Others - Completed - Fighting Girl Sakura-R [v1.03] [UMAI NEKO]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    same terrible game as the previous ones, copy pasted with sligth texture change (really who could be dumb enough to buy this ... ? )

    anyway. same problem, gameplay is boring and fail to even reach the standard of any beat them all type arcade game. no recovery frame and character is slow slow to get up that any hit mean game over

    animation are even somewhat worst than previous game, only worth it if you download the save and don't bother playing it.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    The game looks good but with poor fighting system and controls.

    If you like grinding in games, this game is for you but enemies hits hard and you need to be patient.

    The controls are stiff too. You can't turn while crouching (you have to get up, turn around and then crouch which sucks).

    Not the most atmospheric game you can find as well. Most of the levels are pretty much the same without unexpected events.

    Most enemies are just reskins which is a bit lazy programming.

    The game is set on hardcore difficulty by default and you cannot change it. You have to train immensely if you want to take down bosses.

    For normal enemies, you only need one combo to beat them: Sweep follow up with a back flip and juggle if needed.

    I ended my playthrough on level 6 because i couldn't bother grinding for the boss because this game isn't really fun combat wise.

    The h-scenes look really good though and Sakura's sprite as well but they should've added an impregnation sound and more moans for Sakura.

    I wanted to put this game 2* at first because of the fighting system but you know... the dev probably did his best to give us this game and the gallery is fully unlocked from the get-go which really changed my mind at the end.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent. One of my favourites. I really liked the gameplay. I can parry in a hentai game? :oops::oops::oops: Well, yeah, I will! The animations are great! So are the CGs! Recommended. I love Umai Neko/10