Yea Ronda is the complete opposite of what i like in every conceivable way! Lmfao! But that's also a charm of the femdom U universe where there are so many different things, you can usually either ignore what you don't like or just grit your teeth and get past it. It only becomes a problem if there are permanent consequences afterwards where u then regret starting that route in the first place and have already saved over the point of no return lol.
Thank you! I think I'll leave Tiffany alone still for now then until you can be completely cured or her route is completed as i don't want to pee myself continuously until she's completed, lol. I probably won't mind it if she can get me to pee on command if it means completing her route and maybe getting a benefit as that'll be better than peeing every 5mins. Despite me being a toilet slave guy when it's my own I'm just as disgusted as everyone else
Also thanks for the warning regarding the chastity/teacher part. Pegging is usually something i skip through on other games if it isn't avoidable so as long as it's not a permanent thing i might just make a backup save and then continue her route till it's finished. Though i worry about the experiment you mentioned lol.
Meanwhile I got a complete surprise of the incontinence content which I would have rather avoided.
What I mean to say is either you would need to warn everything so the user can make informed choices or nothing as part of getting the surprise of nothing is like it seems.
Yea I've seen it both ways pretty often and honestly i don't mind either. U certainly get unwanted surprises but also it really is a nice surprise when something u like happens. But this is why i like being able to reload if needed. I know that's kinda cheating but it's better than being forced to continue with stuff you don't like. If it's a certain scene then fine you can usually grin and bear it but if it has any permanent consequences it really puts a damper on things. This is also why the only thing i hated about the SIM version was there was no Save and load, just that automatic save every morning so any mistakes you couldn't do anything. And again, sure, that can help with the risk factor buuut i just prefer the re-load if needed backup