Overall 3/5. Reminds me of a "safe" AAA game / Hollywood movie where decisions are made by a marketing team chasing trends instead of creatives expressing their vision. Visually very pleasing but content is very shallow and predictable, it's not bad, just really generic. Play for the porn and skip the story.
Story 2.5/5. Set in a fantasy world where the "magic" aspects aren't set up properly, making it more of a writer's tool for convenience. Story wise its a very generic and predictable harem story, overall the poor writing and many plot convenience kept me from enjoying the game
Character 2/5. Just like the story, really generic and predictable. They do a lot of things right such as having backstory, personal interest, and conflicts. However it felt very bland and never got me invested in any of them.
Visual 4.5/5. This is where it truly shines, really high quality with lots and lots of renders in many different environments
Adult Content 4/5. Carried by the visuals but lacking on the content. If you want good looking scenes, this is it, but if you want good build up and connections, then look elsewhere.
Note. This game has good voice acting, but voice acting doesn't reall matter if the story is bad