
Active Member
Jan 10, 2018
and you're arguing way to hard to justify not including a girl because of a one in a million chance some nobody would make an appearance for no reason what so ever, at least jets in there cause hes hot...and for a gay joke apparently, but what purpose would including spider dude have? like i said im not sayin it's impossible just that it's so unlikely it's not worth worrying about, and if by slim chance mity does ever work on a Teen Titans game it's easily solved by just making comments where mity would see them that if they ever do anything with kitty to not show the spider guy in case any of the players have achrophobia
I'm not saying not to include her, I'm saying that all your argument as to why her boyfriend can't show up simply don't work when you look at what actualy happen in the current game, if anything everything indicate he would likely show up for jokes.

Jet was here to make gay jokes, why wouldn't the other guy be here to make 'monster face' jokes ?
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SOTD: Townes van Zandt - Our Mother The Mountain
Oct 28, 2019
LOL he may have been there in that TV show, then again he wasn't in the game so nu uh.

and to that argument about who should and who shouldn't be in the game, MiTy can just pick whoever they see fit because it's not the TV show. that makes it the more appealing for people like me. i've seen maybe some minutes of some part of the first, with that Aang boy, that about it. can play the game totally ignorant of what others think should be there or not.


New Member
Feb 20, 2019
I'm doing the Korra chapter now and I got a letter to get to the Southern tribe, shady just told me to find a boat and go there but I can't find a boat, where is it ?


Active Member
Jul 28, 2019
F1forhalp the conversation was more about a probable Mity-made Teen Titans game.

a girl some people seem to want in it has a boyfriend in the cartoon, but said boyfriend has a giant spider for a head. As in not just a spider's head, abdomen and legs too.

one of the people did not want it because aracnophobia.

so the conversation went to if he would even appear, since he is just in small scenes involving the girl and she would be stolen in the game anyway why would Mity add him.

then others pointed out some people whose girls were stolen that appear in book 3. Sokka was understandable due to being one of the main characters but Jet appeared too and he was only in some episodes.
(I admit not knowing this as I did not play Love Route Book 3 yet)

so yeah, the argument is not if the characters should be in the game, it is if Mity would add one character if the other was too. In a different, probably future game, but based on what we see in this one.
May 30, 2020
F1forhalp the conversation was more about a probable Mity-made Teen Titans game.

a girl some people seem to want in it has a boyfriend in the cartoon, but said boyfriend has a giant spider for a head. As in not just a spider's head, abdomen and legs too.

one of the people did not want it because aracnophobia.

so the conversation went to if he would even appear, since he is just in small scenes involving the girl and she would be stolen in the game anyway why would Mity add him.

then others pointed out some people whose girls were stolen that appear in book 3. Sokka was understandable due to being one of the main characters but Jet appeared too and he was only in some episodes.
(I admit not knowing this as I did not play Love Route Book 3 yet)

so yeah, the argument is not if the characters should be in the game, it is if Mity would add one character if the other was too. In a different, probably future game, but based on what we see in this one.
Who the fuck cares if some pussy can't handle a spider head? Why would that make creation of the game a problem?


Active Member
Jul 7, 2020
Who the fuck cares if some pussy can't handle a spider head? Why would that make creation of the game a problem?
It wouldn't make the creation of a game a problem. Just the inclusion of one character.

Mostly I just hope that there is a content warning or a way to make it optional. There are other examples of devs making content optional so people don't have to see urination scenes and other stuff people don't like. So the same could be done with spiderboy. If arachnophobia isn't common enough for Mity to care. Then Mity doesn't have to care.

Edit: Also if you're making a porn game then you want to not kill peoples boners. And arachnophobia is probably common enough to consider when including a character. It doesn't have to be a drastic thing, but a game dev can decide if it's worth spending time drawing a character, do you tell the coder to make it optional or just let people grin and bear it.

These kind of considerations are likely made for every uncommon fetish in a game.
NTR doesn't affect me, but given the way some people act, it can actually lose a game dev money to include it.
You realize that MITY always makes traps/futa content optional, right? For this exact same reason.
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Active Member
Jul 7, 2020
Meh, your excuse doesn't work when Bolin and Mako don't show up despite being main characters and you have nobodies like Jet show up, once again in book 3.

You factualy see wrong then.
Whilst I generally agree, since I'm the dude with arachnophobia, I do understand that Jet doesn't set off any common phobias, so Jet's inclusion is far more likely than spider boy.

Honestly as long as there is a way for me to avoid the content, I don't mind if it's in the game. Thanks though.


Active Member
Jul 28, 2019
Trap because Desna looks like his sister and they are always mentioning if the person hitting on you is her or him pretending to be her.

It is the main reason you also have the gay option of having sex with him as a very effeminate guy, or "close your eyes and imagine it is a girl" (which for us outsiders is basically what it does).
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