VN - Others - Finding Color in the Ashes [Alpha v1.11] [MooncatcherStudios]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    1. The fighting is great, your equipment allows you to select dice that are randomly rolled to combine to value that determines how much damage you do. You pick the dice because the game offers skills that can crit based off if you picked multiples of the same number. So let's say you roll 5 dice. You can select 3 of them to be your Attack Value. Let's say you roll three 4's, a 5 and a 6. Most people would just pick 4,5,6 but if you picked all three 4's, you can crit and do more damage.

    2. There is no save button. But the game auto saves the start of every day, the days take maybe 2-5 minutes depending if it's a heavy event day or not, and you get 3 auto saves. Pretty hard to mess anything up BUT there are events you may accidently trigger and have to reload if you wanted to save that event for a potential third option you can only access by progressing a character's relationship far enough, that was my biggest issue with the saves personally. And it's also really hard to straight up lose in this game, I literally have no issues with the balance of food or alcohol.

    3. There's an option to sneak into the girl's room because there's a bonus animation + dialogue if you made Lucy horny enough and advanced far enough where she takes a dominating position.

    4. The MC literally doesn't even talk a lot, so might just be self projecting a bit too much. The initial dialogue options affect your starting stats.

    5. You have to manage maybe 4-5 things, and the reward is more gold for better equipment + gifts which results in more exp and more h-scenes.

    6. The game get's a bit repetitive in lines, but it's also still developing content slowly over time, and there's at least 2+ hours worth of gameplay here.

    So just a quick overall how I feel about this game:

    Gameplay - 5/5: There are some issues like the game feeling a little tedious with the day to day, but the combat is fun and well done.

    Visual - 5/5: Girls are cute and look great, CG's are reused which kind of sucks but each CG has different variations with different clothing on or off. Some CG's look a tiny bit off but that's fine, overall great OC and interesting girls. The backgrounds also look great as well.

    Sound - 4/5: Lot of the same music and stock sounding noises, but what is there is fun and serviceable.

    H-scenes - 5/5: I wish there were more but they are being added slowly. Biggest issue I have is that the scenes that are there sometimes feel disjointed or move too quickly, you go from talking to them to clicking a flirt button once to fucking. I wish there were some kind of on wheels build up to get there as well as more dialogue with the other girls. Lucy is the only one who speaks during H-scenes as of now, but having more dialogue during them would be greatly appreciated.

    Overall- 5/5: It's a great game, great porn game, and a fun time. Worth the download and support.
  2. 2.00 star(s)

    Gari Fuze

    This is missing all the marks of a great H game.
    Hot scenes, hot story, entertaining and rewarding gameplay loop, corruption/seduction, engaging story.
    Even RPG stats and EXP progression feel very off the chart and wonky here.

    I am not sure whats going on with the guy above and ad-hominem attacks on other people who write reviews, but it is clear who cannot rate H-games and has no experience with them. (Check how many reviews I got, vs him).

    What we have here is a very wonky/frustrating inn management gameplay with only 2 actions per day and you are constantly out of everything, food, wood, maintenance. You have to manage a dozen of things for the same time and there is simply no reward for this. Inn upgrade system is boring as hell, you can improve storage for 50g to get +1 alcohol, food, what?

    Worse than having to manage 4-5 resources and stamina as well, you have to buy certain ingredients and materials from "weekend market". If you are missing something that you need, you might suffer for the entire week before you get a chance to go to shop again and restock.

    There is no save button, no gallery. There is autosave function and I did not find that comfortable to play. The game is punishing wherever you miss any single item, don't have enough alcohol, or food you are doomed.

    The fighting is boring and it involves throwing dice twice per each turn, and you cannot skip it, you have to manually pick a dice every time.

    I don't share sentiment that the art is great in this game, it is rather generic, black and white, below average.

    There is an option to sneak into girls room, after which she puts a lock on it.
    Why such an option exists in the first place? To troll player?

    Overall a very vanilla story, where MC feels like a cuck. He is a servant for our Damsel in Distress that falls on him out of nowhere, and requires a hiding place as well as food and other resources.

    After playing 30-40+ days and reading the same boring lines over and over again,I have simply uninstalled the game.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    It's an early start, but what's here is exceptionally promising. The more amateur aspects of the art are likely to get better with practice, but the concept is incredible and incredibly well executed. The character writing and pacing is so good that it's still a five out of five as it is, it's just that the art previews more readily in a thumbnail and it's worth addressing first.

    'Fractures' show an alternate version of a person superimposed over them, and the artist has already added scenes which make use of this to show three simultaneous poses; The normal pose, the fractured pose, and the third pose for how they combine into something more than the individual parts imply.

    That's genius. That's so inspired, that's so clever. And I find with works like this that when someone is capable of being that inspired once, they're going to be bringing that kind of small brilliance to the whole work.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    A masterpiece in the making, that is how i fell about this game, there is just no enough 18+ scenes, i hope they add more things soon. Overall the gameplay is what i always look for in games, legit haven't found it in other games.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    I got 177 days in before I felt that I had earned and seen everything there was on offer besides the brewing max upgrades. Gotta say that I really enjoyed it! I was not expecting there to be so much content in the alpha based on the pictures in the first thread. After seeing the blowjob I was ready to call it and move on but I kept going and I'm really glad I did. I look forward to seeing where this goes as the dev continues investing and updating. I know I'll be supporting along the way!
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Review for ver. 0.8

    Art 4.5/5 - Excellent at what it does. Some people might complain about it burning their eyeballs, but I just inwerted colors on my PC. Would appreciate it there was an ingame option for that. there is also problem with animations I elaborate on in "sex" part.
    Music N/A - Not my style, and I usually don't rate music anyway, opting for my own playlist in backgroud, but I have to admit, that it fits very well.
    Gameplay 4/5 - While most of what's there is a solid foundation for future game, there is no denying that there are some pacing and balancing issues as of now. According to the Dev, these issues will be resolved as more content comes in, but if I were to judge it as of now, I wold give it 3. Also, it needs some sort of backlog to read back after accidently clicking twice,and maybe an optional log af results after a combat to see what stats, exp items, ect. you have gained. There is a short animation of gained items as icons, byt it dissappears too quickly to check both it and stats.
    Story 4/5 - Main point of interest IMO. While nothing revolutionary, there are reasons why tropes exist. This game knows what it is, and does it better than most. Pacing issues from gameplay part are showing themself here, too, lowering final score by 0.5. would be 3.5 if treated as is, or 4.5 if completed while sustaining this level of quality
    Sex 3/5 - Scenes are somewhat short animations with a few lines of dialogue in between. Scenes themselfs and art is 4.5, but lack of speed regulation and no option to skip to the next part of the scene makes revisiting them an annoyance. Could use gallery of some sorts, too, as there are few semi-secret variations that one could easily miss.

    Overall 4.5/5 - Mostly because it shows solid foundations for what is hopefully to come. Play it, if you want a nice heartwarming fantasy romance with manga style art.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    I like it a lot!

    It's certainly "fine" right now, and it's only going to be adding content. Definitely worth a checkout.

    My only gripe, to the extent I can have one, is that the game is very much like Monochrome Imouto, but with an emphasis on also being an actual game. Unfortunately, Monochrome Imouto can get away with very little story behind the characters, because the love is always implied. So the gradual shift from familial affection to lust can be told without a story; and just by how willing to be naked she is in front of you.

    That's not so much the case here- without the implied affection siblings have, there is unfortunately no real buildup in a relationship between the protagonist and the heroine. She just eventually starts deciding that you're worthy of a handjob after giving you her life story- as long as you feed her enough. The change from strangers to lovers really feels binary, unearned and rather arbitrary.

    Even though it's more 'involved' than Monochrome, the gap between siblings to lovers is just so much smaller than strangers to lovers. Which seems super weird to say and I'd highly encourage you to play the game to kind of see what I mean; it's a fun game! But there's definitely some work to do.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is deeper than it look and the gameplay is quite satisfying.
    Yet it still have much more potential, can't wait for more updates and the final version [even then, it should be quite easy to add more content]
    Hope this game keep being as good as it is
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    im all in for the cozy cosmic horror! sweet relationship building between the resource management and bits of combat and leveling.

    the dev is very engaged and seems to be committed to evolving the game as it grows

    if youre curious just grab it. if you love it like me support the dev
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Alpha 0.5:
    This is actually a good game, it would still be good even without the porn. Dev could make a SFW version and still work. Combat is well balanced, the female character interesting, upgrades and daily/weekly routines work perfectly.

    My only issue is that there is no build up in the relationship, it goes from friends to blowjobs and sex without ever kissing or going on a date or something. That works for corruption games but in this case feels off. Other complains could be with cluttered UI and things like that, but being an early version probably will change.

    Great work, hope it develops a bit more the characters and their relationship and backgrounds etc. the gameplay is already solid.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    [Review of 0.05 version on]

    I initially clicked the link to this game for the trainer tag, but really the girl is so charming and she gives so much positive reinforcement, she ended up training me. You will want to protect her, make her happy, and have cute vanilla sex with her in no time.

    So far the game is pretty cozy in the summer season. I'm really interested in seeing how hardcore and difficult the Fall and Winter seasons will be. Will the author keep it casual or is there going to be more monster attacks? How lewd and hardcore will some of the sex get? Will we invite guests of the inn for threesomes and orgies? (god I hope so)

    The game's story snippets and enemy designs are actually kind of dark. There's also supposed to be something that happens at high distrust/fracture apparently but I didn't encounter this (but I also didn't really try for this, other than seeing fracture variations on sex scenes). I mean if there's an "evil run" like with some Princess Trainer games I'm all for that.

    Anyways, if you couldn't tell from all the 5 star reviews, this game is fantastic. I will definitely be following this game. It's great for 4-10 hours right now and has about 6 fappable scenes, including some great blow job scenes. The gameplay is engaging and not as punishing as other time based trainer games. There are *a lot* of days in Summer for you to recover from wasted days.

    My hope for future updates is possibly more waifus, or more creative scenes for the waifu (exhibitionist, slutty outfits, group, more hardcore, what have you).

    Gameplay wise, I would hope for more ramping danger and maybe even a chance to move or restart the inn in a different location (or maybe the war comes to us). The world building is pretty good and it really seems like an alive world with lots of stuff going on in it.


    Below is a quick tutorial, since there really isn't one and it's a massive wall of text that no one wants to read. But you don't really have a time limit in the demo so you can flub around.

    • You have to increase your attributes to 50 and 100 to gain more dice. The dice improves your combat and how much yield you get from an action. Thus the gameplay is to scrape by a meager survival while trying to level up your stats (ideally in increments of 50).
    • Eventually you level up (they really need an alert/notification bubble when you have enough XP) and getting a combat skill will really make combat easier for you. Winning combats safely will get you a steady supply of food so you can start earning gold from visitors.
    • Combat: Damage and blocking is straight forward, you add dice to deal damage. At first glance it's confusing when you can only add one dice (you will always want to add the die), but the system becomes more apparent with more dice as adding too much dice costs stamina.
    • Dodge: This was the most unintuitive part about combat. Dodge is different than block in that it's all-or-nothing. It's also incredibly hard to do early level because you have to add enough dice to beat their damage. The text says "you need to roll 3 or higher to dodge" but you don't actually roll any new dice, you have already rolled the dice and you are adding to the sum. It's pretty strange the dodge UI doesn't automatically add the dice for you (it makes sense later when you have to start paying stamina)
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Similar to Sister Seikatsu, but with less incest and more actual gameplay. Looks very promising, and is fun to play even at this stage. Also, the girl phasing in two when she's shy/horny is hot, as is the rest of the implemented cohab mechanics.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    Looks incredibly promising.
    The art direction is the main hero here.
    Combat and management are good and uses solid systems promising some variety.

    Story is ok so far, a bit of worldbuilding and a girl who has a background and personnality.

    Only thing left for this to be a great game is to deliver on the mature content. For now there is very little given the early stage of devellopement.
    What little there is is doing an ok job.

    I will be looking forward to incoming updates of this one.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Fantastic game so far as of v0.21.

    Still early in development, but everything so far looks promising.
    The charming art style and calming music build a comfy atmosphere that is a pleasure to spend time in. The core gameplay loop feels satisfying, with enough complexity to keep things from growing dull.

    Content is still fairly limited at this point, but if future content maintains this level of quality, this could be a truly special game.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    10/10 game.

    Good art, nice gameplay loop, liked the writing and world-building.

    RPG system is well-crafted and has well-paced progression, not too easy and not too difficult.

    High amount of content for v0.21, thanks for the game author.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Still early for a solid review, but 5/5 regardless.

    Love everything about this game. The game part is gaming, the sex part is sexing. Perfect harmony.

    I understand that this is wildly early, but I'm still willing to provide some feedback. The girl seems a bit stiff, she could use some more agency in the story. Maybe some passing dialogue when you're doing tasks. Some random events in which she interacts with the player (mostly non-repeatable).

    One more suggestion. If the monster count is high, there should be a chance of a midnight ambush. Though I understand if this is too much of a disturbance from the comfy tone.

    The setting, art, and gameplay are very promising. I'm really looking forward to more of this game.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a great showing from a relatively early version of the game, and definitive proof (not that any was truly needed) that a consistent, well-executed art style, made by hand and with care, trumps anything else available. It's cute, it's cozy, the gameplay elements ask for a little thought without being overly intrusive, and my only problem so far is that I'll have to wait for the next update.
  18. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 7184439

    Great combat
    Good management
    Good progression
    Good H scenes
    Incredibly comfortable setting

    Only downside is being so early in its development. Fortunately, the heavy lifting is done and now it just needs to be fleshed out.

    Really on its way to being a standout. A bit early, but if it keeps being supported, this will be next the Monochrome Fantasy.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Great gameplay loop, very cozy aestethic. Art is very well-made. Sex scenes are excellent. Eager to see the game develop, though it looks pretty solid even at this early stage. Magnificent overall, best of luck with development!
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    As a person with astigmatism, chromatic aberration as strong as this one, makes me literally nauseous. It makes me cross my eyes, squint, have watery eyes and causes me a headache. Unless it gets toned down a bunch, the game is literally unplayable to us. I feel like giving it 1 star wouldn't be fair since the game might be great, but if you have astigmatism or other eye conditions, or you just hate chromatic aberration, you won't be able to play this at all...

    Changing the review: The dev already implemented the option to turn off the CA in the newest verion. The game itself is really really well made. The combat system has a very interesting take on dice rolls, and particularly the ability to choose the dice counters many issues the system has (random chance being annoying). The management is nicely done, the scenes are hot and cute! This deserves all the support.