.

    The art is very good and the MC looks very cute, but they get boring after a while, because there are only 4 enemies which all have different multiple sex scenes but there are way too many waves and you you see them too often, instead of 15 waves 5 would have been enough.

    I also like the pixel art of the characters the place where you move around looks a bit boring, hopefully more places will be added.

    There also needs to be some music, I like the soundeffects but it still feels empty.

    But there is one massive problem, the gameplay is very bad, it feels too slow, the enemies are way too strong, there are way too many buttons you need to presh which for someone who is left-handed is nearly impossible and just not fun. For me the best solution is clear enemies a bit weaker and the game should be playable with only the mouse and maybe a few buttons, but atleast moving and shooting should both be possible with the mouse.

    But it doesn´t up much space so try and see if you like it, I atleast enjoyed the art.
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    [EDIT]: This game just got updated from Demo 7 (the version I wrote about here) to Demo 8. The changelog mentions that corruption has been nerfed, meaning the escape bar should be locked less often, that difficulty options have been added (meaning the general combat might actually be challenging now), and that grab escape difficulty can now be adjusted, hopefully meaning less carpal-tunnel. While I don't think I really enjoyed the game enough to want to play the new version to verify all this, I'm bumping my rating up from 2 stars to 3 in recognition of the dev's demonstrable willingness to put the work in to improve the game.



    -The porn is blazing hot

    -Getting ravaged by a gang of horny futas is fun

    -Decently addictive core loop


    -Yet another game where you have to mash buttons to escape. It gets tiring fast, especially when certain enemies drain the escape meter so fast it's almost impossible to keep up.

    -Game is too easy. It's super easy to 'beat' all 15 waves. Just let the enemies fuck you until they get tired and disappear. There's no penalty except negative character traits, and all those seem to do is make it harder to mash out of getting fucked, which doesn't matter since the easiest way to win is to give up and get fucked anyway. Also HP means nothing, you have so much and enemies do such little damage. They barely even attack you, most 'attacks' just start sex scenes, which does 0 damage. And the ring of regen may as well be a ring of invincibility. Even if you choose to fight, you'll never die. You'll get fucked a few times, sure, but you'll never actually game-over.

    -Game is too hard. Yes, it's too easy and too hard at the same time. Because while not dying is effortless, not getting fucked is impossible. If an enemy touches you a single time, they instantly fuck you and your virginity is gone. And if that's not enough, even just simply mashing out of sex is stupidly frustrating because...

    -The game keeps locking off the escape meter. This is probably one of the worst mechanics I've ever seen in a porn game. It adds nothing, it's just annoying. If I'm playing to win, I get frustrated by the game robbing control for no good reason. If I'm playing to get fucked, I'm not bothering with the escape mechanic anyway, rendering the locking gimmick pointless. Stop it. And speaking of things you should stop doing...

    -Stop unequipping my items, especially my goddamn weapon. If you wanna make a status effect that prevents attacking temporarily, fine. That's frustrating, but manageable. Forcing me to scramble in my inventory to re-equip my weapon mid fight, while also dodging attacks from enemies I can't see because the inventory window is in the way, while also CLOSING THE WINDOW IF I GET HIT because getting hit starts a sex scene... that's just plain bullshit.

    All in all the actual 'game' isn't very good. It's mostly just frustration on top of frustration. But if you ignore the fighting part and just walk into enemies, getting fucked over and over, it's pretty good for some mindless horny fun. Which in fairness is what most of us are here for anyway.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Fun and hot. whole bunch of futanari x femboy content which I really enjoy. Pretty simple at the moment but excited to see more development and updates go into this game. artstyle is cute and lewd and better then what alot of other games have.
  16. 5.00 star(s)

    Thot Patrol

    [Demo 7]

    I like this alot, and for it being just a demo, makes me wonder what the developer has in store for us in this game. I am pretty excited to see what the next update is gonna have. In its current gameplay, it's just a 15 wave survival with a corruption system. After completing the 15 waves, it just resets. There is no ending to the game (currently). Only major difficulty is, is once you get touched, you're getting penetrated, so it makes it really difficult to uphold a virgin route. (Perhaps dev could add a threshold for penetration?) Currently, it does have a decent amount of enemies and animations (every enemy has atleast two scenes [except for the tentacles]). Overall, I'm really looking forward to advancement towards this game
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    Fun combat, great concepts, fetishes are done well, and it's futa on male femdom but not the boring way, and thank god for that. I've seen enough of femdom on male that's just boring teasing. Love the stat system. The lack of animation can make it somewhat underwhelming, but the sfx does make up for it by just enough. This game should be finished as a priority since I can see this fostering a good seed in the hentai game community. Dev, keep it up. Rating 4 stars for potential.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Perfect illustrations, with good gameplay. This game has huge potential. Maybe with a bit of storytelling and dialogue, it could be even better. I am eagerly looking forward to the developments. Great job!
  19. 5.00 star(s)

    Sneaky Heresiarch

    Love the demo. Very cute art. Also has a very challenging playthrough that allows you to both lose or play seriously.

    Over time also has a lot of potential to add more and more characters that stuff the protagonist.

    And I mean, who doesn't love femboys. Need I say more?
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    What a masterpiece for a demo, i have no words. Femboy getting stuffed by Futa and Tentacles? Get me in. Looks awesome already, i hope the game succeeds, hopefully some femboy x femboy action in future? Good luck on the game!