I've been playing this game for several versions already, and i feel generally positive about it: this kind of femdom is very close to what i enjoy to see, including the school setting, and i like this interface a lot more than that of the original game. Althouth, this game certainly misses several cool features of the original game, which, i hope, will be implemented in the future. Namely, once you complete a root with a certain character, you are stuck with one scene or no scenes at all. Because of this after a few weeks the game becomes empty without anything to do. It would be much better, if you could replay some random scenes from a certain pool with every major character, same way as it was in the first game. This also includes teachers: it would be nice to have several different punishments played at random, not just one. Teachers definitely require much more attention, their role is too small right now for their status. Another thing i do miss are random encounters with customers in the April's shop: they make working there much more entertaining. I also don't find the current survival system of the game anyhow meaningful, but i don't know how to make it better for it to be not annoyingly difficult and not to be barely noticable, because it's easy to fall into one of the opposite extremes. But right now this system doesn't make any sence, since it's possible to survive by drinking a piss once per day. Besides that, a great game with unusually stable updates. Thanks and keep up the good work!