RPGM - Completed - FlashCyclingRide.2 ~Free Ride Exhibition RPG~ [v1.20] [H.H.WORKS]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    It started pretty good but then just... What happened? For real lads, the amount of scenes is not that good but let's put that apart, how ugly are they? This game had so much potential but at the end destroyed its self. A shame if I may say but well, it is what is is.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Loved it. Look, I know. Flash Cycling 1 has a better overall rating, it's got the [Completed] tag that I like on games. The only reason I even tried this one is cuz I'd finished Flash Cycling 1.

    Here's the deal, though. This is waay better. I was going crazy towards the end of Flash Cycling 1, which has a [Completed] tag but close to 40% of the events in those are untranslated. I tried Google lens-ing the rest, but gave up cuz I had finished the main story and Rosa looks pretty bland compared to our girl...Shiori, I think? Cuz hey, I changed her name to whatever the fuck I wanted it to be (Yeah, you can do that). And she looks delicious. Look at those screenshot - I mean the only reason for you to not try this thing is if you don't like that body type, which is cool, man.

    This game isn't [Completed] and it says 'Edited MTL' but everything is translated, and translated really well for the most part, with the only exceptions being the win text for two of the mountain path races, and let's face it we don't want her to win if it isn't for the grind. And the Translator's put in many jokes and notes. This is a labor of love, FC1 is unfinished. Also you can change clothing (even parts of it), there's more locations, and overall, just thanks for not making this game a fucking job like its prequel.

    Bottomline/ TL;DR : This was way more fun, and I'm gonna hop on over to FC1's page and give it the 2-star rating its translation deserves. H. H. Works has my attention.

    and to His Excellency the translator, Banzai! Banzai!
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    the translation are good but there are some parts not translated but not hard to know what it is. sometimes i get stuck in orgasm mode and cant do anything so you should save as often as possible as to prevent from losing a lot of progresses
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    The world looks polished enough, but some aspects of the game don't play smoothly or work well. The highly specific focus makes things quite repetitive, even with the extra visuals and dress-up options. The generic art doesn't help.

    An okay midrange game.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    Reviewed at v 1.20

    It has good potential, but a lot of glaring setbacks prevent it from being a great game.

    +Top notch CG
    +Hot mc
    +Free roam w/ teleport feature
    +Your phone contains notes that will help you look for CGs (under "help")

    -Not that much sex yet (only four faves so far: gangbang scene, black guy scene, dark race, free roam sex)
    -You only get the above sex scenes (the ones worth fapping to) by the near end of the game
    -the sex you get from free roam is pretty meh. At 5 hearts, you can ask a random bystander to fuck you, but it's just a cut-in scene of your vagina. Nothing particularly hot.
    -No skip feature. There should be a prompt that allows you to go to free roam immediately after class
    -A bit too grindy for my tastes
    -some of the CGs from the sidequests (not the main scenes) are pretty meh (not as hot as main scenes)
    -Laggy at times
    -Be sure to turn down settings or the volume of people if you don't want your pc to heat up like an oven
    -Maps are too huge
    -Long loading times

    Definitely bordering on poor and average. The game's CGs are fucking amazing, but even then, there's not a WHOLE lot of alluring, super hot lewd content YET (aside from the gangbang scene in the last few main events, and the new interracial scene in the 1.20 update).

    I hope future updates adds more sex and lewds. That's all I'm asking.

    Recommendation: Get a full save.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    If you got a low frame rate it's probably about time for you to upgrade your stuff or check whether there's a program/malware that degrade the performance. My years old i5 2500k still can get 60fps with android emu playing on auto in the background so it need a really old or weak CPU to achieve unstable FPS. They do have i5 2Ghz and 8GB RAM for the minimum system req tho so it's not really the dev fault if you can't read. For starter, the game IS on RPGM MV (not VX Ace like a certain someone claim) and the default resolution is 1080p. That's a big step up from the previous game so it need more processing power due to plugin used by the dev. If you don't want to upgrade then you can try turning off some of the effect from in-game option (including disabling the 'loading' screen). RPGM MV by default support bigger sprite compared to VX but the dev choos to zoom out/made it smaller in order to have better field of view (while in turn it also ram up the RAM usage due to more thing needs to be loaded). Personally i like this because the racing part is less stressful thanks to wider FoV. If it's too small you're probably either have small monitor or running a high res monitor (2k-4k) without using full screen feature. You can press F4 to switch between windowed and borderless fullscreen, F3 to switch between 100% scale and fit to window.

    Now on the game itself...wasted potential is the only thing i can say. You barely need any grind to win all the way to S rank. There's level system for your cycling style and unique skill but i can win the game with only lv1 Ruler and basic starter skill. The exhibition level also rise way too easy and the scene isn't better at tiering the corruption so it feels way too sudden sometime. The translation also while better than a MTL garbage, it's still bad by my standard. I can easily guess some mistranslation wihout even checking the RAW. Most people probably can play it just fine with this translation tho.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    This game is a dramatic step DOWN from flash cycling 1.

    They added loading screens, mandatory school time wasters, and the ability to only perform 1 activity per day.

    Rather than drop you into the action, you're forced to endure tons of dialogue, only for the disappointment that free roam is nothing like the previous game. This game is much more linear.

    They moved from RPG Maker VX to MV, a huge step down. Now the sprites are tiny, the frame rate is random, and the UI is ugly as heck.

    This game is below average at best. Walk away. Its not worth it.
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    As a game....it's kind of boring. The art is nice, but its very overused in every scene. She also seems to degenerate into a whore for pretty much no reason. This game has the same problem every HH game has I guess.

    That aside the translation is pretty good. If you have an interest in this kind of game or those by this circle, by all means pick it up. It's perfectly legible so kudos to the translator.