Unity Unreal Engine Fnaf Managament game


New Member
Dec 10, 2018
I like fnaf and always liked its lewd games but there is always that feeling of "i would love this but nobody made it". I always wanted a management type game for fnaf establishment, where you can have your horny animatronics and have them roam around and fullfill the needs of patrons in the day while in the night have thme protect the establihment from criminals by catching and giving them a little punishment.

There are many kinks i would love in that but thats up to a person making it really, just the management part would be so damn cool to me and would be willing to pay pretty penny to see it done. Animatronics from games like FuckNAF, more robotic and customizable would be my second massive want for it.

Damn, writting this made me wish someone finds this idea interesting enough ot give it a shot XD.

If the maker wouldent mind themselves, i would love to see few specific kinks but thats if someone gives a dman really.