
Mar 26, 2023
GUYS! I need some advise again please!! Oh great sages of knowledge! I need 3 queries to be solved!!!

1. I've done pretty much everything in the game so far EXCEPT drinking the milkshake the blond girl gives you just outside Biology Class mainly because i don't like the diaper stuff and found wetting myself every 5 minutes really annoying on my 1st playthrough so i ignored it this time (i do enjoy her facesitting scenes in the library though!) but i want to complete everything so will likely do this soon and i do remember seeing earlier in this thread that you can cure your wetting yourself by using the toilet often. Luckily i do that anyway since it gives you energy and willpower back, as well as washing your hands & drying your hands. But i just wanted to confirm if this is true? Can i cure the wetting myself before i need more than the 12 diapers you start off with?

2. How on Earth do you get intelligence? I think i got the 1 in my screenshot from a lesson and I've seen more in lessons but i never have the resources to do the lesson so just wondered if there was any other way? I've cheating in certain ways where the skullgirls trampled my head by their gates and i lost my intelligent point so i re-loaded a save and avoided that! And again with the 4 skullgirls at the bottom of the map you first give 4 burgers to, the 2nd time you interact with them they give you drugs and alcohol and REALLY fuck you up. 100's of points of Cleaning, Business & Biology get taken away, stat points get taken away and my intelligence point gets taken away. My jaw dropped open when all that happened so i reloaded a save again >_> I will do those when i build up a bit more as i want to receive all interactions until they repeat themselves.

3. Can anyone tell me how to unlock more research? I have business research 01 & 03 and that's it! Funnily enough on my 1st round where i didn't care what happened i ended up unlocking 2 business AND 2 Biology research papers but no idea how. This time i haven't even got any Biology research yet! Does the diaper route that i ignore for now open any of these up? I also rarely go to Ronda since i also hate breastmilk stuff too lol. Shit and piss in my mouth sure! Breastmilk though? Gross!!! Hahaha!!

Anyway thanks to anyone who replies. If not then FUC.. i mean that's fine =D :ROFLMAO:


Game def needs something to make content easier really hard to mess around and have fun with it if ur to busy doing same stuff over and over very grindy i enjoy its content wish i could enjoy it more with doing a bit more stuff everything like food etc cost a fuck ton and u dont make alot also mobile has a file act up alot when u get into lobby of outside ur room alot
U just need some patience! Get into a routine where u give that girl a cappuccino to get cookies, and give a cookie to the girl on the right for an awesome reward if you have high rep that will boost your energy everyday! Give the girl on the field some water for rep and a cookie, do some running (just start with jogging all the way through for a few days to build strength till u switch it up a bit and mix in run and sprint - sprint for me now only costs 17 energy and can run 1000m in 160 seconds) and go to a lesson to finish the morning.

Do wat u need to during the afternoon then work in Goodies till night. Do various jobs for the skullgirls during the night and buy a bunch of donuts with their tokens to eat in the morning. And for the love of Jebus get Ritalin! Either by giving that skullgirl 3 homemade cookies or buying it for 4 tokens and the 3 girls in the canteen will give you 200 coins for 3 Ritalin! This is great easy money!

At the weekend do double shifts to make sure you have enough money to pay the rent. Buy 1 or 2 items after work to help your stats. Do the dirty laundry every day to get a protein bar the next day for food, etc. By day 20-30 you'll have not many issues regarding money.

I struggled at the beginning too but it's fulfilling when you go from that to enjoying the hoard of stuff u end up getting, lol!


Mar 26, 2023
Ok so my game everytime I go to sleep it say eat some girlcum, how exactly do I do that?
You lick a girls pussy :D

Patience remind you its a porn game its not supposed to be that extreme
I see what you mean but it really depends on how you'd interpret 'extreme'. I don't think anything in the FemU universe is ever extreme. What i think is a grind are the RPG's where u have constant turn based battles, need to search for keys or items and can't really do anything or see anything till later in the game. Those are pretty extreme for me. Can still be enjoyable if you can stop yourself just wanting the action, lol.

The reason FemU is so great is it's very easy to ignore most things and get all the action you want. I did this myself during my first playthrough. I spoke to everyone, submitted to everyone, ended up with over -1000 rep and did not care about money or my stats and managed to see plenty of content (even unlocking more research than my current playthrough!!). Now this obviously has bad side effects since you're offered alternatives to paying the rent with sacrificing your stats. I didn't care and carried on till the days were in their 30's. I only had to stop when certain things needed a decent amount of max energy to complete or even start (cleaning Goodies enough to unlock level 3 & extra training in the Gym are 2 examples) and it would take way too long to get max energy back up from 30 lmfao!

So i started again this time knowing roughly where things were and how to micro manage and without really trying i was able to get much more enjoyment because with good rep you get plenty of things that speed up your progress with rewards, etc, and everyone treats you and says stuff to you differently than before so going from -1000 rep to +300 rep was a great experience to see the differences in the girls' attitude towards you. Also i actually get addicted eating/drinking and doing things and seeing the green arrows raising my stats, haha!

I mean you need some gameplay otherwise it would be boring, even if it is just a porn game. If you just want nothing but action then SFM videos, hentai galleries or even VN Games that are also available here where you just click and choose the odd option is probably best suited for you =)
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Oct 27, 2021
I get it i mean i like it to but i dont wanna adventure around finding money and a bunch of other stuff i wanna explore right away money would help alot in the game with food etc idk maybe we can get a item in the future that adds money if u want it or not infinity use not saying i would use it everytime but would def help players who do wanna smooth ship through the game
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Game Developer
May 23, 2018
I get it i mean i like it to but i dont wanna adventure around finding money and a bunch of other stuff i wanna explore right away money would help alot in the game with food etc idk maybe we can get a item in the future that adds money if u want it or not infinity use not saying i would use it everytime but would def help players who do wanna smooth ship through the game
You could be cheating all the cash but it would deprive you of all the fun.

Play fair and you still have access to 100% of the content. Always.


Nov 27, 2019
Not saying to cheat maybe like a item people can choose to use or not is wut i am getting at like a optional
For me that would ruin the whole idea of this game.
What makes FemU so wonderful is the unfairness. It motivates you to invest in your character and learn and improve, but then you your downfall will be even bigger. You invest and you lose against some mean girls. And this game is so good, because when you really tried, it is actually painful for you to lose. From this setup, this game draws so much immersion you normally don't get.
Especially, if you really try to win, you have to humiliate yourself. And then you get humiliated again, when you fail. And if you resist, you will be punished even more.

And on top of it there is the ultimate plus that it exploits toilet slavery that much. Thank you for that.

Nait Sieve

Active Member
Mar 5, 2021
You could be cheating all the cash but it would deprive you of all the fun.

Play fair and you still have access to 100% of the content. Always.
let's be real, the repetitive cleaning work you have to do pretty much daily isn't exactly "fun" and not what people are here for. i mean, i apprechiate that things can be skipped more by now, but it shoud make you wonder when so many people here use save editors or ask for easy mode to skip the boring stuff.
just my personal opinion and not meant in a mean way, but to me your approach of creating difficulty isn't really a fun one. you want us to struggle and that is fine, but imho that shoud be more because of the ladies than because of money issues. i mean, the ladies (and what they do with us) are the "fun" we are here for, and players will get to them like moths to the flame, regardless of bad consequences. right now getting involved with them usually doesn't really add to the difficulty, as they also unlock goodies of some type, like access to OP coffee or daily free (incontinence causing) food. just my thougths, but imho less money related problems and more ladies related problems woud be a good thing.


Game Developer
May 23, 2018
let's be real, the repetitive cleaning work you have to do pretty much daily isn't exactly "fun" and not what people are here for. i mean, i apprechiate that things can be skipped more by now, but it shoud make you wonder when so many people here use save editors or ask for easy mode to skip the boring stuff.
just my personal opinion and not meant in a mean way, but to me your approach of creating difficulty isn't really a fun one. you want us to struggle and that is fine, but imho that shoud be more because of the ladies than because of money issues. i mean, the ladies (and what they do with us) are the "fun" we are here for, and players will get to them like moths to the flame, regardless of bad consequences. right now getting involved with them usually doesn't really add to the difficulty, as they also unlock goodies of some type, like access to OP coffee or daily free (incontinence causing) food. just my thougths, but imho less money related problems and more ladies related problems woud be a good thing.
You are correct, thats why you can blitz the cleaning now.


New Member
Apr 16, 2023
You lick a girls pussy :D

How I do that?
Also, Im in extreme debt from skull girls so I was wondering if anyone knows how to cheat money in?
One more thing, how do I trigger the gang up from skullgirls so they use me and stuff, and i wanna be thrown in the trash can by them when i get out of workplace
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Mar 21, 2020
i have a suggestion a fun way to earn coin or lose coins a mini game with the skull girls black jack or poker. and of course they would try to cheat by doing stuff during the game impact your will power ;) your will power could be tied into your luck in the game for example if the game is poker and one of the girls sticks her feet in your face you could either pull away and go back to the game or sniff or kiss her feet and lose 5 will power which would increse your chances of drawing crappy cards next turn. just an idea i had to give players a way to make coins so they aren't cleaning the floor at goodies 7 days a week


Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2021
i have a suggestion a fun way to earn coin or lose coins a mini game with the skull girls black jack or poker. and of course they would try to cheat by doing stuff during the game impact your will power ;) your will power could be tied into your luck in the game for example if the game is poker and one of the girls sticks her feet in your face you could either pull away and go back to the game or sniff or kiss her feet and lose 5 will power which would increse your chances of drawing crappy cards next turn. just an idea i had to give players a way to make coins so they aren't cleaning the floor at goodies 7 days a week
idk about that as a certain way to have a job but it would be interesting, in the original you could work at the police station, and if you were enslaved by skull girls you had to earn money from them
so asides from Aprils

-Work for the police
-Work for skull girls/introduce gambling which could lead to enslavement to skull girls

Maybe begging scenes could lead to you begging for clothing (socks/underwear/shoes ect) and you could sell those to some pervert, or keep them to sniff to increase some sort of addiction meter

I know Saila didnt want monster girls in the game but having something similar to bowsettes area would be pretty interesting it was one of my fav parts of the first
actually getting locked in the toilet behind the dorm in the original was a fun time

enslavements were my fav part of the original so I hope we will get those in this, and I actually hope we will get new/different enslavements perhaps exploration on the teachers

Heck I would love more Joan she was hot imo, love that big booty smothering

Thinking about it I would love to see more original/new characters
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Active Member
Oct 7, 2020
Hey SaliaCoel, I have question. Because FemU0 is a prequel, I was wondering if we would be seeing some of the OG side characters in some of the earlier versions of the FemU game. For example, I can't remember the last time I saw Rachel or Yevette. It looked like that duo had a side story in the making. So any chance we'd be seeing them?
Some other named side characters that come to mind would be Star, Elise, Eva, Rosemarie, Annice and Tisha.

Now I'm not suggesting you flesh out all the ancillary characters I mentioned, by giving them their own unique path's and content (with the exception of Rachel and Yevette ofc) but I was wondering if the school could be populated by them in the future, rather than having no named NPC's in the school. I think it'd be charming to see them again and good for world building even if they exist only as background/side characters. Perhaps in the future some will gain enough popular support to have their own story/paths too.
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Active Member
Oct 7, 2020
i have a suggestion a fun way to earn coin or lose coins a mini game with the skull girls black jack or poker. and of course they would try to cheat by doing stuff during the game impact your will power ;) your will power could be tied into your luck in the game for example if the game is poker and one of the girls sticks her feet in your face you could either pull away and go back to the game or sniff or kiss her feet and lose 5 will power which would increse your chances of drawing crappy cards next turn. just an idea i had to give players a way to make coins so they aren't cleaning the floor at goodies 7 days a week
Gambling where the girls take advantage of any corruptions you currently have definitely would be a fun way to earn money or go in debt. I think another way is to have some girls who are wealthy, and they will forgive the MC debts in exchange for favors. The favors can start out simple but will progressively escalate the more the MC takes out a loan and can't payback. It would be a unique take on financial domination where the MC is enslaved by a wealthy girl because he can't pay any of his debts and she'll only pay if he "works" for her. Ofc the MC can avoid all this by just working but as others have said, Aprils job isn't exactly a fun mini game.


Active Member
Oct 7, 2020
I know Saila didnt want monster girls in the game but having something similar to bowsettes area would be pretty interesting it was one of my fav parts of the first
If the sequel will run in the same engine, then I think not having monster girls is a smart move because it allows Salia to focus on the development of the school and the human girls [models, personalities, art, scenes, etc.] I see the monster girls as being something we'll see in the sequel as a sort of "expansion" to the game. What I would like to see is some mentions of them or easter eggs. Maybe a one off encounter with a named slime/monster girl near the end of the game too.


Game Developer
May 23, 2018
Hey SaliaCoel, I have question. Because FemU0 is a prequel, I was wondering if we would be seeing some of the OG side characters in some of the earlier versions of the FemU game. For example, I can't remember the last time I saw Rachel or Yevette. It looked like that duo had a side story in the making. So any chance we'd be seeing them?
Some other named side characters that come to mind would be Star, Elise, Eva, Rosemarie, Annice and Tisha.

Now I'm not suggesting you flesh out all the ancillary characters I mentioned, by giving their own unique path's content (with the exception of Rachel and Yevette ofc) but I was wondering if the school could be populated by them in the future, rather than having no named NPC's in the school. I think it'd be charming to see them again and good for world building even if they exist only as background/side characters. Perhaps in the future some will gain enough popular support to have their own story/paths too.

Im surprised you even remember those characters.

I already started with Annice, making her a FemU0 character. She is the Skullgirl captain

Rachel is studying in FemU lore and is a psychopath and kill3r. She is mentioned by the 2 police women when you interact with them enough times.

Yvette currently lives in a basement of Isabellas Mansion This is mentioned in FemU1 by some of the skullgirls during the players enslavement.

Elise is a little problem since her name is very similar to "Elsie".

And the rest... well yes, I could and should include them in the games somewhere.
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Mar 21, 2020
Gambling where the girls take advantage of any corruptions you currently have definitely would be a fun way to earn money or go in debt. I think another way is to have some girls who are wealthy, and they will forgive the MC debts in exchange for favors. The favors can start out simple but will progressively escalate the more the MC takes out a loan and can't payback. It would be a unique take on financial domination where the MC is enslaved by a wealthy girl because he can't pay any of his debts and she'll only pay if he "works" for her. Ofc the MC can avoid all this by just working but as others have said, Aprils job isn't exactly a fun mini game.
i do think Findom was in the 1st game
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