
Game Developer
Feb 23, 2018
Here is the save. I fixed it, but I still don't know what caused it. Do you remember what the last scene you did was?


Game Developer
Feb 23, 2018
I never looked there, thank you, by the way, are these two people in the game right now?
They are not yet. In hindsight, I shouldn't have added that, but it is what it is. There is content for them coming down the pipeline though.


Dec 11, 2019
Game looks interesting however I'll revisit it when you have some content because not being able to do anything while you wait for events to trigger is not fun in anyway..... I mean shouldn't you be able to go to your job and earn money at the very least or workout at the gym, maybe increase intelligence by reading a book, something anything...

You can play the game online at but it's only v0.3
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Game Developer
Feb 23, 2018
I have been looking for this bug for like, 2 weeks. I genuinely cannot find it.

Brown, do you know what scene you last played?


Sep 12, 2017
Last Harper scene won't trigger for me. I go there Saturday morning, and the indicator is pink, but no scene loads.


Mar 28, 2017
Totally random, but LOVE the interpertation of Cain in this. Guy was my favorite frenemy/rival growing up and the one who got me into roleplaying!

|Edit:| Which, prolly needs a little context. lol Never knew who he really was, but used to post on this Yahoo Groups freeform roleplay board when young, set in WWI armistace to WWII era, only players took on the role of agents of Heaven and Hell, working as agents on both sides. Me as Lazaraus (cursed to eternal life) turning down Michael/Churchill and him (cursed to eternal death) turning down Lucifer/Goebbels, sorta just did our own thing on the back streets of New York fighting eachother or together against agents of both of them. Fun times. Hadn't thought of it in years. XD First time really getting immersed in another setting and story though, all thanks to some random stranger on the internet!
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Alea iacta est

Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2019
I do not understand those games where offers a rich map... and then...

you click on each item and:
1709457756802.png 1709457783788.png 1709457808305.png

you click click click.. and there is nothing to do..

Who on Earth thinks that this is a decent user experience... ??!?!?!?

You allow the click, if there is some actions or something to do.. no frustrate the fuck out everybody just mindless clicking.

UX (user experience) lesson 0.1.


New Member
Jul 18, 2019

I can't see the images, the following appears: <img src="Media/House/Rooms/"Mom Room".jpg" width="75%">

How do I fix it?


Aug 3, 2017
I like the concepts and story themes but Game is too much pain to actually play or bugged, sorry to say. For instance mother character doesn't appear on Wed afternoon in her office as the tracking says. But even if she is there, why only Wed afternoon? Why not the whole weekdays afternoon? This game at this stage just suffers similar issues as many other sandbox games, not respecting player's time. I read there are ambitions to fill all the various places with content but if those content are not ready yet, the places do not have a place in the game. Do we really need 5 separate time of a day, especially as "noon" and "aft" are the same thing, why split that into two different times? If you insists on the game in a week calander with every character only appearing on specific time on a day, a quick fix is to give us quick way to toggle the specific day and time instead of needing to spam sleep on home, and slight rework on ui to allow toggle on all active characters that have content, display on the right. Save us unnecessary clicks and navigations as much as possible. Respect player time.
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