Unity - Forgotten Lectures - Fall of a Dynasty - The Beginning [S1.1.02] [ForgottenLectures]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    I really don't get the point of this project in his current state.

    This seems to be a demo without any NSFW content that could be added later with some sort of patch (?).

    It's a pity because the world building is pretty good and the characters are interesting.

    You have the constant feeling that everyone is having fun while your MC is clueless and in the dark for most of the time.

    Not a pleasant experience overall.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    I really want to like this game and it starts really well... and never goes anywhere. It's so long not going anywhere. There's a pretty good story here potentially, which makes it all the more frustrating that nothing happens. There's some clever politics and even world building, but I kept feeling I must have some 'safe for work' mode on as so much of the game is so painfully pointless. Women throw themselves at you, pose provocatively, and you do nothing. End scene. And my god do I hate the sandbox. There isn't even a grind that I can see. It's just a skinner box of short scenes were you have to click 1 of 3 locations and only 1 will maybe advance the story. And there is no BACK if you picked the wrong thing. It is so unsatisfying. It is painful as you sink more time into nothing happening. You seem a somewhat decent character from a religious planet going to marry the future empress, who turns out to be super hot and even kind of cool... though also maybe a slutty priestess in a sex cult? Idk, there's always so much implied without confirmation. Your future wife seems to be encouraging you to have a harem and for you to bang her cohort of amazon guards - who are totally into you, and who she may have been doing since a kid, but nothing ever happens. You literally maybe, maybe have a threesome with her and one of her guards, but you don't get to see it or remember it if you did. You blacked out and just wake up in bed together for nothing else to happen. People have sex in the background more than you ever get to as a farmboy who may be morally opposed on a promiscious planet, but even that is more implication and trying to make sense of nothing happening over and over as you look for what clickable might have exposition that may get you somewhat closer to something worthwhile happening. I have yet to have something worthwhile happen. You are constantly treading water at a glacial pace you are practically screaming at the screen to get the main character to swim, and it's not happening. There is the potential for so many cool things to happen, and you just don't.

    It's all so, so passive.

    If this thing was a 1/10th of the length and introduced the characters I'd think it was a great start and probably rate it 5 stars. As it stands I feel like I'm in an intro that never, ever ends, or a fighting game that promises you they'll come up with a fight system, that's still being developed, and will be added later.

    To me this game is backwards, and I would much rather play the high tech dude on a religious planet cozying up to the innocent girls than be the innocent boy surrounded by slutty people daring you to do things you never, ever do. But doing ANYTHING would be better than the wealth of nothing you are bombarded with. So much content, that goes nowhere.

    There's some good stuff here and the roots of a good story, but my god, patch in some actual content! Everyone seems to be having more fun in this game than the main character. You play the most boring person in the game.