Identify Femdom game with turnbased combat, competition, try not to cum


Jun 15, 2021
I can't find a game I played some time ago (like 1-2 years). You enter in a competition of some sorts. Each round you try to win battles against female contestants, if you make them cum you win, otherwise you loose. The more battles you win each round, the more points you win. Battles are turnbased. Each round you can walk around the facility (?), there's a library, laboratorium, etc. And you encounter other contestants semi-random. After each round you can upgrade stats, buy items, or learn skills from other characters. Battles were mainly physical, but you do have some magical powers as well. It has a femdom vibe, with binding, bdsm elements, hypnosis, and further along pegging.
Game is text based, but each character and battle scene has matching pictures (computer drawn). I don't know the engine. If I had to guess, it wouldn't be one of the big ones (like Renpy, Unity, HTML), but the feel comes closest to a html game. Maybe it's some rpg engine. I don't believe the game was completed, but it had a lot of content already.
Thanks in advance for the help!