Loved it. Look, I know. Flash Cycling 1 has a better overall rating, it's got the [Completed] tag that I like on games. The only reason I even tried this one is cuz I'd finished Flash Cycling 1.
Here's the deal, though. This is waay better. I was going crazy towards the end of Flash Cycling 1, which has a [Completed] tag but close to 40% of the events in those are untranslated. I tried Google lens-ing the rest, but gave up cuz I had finished the main story and Rosa looks pretty bland compared to our girl...Shiori, I think? Cuz hey, I changed her name to whatever the fuck I wanted it to be (Yeah, you can do that). And she looks delicious. Look at those screenshot - I mean the only reason for you to not try this thing is if you don't like that body type, which is cool, man.
This game isn't [Completed] and it says 'Edited MTL' but everything is translated, and translated really well for the most part, with the only exceptions being the win text for two of the mountain path races, and let's face it we don't want her to win if it isn't for the grind. And the Translator's put in many jokes and notes. This is a labor of love, FC1 is unfinished. Also you can change clothing (even parts of it), there's more locations, and overall, just thanks for not making this game a fucking job like its prequel.
Bottomline/ TL;DR : This was way more fun, and I'm gonna hop on over to FC1's page and give it the 2-star rating its translation deserves. H. H. Works has my attention.
and to His Excellency the translator, Banzai! Banzai!