Unity - Completed - For the Queen [v1.5241] [Ginkgo Studio]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Small Entertaining Game

    Gameplay is nice. Didn't bother reading the story. Art and animations also nice. I liked this game because the is no grind and battle system was fun and fresh. You need like 3 hours and completely finish the game. Had a few bugs and had to restart the battle. I wish there was more voice acting for the queen.

    Solid small game definitely worth trying.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Potentially AI art, as the company is known for using that technology in other games. h-content is fairly stingy regardless, only 1 scene for each secondary girl, main girl gets 6ish scenes. Voice acting is bad, and you have to mash clicking to climax, more annoying than anything. Not much speed variations in the animation. It's all fairly unimpressive especially considering the chance they were using AI.

    Despite this game is actually good, and challenging. Had trouble with the final level and needed advice from the forum and grinding. Autobattler mechanics and you evolve your units combining 3 of the same type. Roguelike progression where you traverse a map, choosing your poison and beating the boss at the end. Permanent unlocks and upgrades for clearing stages/training mode. Some units or perk upgrades are clearly better than others. Requires a little bit of thinking and planning which is something you can't say about a lot of h-games.

    Since the gameplay is actually not bad it's worth playing through. h-content might blueball you though and definitely don't spend money on this game considering they are a company that skirts by with AI art.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    Beautiful art. Fun gameplay. Poor execution.

    Story 2/10

    You wake up with no memory (how original). You follow the queen's orders to fight and take over the kingdom.

    And you find out that you're Joseph? I think? But he's also the 2nd to last fight? It doesn't make any sense.

    But you rebel and fight the queen. No idea how the story actually ends because the final fight is too hard and/or bugged.

    Thin story. Thin characters.

    Gameplay 5/10

    The gameplay is an auto-chess game and you upgrade/merge units into stronger ones.

    Not much to say beyond that. There's like 5-6 levels and you auto battle your way to victory.

    The last queen battle is way too hard. The one time I got to her and won, it bugged out and forced me to fight again and I lost. Then I can't even get to her anymore. The stars have to align and you have to get the correct composition of units/items in the right order to win fights.

    Art 3/10

    The art's quite nice as you can see (and it's what drew me to this game). But the Live2D part is just... bad. The loop doesn't even loop correctly in some places. After you fill up your "meter", if you know what I mean, it takes like 20-30 seconds before something happens. I don't know if this is lag or what. It's just poorly executed.

    Overall 3/10

    It's a very basic game with not a lot to do. There's literally 6 battles and you're done.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    As a regular game, it's ok, it has somewhat intriguing battles, the idea of leveling up troops and seeing different types of them is cool. Art is nice as well.

    However the story is not really interesting, go to the battle -> win -> get a reward -> move on and repeat. Quantity of h-scenes are on the low side. MC is pretty much a walking doll, he just exist as a mean to progress the story and that's it.

    Overall, the gameplay is better than the story/sex part.
  5. 4.00 star(s)

    KiRA (Nahid)

    Yeap. The game was excellent. I am a sucker for this type of game. I really enjoyed it. However, the game would have been more enjoyable if the game had more scenes. It was a very good game. Good job developers. Keep up the good work.
  6. 4.00 star(s)

    Bob Bee

    Overall 4/5, a simplified autochess like game that still has quite a bit of strategy which I found quite enjoyable though a little grindy

    Gameplay 4.5/5, a modified autochess that is simplified for single player. Personally in the late game I found myself strategizing in order to win fights which i found enjoyable, however I do feel that it is quite RNG and grind dependent.

    Story 2.5/5, A simple story with the amnesiac MC, its average at best

    Characters 3/5, Characters with very good base but not given enough time or dialogue

    H Scene 3/5, AI generated, looks good but can be off and inconsistent at times

    Notes, the UI looks good, but is really poorly designed, this includes your most pressed button being on the upper left of the screen along with dragging and dropping items and units feeling clunky
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    Animations are terrible they dont even loop when you click in one spot. Units are RNG and you can just get royally screwed by not being able to evolve units because you just didn't get the proper dupes.

    Waste of time, better off looking for a full save or something.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    4/5 gameplay, 3/5 h scene.

    This game manage to do the impossible feat of having a pretty decent gameplay to back up its h content and I quite enjoy it. There's plenty of variety on the units and skill tree that you can use but because level are understandably scarce, they had to turn up the difficulty quite abit with each level you go through. Imo, I think leveling down evolve requirement from 3 to 2 of the similar unit can fix this, but its not that big of a deal if you know which unit to invest in early on.

    Here's some tips:

    -From what I can tell dark elf, elf and demon has some of the most busted skills in their arsenal that goes well with some item, for late game I recommend investing in kingdom type unit. Usually my go to strategy is to get a thick zombie as a tanker, an elf healer and whatever unit I manage to evolve to deal damage. After I unlock magician, I would switch elf into the fire elf role (you'll get an item that goes really well with her later on) and use magician type unit as healer (paired with a magician type healing item) instead.

    -Make sure to use the path that has the most amount of shop and you'll be evolving units at a faster rate

    -Don't bother with "?" tile, the rewards aren't that worth it for the risk it gives

    With that out of the way, the reason why I give h scenes a 3/5 is because its just a simple animated video that you click on repeatedly (albeit it still looks pretty good, but if I want to watch a video I'd rather go to a hentai steaming site). The h scenes also takes awhile to move on to the next scene and you can't skip it.

    Overall, fun game with an average h scene. Would recommend.
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    Looks nice at first.
    But as you "progress" everything gets more and more random.
    Sometime you loose at the 1st or 2nd stage, sometime you make it to the end. (There is no middle ground!)
    If you make it to the end it's still a toss of coin if you win or loose.

    All in all it's just a waste of time.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Nice to see the rare H game that actually has decent gameplay to it alongside some great scenes.

    Gameplay is sort of a mix between Slay the Spire and TFT with the battle portion being TFT. It's not very challenging in terms of difficulty but it at least makes you stop and think every now and then.

    Scenes are very good looking and have short looping animations and longer orgasm animations but the voice acting is pretty nonexistent outside some small moans. I really do not like when you're forced to click during scenes to play the animation, it's especially janky in this game with it going back to the idle animation for a moment every time it loops even if you're spam clicking.

    I'd give it a 4.5/5 just because the H scene mechanic with clicking is obnoxious but otherwise it was very enjoyable and I'll round up to a 5.
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    Game with potential to be really really good.

    - fun gameplay, i mean its slay the spire with simple unit managament you cant go wrong with that, unless moving around windows and using UI is poorly done, which in this game is. It feels outdated and unpleasant to navigate around it, it is playable but its years behind modern games of this type

    - very nice art

    - weak H scenes, animations are poorly made and we just click on body part till meter is full, you cannot skip and make them faster, some are really slow

    - ok story, its simple with good theme
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    version 1.0

    Jesus christ, the grind for the later levels is so f*cking stupid, the skills can be selected only with limited slots, you need to manually purchase skill slots otherwise you can't use the skills you just unlocked, and each next upgrade costs double the last one...

    Also, the H-scenes were created by a goddamn psychopath - mash left click to fuck the captured prisoners? Really? Also, clicking fast in the menus and skipping dialogue can glitch the entire game??? No ammount of fluid Unity H-scenes is going to change my mind, this is bad

    combat - 5/5, difficulty- 0/5, grind - 0/5, H-scenes 0/5, please do not waste your time.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Version 0.3

    This game is actually a lot of fun. There is a lot of potential here, and the game is already in a pretty good state gameplay and UI wise. Seems like the only thing really missing is more content which I'll be looking forward to. Right now there is only the tutorial and a little bit of the first chapter. But it nicely introduces you to the mechanics and lets you have some fun with it. I had to pay more attention and retry after my first attempt because I lost to the last encounter.

    Good stuff. Also fun to recognize the merchant!