Of my Preference, Big Breast is one, yes! But not "Giant Balloon Tits with Movement None." I enjoy large Breasts on beauty Women as too: but how Breasts move, squish, hang, and lie when Woman moves, is some of why Breasts so are enjoyed!
I want Answer of why so so much 3D Game Creator choose HUGE Breasts, but have not Knowledge or Work (or Skill?) to make Breasts move with her Position.F or ex amples...
A Woman who Busty lie on Back: Breasts are Gravity feeling, pulled down abit her Sides. If leaning to Front: Breasts are hanging more. Or if lie on belly: Breasts will have "squish" some bit. All very Appeal to many People. But most 3D Gane pick HUGE Breasts, knowing not how HUGE Breasts will Move.
The Internet is Free, some said. Probably billions of Image and Video showing Breasts, and none Artist looks? How have Games 20 Year ago show "Breast Physics", but none have now?
Are 3D Tools Artists are useing, or Model File, not providing "Gravity"? It seem quite strange for so many Game look so so Reality, but all Breasts are look, excuse this, "Bolted On".
Is fairly necessary to how Women are looking, but Three Eyes lesser "wrong looking" than this is.Why select such Feature, if you do know not how makes same Feature look good? Strange, this...