Ren'Py - Abandoned - Femina Equum [v0.2] [SCINTILLATE3DX]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    just what i wanted in a game keep going man! I like the CGI and but i also think down the road maybe you should really have like alot of path ways for replay abuility instead of one set end to the story ya know.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    The game have a great potential. The renders are really good and playing as a horsecock futa is really attractive, since it's really rare. But that's pretty much all there is to it.

    First, the game is really short (and I'm talking of the 0.2, not the demo that was basically 5 images and 10 dialogues boxes). For now there's just only one sex scene, which is good, but still pretty basic (and smooth transitions between 2 renders during the fucking is really weird, just do a clear cut and loop them to have a real animation feeling, it'll be way better)

    The game sometimes gives you a choice between two options, which is basically : Do you want to see more images for a small "scene", or not ? Those choices are supposed to change your stats and other things, but for now, you don't care about them... And when you came across the main scene, nope, no choices there, everything go as the script tells...

    And speaking about script... I know, it's a porn game, most people don't care about it, but it just doesn't make any sense ! The games goes like that : three line of presentation of the character, you need to kill the orc queen, do you get hard thinking about her or not ? (small "scene" if yes), you cross an orc, kill it (all scripted, of course), do you disrepect its dead body or not (small "scene" if yes, warning, it's watersports), you meet the orc queen you are supposed to kill, she want to fuck, you fuck, THE END. And during this time the dialogues are really basic, almost making the sex scene boring...

    I know it's hard to develop a game and make it really complex, being good at making render doesn't make you good at writing stories and dialogues, but here once again, the only thing that make the game stand out is the MC, everything else is forgettable. And it's a shame, because this could be really good ! I'll keep looking for it and I hope the next updates will have more content and making it interesting. For now, there's not a lot for it...
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    Honestly when the demo was put up a few months ago I was excited sense futa protag games are either usually bad or unfinished. And on top of that you are a horsegirl which is a plus. However the game has had two updates now and it is still sub 5 mins of gameplay. No choices, pretty bad dialogue and the only sex scene is not animated and does that weird frame by frame thing to make it look like the characters are moving. Overall another Futa Protag game thrown into the left pile labled "bad".
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    I just played through version 0.2, and to be honest, if this wasn't in such a rare genre, I would rate it lower. I like the concept, but the writing needs work. At this point, there is no story. On the nitpicking side, the MC is supposedly 8 feet tall, yet she is barely half a head taller than the orc queen.
    I will watch this, hoping for some improvement. If not, I will have to adjust my rating accordingly.