RPGM - Completed - Former Assassin's Rescue Mission - Sneaking Into Thieves' Hideout Alone [v1.0] [yaminabedaiichikantai]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    :( Turnbased combat RPG Game, with dungeon exploring, midbattle fuck.
    This is an assasin type game, attack enemies from the back which is challenging, but the enemies are the same design and reused in every levels. I did not enjoyed the game. :confused:
    The main protagonist design is Ok. too bad, The game is small and short , so not really many H-scenes. :rolleyes:
    And of course the story is common. :whistle:
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    This game is terrible. It's a really basic H-game but like a cheap version of those H stealth games. The story is plain and just like the title said. The map design is lazy and similar to other maps.... There is no unique in this game. Everything is just like a copy-paste but with lazy design.

    H-scenes are bad. I have no feeling to them. You fight, the enemy use H-skill (you get raped). If you win, good job. If you lose, another H-scenes. It's just time consuming. And there's no char development or anything, just a plain assassin who will get raped and humiliated. I can't even remember her name.

    The game begins with 1 cut scene, then that's all. You go into a cave and when you clear the cave that's the end game. Everything is cave, cave and cave. :D

    So yeah, this will waste your time. Do something instead. I gave it 1 star for the hard work of translators and that's it. No more.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    This is a very basic H RPG game with very repetetive non-H mechanics and not much else. It took me a little more than an hour to finish and there is no reason I would again.

    Yes, there is technically one, but the title alone explains it all.

    You play as an assassin. Hitting bandits from behind will oneshot them without an acutal battle encounter, which speeds things up.

    The dungeons are incredible boring and bland. There is nothing to see and nothing to do outside killing bandits. Opening chests are not worth it. They only drop potions and other battle related consumables, you dont really need. After some floors you will encounter a boss that you have to fight.

    There are only 2 enemy models, bandits and their bandit boss, reused in tiers. You go from regular bandits to veteran bandits to master bandits, etc.

    Fights are never challenging or interesting. You shower them with your strongest attack and heal yourself back up.

    Bandits can grab you during battle, triggering a bland rape scene. Each bandit tier only has one repeated rape scene.

    Loosing also triggers one additional rape scene.

    Its not worth collecting these. There is a recolleciton room, where you can rewatch them.

    Art and kinks
    This game has very basic but ok art. Your character looks really stiff, because her face is the only thing that can change.

    The CG scenes contain barely more than rape and group rape.

    All in all I gave it 2 stars. I would even consider giving it only one star, but I at least managed to beat this game before I was completedly bored out. I know you're not supposed to compare it to other games, but this feels like a "please let me copy your homework" meme in comparison to another RPGM game where you play as an assassin girl on a rescue mission. A heavily downgraded homework, though.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    Enjoy scruffy bandits raping you? That's all this has to offer.

    The stealth mechanics start off interesting, but around the time the backgrounds change to wood, all the guards get randomized movements that make it a matter of luck, not skill, to get stealth kills.
    The art work is reasonably skilled.

    Too long (five dungeons of seven floors each), too much random movement by guards, too much glorification of rape especially in the lengthy text.