Ren'Py - Completed - Foot of the Mountains 2 [v5.0 Finale] [SerialNumberComics]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    *V11 content taken into account at the end.

    TLDR: A messy game so close to greatness. If it could stop shooting itself in the foot every update, it might just make it to the top of the mountain.

    When any game starts off, its expected to slip somewhere. But due to the process of how they are released, this can be fixed in future updates. Until you slap a {Complete} tag on your project, it never really finishes. So there is always room to improve.

    I have had an eye on this game since version .3 and my hope with every update was that the issues it had would be fixed with the next update, but instead of fixing its issues, it seemed to embrace them in defiance.

    Sandbox games will always have points of disconnect, you can't prepare for every possible combination or path the player chooses to pick, so you do your best to simplify the choices and make them seem larger than they are. FOTM has chosen to completely forego the attempt, making many of the encounters seem as if they were missing half or more of the scene. Characters go from clothed to fucking with nothing more than a single dialog box or with dialog that doesn't even match the action it implied.

    This constant divide between and in scenes is made worse by the grind and guesswork that is required to open a scene. Rather than making it an enjoyable hunt or guess, it becomes manditory to load up a walkthrough just to figure out what day, hour and room you need to be in and what random bits of dialog you need to complete the scene.

    The characters themselves bounce between lucid to deranged without much warning. One example regarding the character of Will, the husband of Melinda:

    MC "Funny how he's acting all powerful here, while at home he's crushed by Aunt Melinda."

    If you have played the game for more than a few updates of content, you know that this is farther than the truth in nearly all but one or two scenes that seem completely random. This is an issue with most characters, constantly being changed by each line.

    "I am going to wash my hands" = Give will a random bottle of booze while random dialog appears about a bitch.

    Scenes like this happen more often than not, leading up to cockblocking the MC to the point where it seems more like a joke than anything else.

    Some content, like Cynthia feels shoved into the story and left to rot without much thought, with everything from character icons to dialog written as if it was the first draft in every aspect. As more updates begin to repeat this, it becomes a worrying sight in a game with an already large cast of characters that seem to be thrown to the wind at a moments notice.

    Renders are one of the highlights of the game when they are not plagued by a grainy haze seemingly at random. Yet there are times that even these have a lifeless and nearly thrown in "cuz" kind of feeling.

    Proofreading and such can be overlooked at times, but with how little is given to scenes to begin with, they stand out when they appear. This includes choices that are worded so poorly and can lead to the strangest dialog trees that seem nowhere near what was intended.

    The MC
    Everyone has their own fetish and desire when it comes to games like this, but for the most part it is a power fantasy in one way or another. You give clear options to the person playing as they shape the character in the way they want. While games like this are far more linear, You still give people the option to pick the ways they want to play it. But for a character like the MC of this game, the constant jumping back and forth between no balls and big balls is so jarring, that its hard to figure out what you are going to do next. One scene he acts like a spineless coward, while others hes acting like a mastermind. With no in between.

    With the most recent update came unavoidable NTR, something that, like most scenes, comes out of nowhere along with the excited response of the MC. Showing no continuity to any other scenes that he plots to make the women his. Meanwhile his a bitch to anyone who sneezes in his direction.

    The UI/Game issues
    A mess. The hint system is a mess. The choice boxes are covering most of the screen.

    Meanwhile the 2.99gb size seems to show the complete lack of image compression comprehension the team has. The quality of the renders can be brought down severely without ruining image quality, but much like many issues, the dev doesn't seem to care.

    Final Thoughts
    The game has potential, but sadly seems like it will continue down its path of dragging dragging a player along a path it decides while claiming it is a sandbox game. Sloppy/lack of writing in scenes and no plan forward, it becomes a dreadful what this game might look like at .20 if it makes it there.

    As if a joke, with the release of V.11 Beta of the game, they posted on the patreon:
    "Thanks for your patience, I hope you still have some because you will need it while playing, a lot of old events are still there."-SerialNumberComics

    That is exactly what you need in this game. Pantience to wade through the slog, endless grind and confusing/drunk plot to get NTR'ed without a choice. Regardless of how you stand on that, turn it to a fetish you despise and ask yourself if it would be ok.

    The potential as of V.11 Beta is wasted and only seems to be as strong as they number of backers they have. I hope that i am wrong, but until I see otherwise, it is best to stay back and wait for the fan remake 2-3 years down the line after the dev moves on. I will be glad to be proven wrong.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game, the last update (V11) are one of the best in terms of content (main history progression, renders and animations). The main plot in the game involves mafia so dont spect (like those NTR haters) unicorns and rainbows, bad things are gona happen if you like or not.

    Let the dev make his game and if you like it, try to support him and if you don't like the game, move away.
  3. 1.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1837525

    My first rating it's just to tell all of you guys that this game is a waste of time:

    It has horrendous renders at the point that some scenes seem like 144p, the grinding is annoying as hell and the dev makes the story so long that it ends being boring. The only salvageable thing of all this is Melinda and it's sadly the only "good" character of this game.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    this game gave me milf addiction more than any other game ive experienced , this game gives more teasing specially melinda and not giving straight forward sexual intercourse like most of porn , it has story , have every kind of teasing , not giving headache of puzzles , nothing like extreme only stays vanilla and love it
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    I vote 5 stars because melinda is the sexiest milf in all games and she is better than linda in game milfy city but the story is very long and the dev didnt take it good we should know about daniel parents who were murdered who kill them and how he invistigate to know the right killer
  6. L
    1.00 star(s)


    My english is very poor but i need to rate this piece o sh*t.
    + Renders are nice.
    + The scenes and caracters are very well done
    - Grinding is outrageous, i played hundred adult games and this is far the worst.
    - I'm stuck and have no idea how progress,
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    I normally don't write review. But I feel I should warn people before falling into the same trap and waste time in this game.

    The grinding is ungodly torturous. There's hardly any changes in content...maybe there is but my patience ran out. I couldn't get pass the second week.

    If you like monotonous grinding with very little rewards, then maybe this is your thing.
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    The game has excellent renders, the mom is super hot, and the clothes characters use are sexy.
    Story is ok with some spelling errors.
    Sadly the gameplay is a torture and I really mean it, this is more like a grind simulator, is the most repetitive game I have ever played, in order to view new content you have to repeat pointless tasks a ridiculous amount of times, just check the offered walkthrough and see it by yourself, the amount of content is not worth the time you will waste playing this game, my advise is get the mod to view the gallery and enjoy otherwise playing this game will be a true nightmare.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Well this is one the game that has the most excellent art I've ever seen at least for me! The game play is interesting, the only downside i can see is that you have to follow the walktrhough perfectly or you can't advance :/
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    I gave this two stars instead of one because it might be a serviceable game if it wasn't for THE GRIND. I don't mind a little grind in these games, but holy fuck. The broken english is broken, sometimes to the point of being nonsensical which sometimes gives to what might seem like massive mood swings in the characters.

    Nearly all of the girls have the same body type...huge tits the size of their heads with giant hips and fat asses. I'm not a 'more cushin for the pushin' type of person. One character like that is fine, but all of them is a turn off. At least for me, and I know I'm most likely in the minority.

    If all of this sounds fine to you then you will most likely enjoy this game, but it was the grind above all that ultimately killed it for me.
  11. 1.00 star(s)


    The models in this game are great. The mom is an extremely well done MILF of the highest quality.. and she is very well dressed, with lots of lingerie and bathing suits that look amazing on her. She'll draw you in to the game, but once you start playing you will eventually wish that you hadn't. The grind in this game is otherworldly, which is a shame because the models are amazing. It's as if the developer knows that the women are done so well that people will be willing to endure copious amounts of suffering to get to the good scenes. In a moment of ingenious malice, a diabolical gauntlet of torture is devised to create the perfectly enraging combination of enticing content and terrible game mechanics. The crude, locker-room cliche "I would eat a mile of shit to get to her ass" is figuratively put to the test in this game. Would you, really? Here's your chance. That MILF does have a nice ass...

    Dialog is in broken english with lots of spelling errors and lines that don't make sense. The writing style of the dev involves very little dirty talk by the girls and basically zero dirty talk or inuendo outside the context of actively having sex other than occasional jokes by one of the girls. I guess that's just the dev's style but it leaves a lot to be desired IMO. If a girl is horny enough to take light years of the MC's dong daily then she should be horny enough to utter something naughty. There's just no sexual tension outside of the brief periods of foreplay immediately before actual sex, and that's no good imo.

    -Models are great (boobs are tops)
    -Amazing variety of sexy clothes for the resident MILF
    -Scenes are extremely repetitive
    -Due to repeating scenes, progress is experienced out of order, one minute she's gobbling the MC's loads and the next minute she's back to being shy, and this happens for the entire game
    -Dialog is in broken english with frequent spelling errors and nonsense lines
    -Very little dirty talk
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    I played this game for an hour and a half until I got annoyed and looked up who made this game. Well it turns out this is from the same developer that made Tangled Up, and it goes to show that they didn't listen to any of the feedback from that game. The main problem with that game was the insane grind: repeat the same scenes over and over again every single game day a shitton of times to progress. Well guess what? This game suffers from the exact same stupid design choices. The amount of grinding is annoying as fuck and you end up spending most of your time playing in fast forward mode. How does anyone tolerate this nonsense?

    I should give this game 1 star, but I'll give it 2 because of the character designs. I love Melinda's design, especially because of dat ass, and I found Rhonda to be gorgeous too. She's unique in that a lot of games don't use characters with body types like hers, but I'm now a fan of that type. Idgaf about Ann cuz I've seen her model like a billion times by now, so much so that it does nothing for me anymore, but I'd love to see more "unorthodox" character designs like Rhonda.

    With that said, I didn't find any sexual situations after my hour and a half of playing on fast forward so fuck this game.
  13. 1.00 star(s)


    The grinding on this one is over 9.000

    Impossible to play, too bad because the CG is pure art and the narrative is good. One thing is to develop the story naturally and progressively, a different thing is to make you play the EXACTLY SAME SCENE 12 times in a row or more.

    Hope they change this in future versions, it would be a 5-star.
  14. 1.00 star(s)


    Renders are good, story is good. Grind is worse than any game that I have ever played. Even after going through the grind, events don't always trigger when they should. You can go many game days holding down the ctrl key just to get one new scene.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    best render ever, Melinda the mom is an atomic bomb. Played hours just to see her evolution. Got to say the gameplay is really hard and not so easy to get all the scene. The character are really nice and the storyline is not that bad, but i played mostly to see Melinda
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    The game claims in the near future to become a top, the developer has done a great job, beautiful graphics, characters are not formulaic, the script of the game is still under development,but I am sure that the creators of the game will surprise us.Good luck to them!!
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    I love this game, have been playing for days and think i had to keep coming back for hints but it is captivating and the girls and milfs are all hot and sexy. MC is going to impregnate them all in near future i hope and when do we get more content on Vicky.... like he said he does wants to fuck the whole town
  18. 2.00 star(s)


    I'm giving this two stars instead of one because of the character of Rhonda, who is really sexy in an unusual way for these games. The romance the MC develops with her is sometimes really compelling.

    Unfortunately, that's buried in a game that is only grind, grind, grind. Long scenes with very specific dialog have to be nonsensically repeated a dozen or more times to get the story to progress. If you don't love - and I mean LOVE - grinding, you should not play this game.

    And the plot is ridiculous. I mean, "hey, look, a second woman has been shot to death twenty feet from us. That's very distressing. Oh well, let's keep on making out" level of nonsense.
  19. 1.00 star(s)


    this would have been an amazing game with the renders and a good story but omfg this game takes the grind to a whole new level.even if you use cheats you still have to repeat the same scenes over and over again just to get to the next one and you have to click on certain answers on a specific day in a specific time of the day,you need a walkthrough every step of the way and imo that's what kills your mood to wanna continue playing this game.Would certainly not recommend you play this game unless you want a serious headache
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Love it so much! You deserve 5 starts! The story is great. All women in the game are beautiful. the difficulty just perfect. Also thanks for the walk through, it makes a lot more easier to get to play. Can't wait to see how Daniel get to the point.