Unity - Five Nights at the Striptease Club [v0.8] [XezarDev]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    2.5/5 - But ill round it up to 3 in the hopes that the dev might add some QoL

    Gameplay wise, its a FNAF game. We've all played it before or know the premise of it.

    it is nice that the game is one hand only i guess, but you aint really doing anything with the other one in the meantime.

    The constant white flashes make this game really unbearable, for example when you are recharging Female Freddy. I am genuinely wondering how the devs let this through with their product without getting epilepsy.

    The sound mixing is awful, some SFX are REALLY loud. So change your settings to like 5% before playing :FacePalm:

    The gameplay loop itself is simple, but difficult. Fred is simply clicking a couple of times on her, same for Foxy. But for Bonnie and Chika you have to actively watch your cameras. Which is fine, they have 2 variant poses every time they check them which is cute (but not first without flashing you 3 times). If they are far-close you only need to shine your flashlight to scare them away, but if they are close you need to close the door. Both positions have camera's to check where they are.
    The only thing which is really annoying is that when they are far-close on cams, so you see that and go there to shine your light. All of a sudden they've walked close-close. which means if you shine your light its an instant game over. The game says something about giggles being heard when they do that but honestly with the poor sound mixing I never realised it happening.

    Overal 2.5.
    If you want the scene guide someone posted it on the first page