I really feel like the tags and description are not accurately describing what was going to happen in this game. I'll grant you, it has the corruption tag, but given that the rest of the tags are relatively mundane and the description gives off this "coming of age" sort of vibe, I just thought it might be one of the characters or something.
Nah, it's basically all of them. He repetitively doesn't respect the wishes of any of the women. He has anal sex with the blue haired girl against her will, repetitively engages in abusive behavior with the sister/roommate, connives ways to get the aunt to wear less and less clothing around him, and while, granted, the blonde girl shouldn't have been spying on the two of them having sex, he lets the blue haired girl pull her into the room so he can cum on her. This definitely at least floats into sexual harassment at multiple points, if not just straight up rape regarding certain scenarios involving his sister.
Hell, while I'm having a go at it about missing tags, this almost qualifies as horror (in the same way American Psycho would), given that the main character can't seem to figure out why his sister is just sobbing at some points. I just had to turn it off.
Beyond missing tag stuff, though, the AI art did the AI art thing where the aunt is weirdly more attractive the closer you get to her. She straight up looks like a decade younger from any non-standing angle. Plus, in the scene involving the blue girl I mentioned before, she just doesn't have a naval. Or the scene where the main character is apparently driving the car "carefully" accompanied by an image of the car being halfway into the oncoming traffic lane. Granted, there is no traffic, but you've still got about half the car past the double yellow line, dude.
Add to all this the writing has more than a fair share of grammatical and spelling mistakes, includes character action in the start/middle of their dialogue, or the "sandbox mode" that won't let you deviate from the main story path AT ALL, it's low effort garbage. I wouldn't be surprised to learn they used AI for the story and code too.