Seeking Final Fantasy 1 Style Game


New Member
Jan 6, 2023
I am trying to find a game I had on my pc back around 2018. It was not translated at the time, so I can't recall the name or much of the plot unfortunately, but I do recall that it was pretty reminiscent of how the first Final Fantasy game was in terms of style. It was likely made in RPGMaker as opposed to WolfRPG. I cannot recall much in the way of combat, nor H scenes that I found for that fact, but it was tagged with H, so it must have had some.
I believe it started off in a castle and I remember crossing the ocean on the overworld map and idly walking around a bit to explore. Male protagonist.

Since it was not translated I was quite lost, so I am sorry if that's not enough to work with. I'd happily take recommendations that are similar as well, of course.