Figure I might as well introduce myself


The Hentai Witcher
Jun 2, 2018
Hello everyone! So not too long ago I started getting becoming an uploader but I was like hey I remember when I was young, didn't have access to a personal credit card, and therefore couldn't buy hentai games when I wanted to. So I decided why don't I become an uploader?

Gives me something to do given I've had some free time recently and it's my way of giving back to the hentai community online that let me have access to games I would of never had in the first place without the original uploaders who probably spent real money, time, and effort while probably not getting a dime at all but hey at least we get showered with praise. Not sure if its a sad thing or a good thing to be happy about being praised by strangers online but no point getting bent out of shape over the fine details. So on my quest to become a better uploader I discovered someone amazing who can surpass the dreaded drm that dlsite has not too long ago known as genl. :eazyHype:

I was so glad when I found him and he was willing to help me for free. Really wanna send the guy a few bones simply for having my back when he could of easily told me to piss off but he said maybe once I start getting him to do a lot of stuff he doesn't mind doing it for free but I don't imagine I will be doing a crazy amount of uploads until I start working again as I have to purchase each game as he needs a legitimate copy with login details to remove the drm. Sounds risky I know to trust a stranger but I was willing to take a gamble considering his awesome track record.

I hope I can do more uploads next month than I did this month. I can't see myself doing much more since I'm gonna be busy moving to a new city for a few days. I'm so glad to be part of a community that I've simply lurked around for a little over 10 years. First time I've actually enjoyed a forum too. I usually find that stuff tedious but this is becoming a bit of an obsession. Anyways I think thats enough about me. As always, stay pervy!:evilsmile::kissingheart:
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