ogr blanc

Active Member
May 15, 2019
to me, book 3 then 1 and finally 2, im not really into incest(weird, i know), and the slave route was kinda all over the place to me. but i really enjoyed the love route in 3, specially the supporting cast,


Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2017
Also if MITY knew the update was basically screwed thanks to a failed minigame he should've put the banter aside and say the next build was gonna take weeks to finish instead.
I think they don't really know how long it will take them. To me what matters is it's worth it.


Active Member
Jan 10, 2018
I wonder what everyone's favourite books have been so far. Mines definitely fire.
Depend, i didn't really like the slave route from book 2 (too many people get their hands on Azula here and the conclusion is lazy 'just rape her after beating the shit out of her once' is boring) and book 3 (hypnos plot are so freaking boring especialy when most of the fun is supposed to be the character themself.) but i really liked their love routes while Book one slave route is more solid than the other two slave route but lack overall content and has no real love route.

Book 4's slave route is already the best in the game IMO, cause it avoid the two previous boring cop out for now and has more content and playing a guy with an established family is a change at least, we'll see how it goes.


Feb 4, 2017
Wrote this a month ago...
I mean to be fair I don't think delays like this have been common for this game? I could be wrong but it seems like any delay immediately leads some people (not you) to decide that all of a sudden the game (or the devs) are trash and awful greedy cunts that have given up. Lmao kinda goofy attitude towards the games on this site sometimes, the updates come whenever they are done. It might be a while but they are usually worth it!

Josh Spicer

Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2018
I mean to be fair I don't think delays like this have been common for this game? I could be wrong but it seems like any delay immediately leads some people (not you) to decide that all of a sudden the game (or the devs) are trash and awful greedy cunts that have given up. Lmao kinda goofy attitude towards the games on this site sometimes, the updates come whenever they are done. It might be a while but they are usually worth it!
Yeah. And when we give that same mindset to someone like MITY who has consistently delivered solid content every update for the past I don't know how many years, it gets really foolish.
Feb 5, 2018
Also if MITY knew the update was basically screwed thanks to a failed minigame he should've put the banter aside and say the next build was gonna take weeks to finish instead.
The artist knew/hinted it, you can tell by what he said in one of his previous "art updates".

I mean to be fair I don't think delays like this have been common for this game? I could be wrong but it seems like any delay immediately leads some people (not you) to decide that all of a sudden the game (or the devs) are trash and awful greedy cunts that have given up. Lmao kinda goofy attitude towards the games on this site sometimes, the updates come whenever they are done. It might be a while but they are usually worth it!
They are not known for huge delays but they are consistently 1 week - ½ month late with every update. Despite telling patreons "Early access to all XXX builds (at least one every month!)"

At the end of the year, all these delays put together, is costing us a lot of potential content. Because delays doesn't necessarily mean more content.


Apr 4, 2018
Ive noticed a pretty disturbing trend with their past few updates in that they dont really give any solid info, its usually just the haha witty banter along with "well the dog ate my computer" and a mention that the upcoming build is a thing that exists but really giving no actual information


Jul 23, 2017
Ive noticed a pretty disturbing trend with their past few updates in that they dont really give any solid info, its usually just the haha witty banter along with "well the dog ate my computer" and a mention that the upcoming build is a thing that exists but really giving no actual information
Welcome to their standard practice.

They tried in the past to follow a schedule, but constantly got flak for being over the deadline - often only for a couple days past. So instead they decided to not go with fixed release dates, because they hate the extra pressure it adds and only give out general timeframes for their releases (this one was scheduled for september but the coder messed up bigtime with his grand ambition) which their community respects.
Yet, they manage to pump out quality content every ~2 months, which is admirable, given how long they are already in business. Yes, it used to be a monthly schedule, but that was at a time where the scope for the game was still quite a bit smaller than what it is now and they even said it themselves that they are trying to aim back to a monthly schedule for builds in between the start/end of a route/book, which they did stick relatively close to.
I'll have to say though that their "status report" was basically irrelevant, given it told us absolutely nothing we didn't already know only a couple days after the artist dropped the info - that is time wasted.


Jan 15, 2018
"The artist mentioned that I was working on including a CCG, and man, I really underestimated how long that would take."

No shit sherlock making those will take time a lot of it even more if you dont have anything to base on it. I have seen many just purely card games rise and fall even when all the effort was in. This is getting really old really fast i will admid it could been fun pretty much only minigame i would like, others seems pretty pointless pleas hurry up there are too many blue balls in stake


New Member
Sep 11, 2018
I honestly don´t understand the logic porn devs use when developing games. Nobody wants the stupid minigames. Who has ever asked for these? They just take precious time that could be used for other things.
Exactly...no one is playing this game for the fucking coin game with Meelo...we are jacking off to the art. That is literally the only value.


Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2017
Exactly...no one is playing this game for the fucking coin game with Meelo...we are jacking off to the art. That is literally the only value.
Well, true, but part of the fun is the build up that leads to the fun. If you don't earn your lewd content, the game feels bland to me. That's why I can't understand people using cheats.
Also let's not forget the coder is the main writer for the game and so far the dialogues are not bad.


Jun 27, 2017
Well, true, but part of the fun is the build up that leads to the fun. If you don't earn your lewd content, the game feels bland to me. That's why I can't understand people using cheats.
Also let's not forget the coder is the main writer for the game and so far the dialogues are not bad.
I totally agree. The story content is the build-up, personally the mini-games don't add to the feeling of earning it.
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Well-Known Member
May 22, 2017
I totally agree. The story content is the build-up, personally the mini-games don't add to the feeling of earning it.
Well they ARE games, after all. A little gameplay's nice. I only don't like it when they're obviously padding for time, holding the sexy content at ransom to keep you playing.

Also when the gameplay's broken or super boring.

ogr blanc

Active Member
May 15, 2019
im of two minds, on one hand, i really dislike "press space to move foward" games, games are interactive media, and having to put SOME work on geting to the goods make it more fun/worth the experience. on the other, i really dislike minigames that are there just to waste time.

give me the training sessions, the combat missions and the whole relationship buildup. but please drop the cards, crabs and coin flips. we dont want things that are there without a good reason(as in, not there to point and say "look what our coder was able to do in half an hour!!").
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