Soo... Even this - is concept demo the idea is very interesting and the ASCII visualization seems quite interesting, as does the pixel component of the avatars of the MC and alpha-furry. Combat kinda suck (Dark Souls style?) so in the future i think it will improved and refined. Craft stuff seems broken (door and handle) but its ok i can collect wood and stack wooden walls. Hitting it give nice boost to strength.
Idea about fem only furry tribals and male human MC with preg tags is very interesting because i haven't seen so many games containing these genres. And about mechanics in tribal - they're pretty well done for the demo version, but how two female can breed each other? I hope this will either be removed or somehow explained by a special kind of parthenogenesis.
Anyway, the demo has some issues - that's why it's a demo. I really liked the mechanics and a kind of sandbox style with elements of survival with such graphics and I really hope for the development of these mechanics and some kind of pregnancy system.
Idea about fem only furry tribals and male human MC with preg tags is very interesting because i haven't seen so many games containing these genres. And about mechanics in tribal - they're pretty well done for the demo version, but how two female can breed each other? I hope this will either be removed or somehow explained by a special kind of parthenogenesis.
Anyway, the demo has some issues - that's why it's a demo. I really liked the mechanics and a kind of sandbox style with elements of survival with such graphics and I really hope for the development of these mechanics and some kind of pregnancy system.