
Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2018
It should be noted that they did not start with 20k a month. The game is pretty big , by the time they had the money I suspect there was a choice do we start over or deal with the structure already being used. We already know the answer as our resident coders have pointed out they are still trying to make it work and most likely are confined by the choice they had to have made. That is my hunch.

MC's Hammer

Apr 23, 2018
What? I've seen this logic before and it doesn't make sense. More money should directly scale to larger updates as they should be able to purchase better tools, some extra staff or other things to help out. Not sure how you can say 240k a year isn't enough to upscale.
Complaining about a free game is the only logic that doesn't make sense. Recognize people pay to support development. Once it's finished, support will surely drop. Little incentive to actually finish a game in a timely manner, wouldn't you agree?

I would love to have the opportunity to save lots of money.. do you know how much easier my life would be?

If you can make a porn game and rake in big $$… you're a legend and nothing less.
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Deleted member 225296

farm_script.rpy has a 2000 line "elif" chain because the programmer does not know what a loop is. The game takes about 15 seconds to start after you click on the exe because there's probably some stupid stuff happening in the code. No other RenPy game I've played even comes close to taking that long to start.
If you are referring to how he handles the 99 "cows"... Dude, that's something akin to handling very old shell scripts where you don't have the luxury of arrays. Even then, I still managed to significantly reduce the number of repeated code in that script by just looking at the implementation.
Not only he doesn't know about loops, but he also doesn't know anything about arrays either.

I know 100% that the programmer hired someone else to code the book 3 maze room stuff for him. That uses classes and I'm pretty sure the programmer does not know what a class is either.
Man... I would request a refund if that's the case. I only mentioned how the minigame is broken, but there are far more stuff broken in that code, such as some rooms not resetting the visit counter (again likely because of duplicate code) and therefore preventing you from triggering hostile encounters ever again after your 6th visit.

There are even some bugs that come from the fact that he only uses one letter for character objects.
Example, in book 3, in one of the dream sequences, you hallucinate of Ty Lee, but when she speaks, it's marked as Toph because in the code it's written as:
t "Text"
Honestly, if the developer wishes to "sell" this game after it's done, he will need to write the code from scratch.
He also needs to consider using localized keys instead of string literals if he ever plans on allowing others to translate the game. You can easily do that with Python by using a dictionary with the key being the localized key and the value the localized string.

Not trying to bash the game or anything as it's one of very few Ren'Py "games" around that I even bother to play, in fact I wouldn't mind helping the developer redesign his codebase and he could pay me whatever he deems worth once it's all finished. However I am a bit a concerned about my anonymosity as people have a relative knowledge of who I am from some of my projects, mostly mods for other AAA games. I would prefer to remain anonymous when dealing with adult projects for obvious reasons.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2018
Sell the game? to whom would they legally be able to sell it too. I am pretty sure the likenesses are copyrighted already. They are operating in the grey area called fair use. It like a fund raiser that provides booze to the people showing up or food for that matter. They can solicit donations but they can't legally sell anything. That is how it works in the States not sure how they go about it in Europe. They could license the likenesses but I am pretty sure as popular as the show was those costs would be exorbitant. Not impossible but highly unlikely imo.

Barkin 10

Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2016
Did you not watch Korra? I mean, I know the first two season of Korra are pretty bad but the third season really turned out well.
Funny. I thought just the opposite. I thought the first was okay and then it just got worse. By the end of the third season I just gave up on it entirely. I never even bothered watching the fourth season.

Deleted member 225296

Sell the game? to whom would they legally be able to sell it too. I am pretty sure the likenesses are copyrighted already. They are operating in the grey area called fair use. It like a fund raiser that provides booze to the people showing up or food for that matter. They can solicit donations but they can't legally sell anything. That is how it works in the States not sure how they go about it in Europe. They could license the likenesses but I am pretty sure as popular as the show was those costs would be exorbitant. Not impossible but highly unlikely imo.
That's why I wrote "sell" not sell.
By that I meant releasing a gold version rather than the typical alpha ad infinitum that plagues patreon games.
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Mar 16, 2018
It should be noted that they did not start with 20k a month. The game is pretty big , by the time they had the money I suspect there was a choice do we start over or deal with the structure already being used. We already know the answer as our resident coders have pointed out they are still trying to make it work and most likely are confined by the choice they had to have made. That is my hunch.
Its damned if they do and damned if they don't. Already built the game on wonky foundations and now if they tried to rebuild people would probably (and be fair in doing so) lose their minds. But they likely have to grind through the code to push any update.


Aug 18, 2017
The coder is also the one who writes the whole story for this game at the same time. I'm sure they will fix everything up once the game is fully released but if you guys think you can do a better job just switch with him. Tell that Mity directly... complaining here about code errors is pointless.


Oct 14, 2016
I'm sure they will fix everything up once the game is fully released
You're insane and/or you've never programmed anything, there's no way they're going to refactor the entire game after it is already finished and released in a usable state.

And spaghetti code really is a productivity killer, people aren't being flippant or pedantic about pointing it out. I also think it's insane to think they'd divide the money they're getting three ways just so they can have faster release times EVENTUALLY. It would take a while to rewrite or write from scratch a replacement for everything they've done meanwhile they're in the final stretch of the game so doing so may in fact save zero time. Why slow things down and divide profits when the end user doesn't understand or personally experience the consequences of the poor code?


Aug 18, 2017
You're insane and/or you've never programmed anything, there's no way they're going to refactor the entire game after it is already finished and released in a usable state.

And spaghetti code really is a productivity killer, people aren't being flippant or pedantic about pointing it out. I also think it's insane to think they'd divide the money they're getting three ways just so they can have faster release times EVENTUALLY. It would take a while to rewrite or write from scratch a replacement for everything they've done meanwhile they're in the final stretch of the game so doing so may in fact save zero time. Why slow things down and divide profits when the end user doesn't understand or personally experience the consequences of the poor code?
I programmed enough but thanks calling me insane. I take that one. You can't compare renpy with other things such as building something with c++. It's a lot easier and it can be done very quickly. Fixing the code isn't much harder it just takes time. Also they don't prioritize the profit but rather the quality of the final product. Mity mentioned that quite a few times already.

But as I mentioned, it won't change anything if you complain here. If you dislike something tell it Mity personally. You can reach him through PM.

Even though the code might be a mess currently, the coder still does a great job in my opinion for delivering story and code at the same time. If you also consider his private situation as well you can simply calculate 1 and 1 together.

Deleted member 225296

... or personally experience the consequences of the poor code?
Everything that isn't visual novel is currently broken (in some way or another).
The reason I started looking at the game's code was because I started noticing tons of odd things with the game's behavior (started on book 2 and peaked at book 3).

You want to treat it as a visual novel and ignore the actual "gameplay".
As such, they should either just outright remove all those gameplay elements from the game as there is no point in keeping them in such a broken state or rewrite, as trying to fix this mess with the current codebase will likely create even more issues.

This is just my opinion though, I am not complaining. I've just pointed out this as a likely cause for a smaller update. Their coder has no previous experience and at the same time has to implement new stuff into a dumpster fire.

The author is also free to contact me in private as I wouldn't mind helping rewrite the game, even as pro bono.


The guy above me likely haven't looked at the game's code. There is a lot and I mean a lot of copy pasted and badly written code.
Otherwise I would've fixed and cleaned up everything by now on my own.

And modern C++ can be almost as easy as Python, if you are familiar with the new standards and code properly. I've been writting SKSE plugins for Skyrim mods and I very much prefer writting C++ over Papyrus.
Point is, bad code can be written in any language, hell, even in pseudo-code.


Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2017
Man... Asami is my favorive girl all time, but those legs need to be redrawn....
You mean this scene?
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You'd only need to play the game once to know there's no doubt about what you're saying. Would the game benefit from a better coder; from Mity not having a tendency to draw chubby girls and a better knowledge of drawing feet; from an artist specialized in background drawing?
Sure as hell it would. But if you were Mity, would you lower your income by hiring people, if you know besides all flaws you can deliver a product, people are willing to spend their money on? The mini games are unimportant enough for people to not care and judging by the comments here and on patreon most people are incapable to solve the easiest puzzles or to even bother read the text in this game.
As much as I would like to have a more refined game, more challenging quests and minigames, as much do I know, it would be wasted for the audience of this game.

We know there will be some kind of epilog, a small book 5 if you will but I'm hoping we will also get something like Akabur did with his gold version for Princess Trainer. Book 1 needs a rework, a lot of the scenes could be improved with small adjustments, bugs could be fixed. So far Mity hasn't said a final word on this matter but I fear without more people asking him for something like that he will move on to another project. (And I can understand that too.)

I'm not sure how open Mity is to modding his game though.
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Aug 18, 2017
The guy above me likely haven't looked at the game's code. There is a lot and I mean a lot of copy pasted and badly written code.
Otherwise I would've fixed and cleaned up everything by now on my own.

And modern C++ can be almost as easy as Python, if you are familiar with the new standards and code properly. I've been writting SKSE plugins for Skyrim mods and I very much prefer writting C++ over Papyrus.
Point is, bad code can be written in any language, hell, even in pseudo-code.
I haven't seen the games code yet you're right but usually someone's code is unique to him no matter how bad it looks for others. Every programmer has its own style of writing so maybe he knows where to find what he's looking for. That was my point.

Deleted member 225296

I haven't seen the games code yet you're right but usually someone's code is unique to him no matter how bad it looks for others. Every programmer has its own style of writing so maybe he knows where to find what he's looking for. That was my point.
There are things called conventions and good practices which provide programmers with better coding standards. You are not forced to follow them, but they exist for a reason, more so when you are programming something big, like a game.
The fact that he is not following even the basic ones (the code is not pythonic, procedural over OOP, lots and lots of goto statements in the form of Ren'Py jump, something that we avoid even in an old small language such as C) just shows that this is not "style", but rather lack of experience and knowledge.

Everyone should read this at least once when doing Python (although I follow this for pretty much any other OO language):
>>> import this
The Zen of Python, by Tim Peters

Beautiful is better than ugly.
Explicit is better than implicit.
Simple is better than complex.
Complex is better than complicated.
Flat is better than nested.
Sparse is better than dense.
Readability counts.
Special cases aren't special enough to break the rules.
Although practicality beats purity.
Errors should never pass silently.
Unless explicitly silenced.
In the face of ambiguity, refuse the temptation to guess.
There should be one-- and preferably only one --obvious way to do it.
Although that way may not be obvious at first unless you're Dutch.
Now is better than never.
Although never is often better than *right* now.
If the implementation is hard to explain, it's a bad idea.
If the implementation is easy to explain, it may be a good idea.
Namespaces are one honking great idea -- let's do more of those!
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Aug 18, 2017
If it's really that bad then it's a reason more to contact the dev. I personally don't like renpy to be honest even if it's simple. I'd rather use Delphi/Pascal. The more complex, the better I write personally.
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